Tao is a hollow vessel,
And its use is inexhaustible!
Like the fountain head of all things,
Its sharp edges rounded off,
Its tangles untied,
Its light tempered,
Its turmoil submerged,
Yet dark like deep water it seems to remain.
I do not know whose Son it is,
An image of what existed before God.
-- Lin Yutang 林语堂
The Way is like an empty vessel,
That yet may be drawn from,
Without ever needing to be filled.
It is bottomless, the very progenitor of all things in the world.
In it all sharpness is blunted,
All tangles untied,
All glare tempered,
All dust smoothed.
It is like a deep pool that never dries,
Was is the child of something else? We cannot tell.
But as a substanceless image it existed before the Ancestor.
-- Arthur Waley 亚瑟·威利