名言 - 保罗格雷厄姆 (2)

名言 - 保罗格雷厄姆 (2)

作者: 阿和努力中 | 来源:发表于2019-10-04 13:31 被阅读0次


    "Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

    - Alan Kay

    “不要担心其他人会怎么做。 预测未来的最好方法就是创造未来。”

    - 艾伦 · 凯


    "But the audience is right. They're always, always right. You hear directors complain that the advertising was lousy, the distribution is no good, the date was wrong to open the film. I don't believe that. The audience is never wrong. Never."

    - William Friedkin, in a NYT interview

    “但是观众是对的。 他们永远,永远是对的。 你听导演们抱怨广告太差劲,发行不好,开片日期不对。 我不相信。 观众从来不会错。 从来不会。”

    - 威廉·弗莱德金在纽约时报的采访中说


    "Dealing with failure is easy: Work hard to improve. Success is also easy to handle: You've solved the wrong problem. Work hard to improve."

    - Alan Perlis

    “对待失败很容易: 努力工作,不断提高。 对待成功也很容易: 解决掉错误问题。 努力工作,不断提高。 ”

    - 艾伦 · 佩里斯


    "Frankly, I don't think you could have driven a needle up my sphincter using a sledgehammer."

    - Col. Barry Horne, F-117 pilot, on first mission over Baghdad


    - 巴里 · 霍恩上校,F-117飞行员,在巴格达上空执行首次任务


    "Two centuries later a most clear-sighted historian of the Second Crusade can find space in a short narrative to record on many occasions the flattery, perjury, perfidy, blasphemy, heresy, arrogance, servility, deceit, pride, cunning and infidelity of the Greeks."

    - R. W. Southern, The Making of the Middle Ages


    - R. W. Southern 《中世纪的形成》


    "The imagination of nature is far, far greater than the imagination of man."

    - Richard Feynman


    - 理查德 费曼


    "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding."

    - Brandeis


    - 布兰代斯


    "People who read Cosmopolitan magazine are very different from those who do not."

    - Donald Berry, Statistics: A Bayesian Perspective


    - 唐纳德 · 贝里,《统计学: 贝叶斯观点》


    "The art of handling university students is to make oneself appear, and this almost ostentatiously, to be treating them as adults...."

    - Arnold Toynbee, Experiences


    - 阿诺德 · 汤因比,《经历》


    "Americans spend an average of four hours a day watching TV, an hour of that enduring ads. That adds up to an astounding 10% of total leisure time; at current rates, a typical viewer fritters away three years of his life getting bombarded with commercials."

    - Scott Woolley, Forbes

    “美国人平均每天花四个小时看电视,其中一个小时是持续的广告。 以目前的速度,一个看电视的人一生中有三年时间被广告狂轰滥炸。”

    - 斯科特 · 伍利,福布斯



          本文标题:名言 - 保罗格雷厄姆 (2)
