1、request for freedom left you battered by the storms of persucution
batter 连续击打 a battered car/house 破旧的
battered & staggered(蹒跚、犹豫、动摇)
2、dissident 持不同政见者
3、fresh off board 初来乍到
4、Betty bought a bit better butter.
5、Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in Newyork……相对应
6、he has nothing for which to vote 没什么可以为……投票
7、justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream
9、trials(审判) and tribulations(苦难)
10、have come fresh from narrow jail cells 刚从监狱里出来了
11、veterans 老兵
12、creative suffering
13、 continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering(突然降临的苦难) is redemptive(救赎的,可挽回的).
14、Mississippi (mizzy sipi)
Alabama (el le bama)
Louisiana (luyiz anna)
Carolina(karo laina)
ghetto (getall) slum dogs and millianaires
15、northern (nor zen)
16、wallow(沉迷、打滚) in the valley of despair(p都成b bier的感觉) 沉浸在绝望的山谷(陷入这种绝望的情绪)
wallow in mud/sorrows
①从主句到从句断句 that略读过去
②短语并列的时候, the mannacles of segregation /and the chains of discrimination
④一些明显是要强调的地方要重读: the Negro STILL is not free
⑤比较长的名词主语(前面带各种修饰的)读完要读到动词前 停顿一下(肯定的,因为说话肯定要图顺口、图自己方便)