从前有座山 山里有座庙 庙里有个老和尚和小和尚 有一天 老和尚对小和尚说 在山的那边海的那边有一群蓝精灵 于是 小...
The person always make me laugh is my friend, Lily. My fr...
?老师不会记得有多少学生送过礼物,但是一定记得哪个学生没有送礼~ ?我想变,我想变成一个向日葵,我开心时,像一个太...
You know, 你知道吗? When we cry , 当我们难过时, the weather become ...
They laugh at me, because I'm different. I laugh at them,...
They laugh at me because I'm different;I laugh at them be...
Humour 幽默 Laugh as much as possible, always laugh. It's t...
Smile and laugh more
本文标题:Be free & Laugh