

作者: winnisz | 来源:发表于2017-03-07 17:18 被阅读0次

working copy : a local checked out copy of a repository

分支:you can do your work in the branch you created

tag : 创建一个主干的某个具体版本的快照

one approach :让每个开发人员在自身开发的分支中工作,定期合并每个人的个人改变到主干

another approach: 创建一个独立的分支为主要项目的新版本

It's just copying, mostly

To create a branch or tag, all you need to do is copy the entire trunk folder over to a new subfolder in the branches or tags folder. The easiest way to do this is to browse the repository (not the working copy) and make such a copy there. That way, Subversion can take care of the actual copying, instead of having to transfer the entire contents of the trunk to your local working copy and sending it back to the server again.


Subversion 可以支持你去控制同一个项目的版本用命令行、svn客户机、Coda的Subversion集成和Xcode的综合Subversion支持。

When using our Versions Subversion client with 1.7 set as your default svn library, we will offer to update any working copies you access that are in older formats so you can use 1.7. This will make the working copy incompatible with Subversion 1.6 clients. Nothing will happen to your repository, but if you want to use the same working copy with several clients, make sure they all support using the same release of Subversion.

The big take-away here is to use the same Subversion version across all your servers and clients to avoid any headaches.

A branch or tag is simply a copy of the trunk, or in some cases another folder, in your Subversion repository. To create one, use the “Browse” view to navigate to the right place in your repository and drag the trunk of your project to the “branches” folder while holding down the “Option” key on your keyboard. When you drop the trunk, a dialog will open asking you to name your new tag or branch.


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