keywords: 活动识别; 时间序列分类; 传感器网络; 深度学习; keras
- 论文中使用了人体穿戴的加速度计和IMU传感器数据,仅采用加速度、陀螺仪、磁力计三类共110个传感器信号。
# col number of sensor signals
acc_map = {
'RKN^': range(1, 4),
'HIP': range(4, 7),
'LUA^': range(7, 10),
'RUA_': range(10, 13),
'LH': range(13, 16),
'BACK-A': range(16, 19),
'RKN_': range(19, 22),
'RWR': range(22, 25),
'RUA^': range(25, 28),
'LUA_': range(28, 31),
'LWR': range(31, 34),
'RH': range(34, 37),
imu_map = {
'BACK-I': range(37, 46),
'RUA': range(50, 59),
'RLA': range(63, 72),
'LUA': range(76, 85),
'LLA': range(89, 98),
'LSHOE': range(102, 118),
'RSHOE': range(118, 134),
- 论文中使用了Opportunity数据集的两种识别任务locomotion和gesture,对应数据文件中的第244列和第250列。
label_maps = {'locomotion': 243, 'gesture': 249} # label col number of OPP dataset
- 实验对象S1的全部数据,S2与S3的ADL1-3,Drill数据作为训练集,S2与S3的ADL4-5作为测试集。
train_file_opp = ['S1-Drill', 'S1-ADL1', 'S1-ADL2', 'S1-ADL3', 'S1-ADL4', 'S1-ADL5', 'S3-Drill', 'S3-ADL1', 'S3-ADL2', 'S3-ADL3', 'S2-Drill', 'S2-ADL1', 'S2-ADL2', 'S2-ADL3']
test_file_opp = ['S2-ADL4', 'S2-ADL5', 'S3-ADL4', 'S3-ADL5']
def load_feature_label_OPP(file_names, acc_sensors, imu_sensors, label_col):
choose column by the specific sensor lists, load the choosen cols in files and return data in format (feature, label).
@param file_names: list, the file name list of data to be loaded;
@param acc_sensors: list, the sensor list of accelerometers
@param imu_sensors: list, the sensor list of IMU
@return: tuple(ndarray, ndarray), feature and label
pathes = []
for f in file_names:
feature, label = None, None
used_col = []
for sensor in acc_sensors:
if sensor in acc_map:
for sensor in imu_sensors:
if sensor in imu_map:
# count the number of columns used
global cols_used
cols_used = len(used_col)
used_col.append(label_maps[label_col]) # label
print('%d cols we used' % len(used_col))
for p in pathes:
path = os.path.join(base_path, p)
temp = np.loadtxt(path, usecols=used_col, dtype=np.float32)
f, l = temp[:, :-1], temp[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1)
f = linear_interpolation(f)
if label is not None:
feature = np.vstack((feature, f))
label = np.vstack((label, l))
feature, label = f, l
return feature, label
def data_segment(data, window_size, stride_size):
divide the sequence into time window.
@param data: the input sequence.
@param window_size: the size of time window.
@param stride_size: the size of stride step.
@return: the time sequences in format of time window.
result = data[window_size-1::stride_size]
length = result.shape[0]
for i in range(window_size-2, -1, -1):
_data = data[i::stride_size][:length]
result = np.hstack((_data, result))
return result
def get_label(label, window_size, stride_size):
get the last label in time window.
label = label[window_size-1:: stride_size]
return label
def normalization_window(train, test):
normalize the dataset by the mean value and std value after slide window.
Data format - (sample size, time axis, sensor signals, chunnel).
@param train: ndarray, the mean and std value will be computed and used to normalize train and test set;
@param test: ndarray, normalize by the mean and std values of train set.
if train.shape[1:] != test.shape[1:]:
print("data shape error")
for i in range(train.shape[2]):
std = train[:, :, i, :].std()
mean = train[:, :, i, :].mean()
train[:, :, i, :] = (train[:, :, i, :] - mean) / std
test[:, :, i, :] = (test[:, :, i, :] - mean) / std
return train, test
使用5*1的一维卷积核在时间轴上进行卷积,为了使用LSTM层,要在卷积之后调整数据的维度,从(sample size,time axis,sensor signal, chunnel)调整为(sample size,time axis,sensor signal* chunnel),time axis的值就作为LSTM的时间步,经过两个LSTM层之后,将学习到的特征展开为一维,使用softmax层获得活动类别。
def DeepLSTMConv(input_shape,):
structure of neural network.
@param input_shape: tuple, in format (time axis, sensor signals, chunnel).
input_X = Input(shape=input_shape)
x = Conv2D(padding="valid", kernel_size=(5, 1), filters=64, activation='relu')(input_X)
x = Conv2D(padding="valid", kernel_size=(5, 1), filters=64, activation='relu')(x)
x = Conv2D(padding="valid", kernel_size=(5, 1), filters=64, activation='relu')(x)
x = Conv2D(padding="valid", kernel_size=(5, 1), filters=64, activation='relu')(x)
# x = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3, 1))(x)
x = Reshape((x.shape[1].value, -1))(x)
x = LSTM(128 ,return_sequences=True, activation='relu')(x)
x = LSTM(128, return_sequences=True, activation='relu')(x)
x = Flatten()(x)
x = Dense(class_num, activation='softmax')(x)
ColConv = Model(inputs=input_X, outputs=x)
ColConv.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='Adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
return ColConv
def main(file_path, train_info, epochs=64):
col_names = ['dataset', 'label col', 'info', 'epoch', 'window size', 'stride step', 'coverage rate', 'train accuracy',
'train loss', 'test accuracy', 'test loss', 'test f1score', 'run second', 'sensor_id', 'f1scores',
'precisions', 'recalls']
cols = ','.join(col_names) + '\r\n'
if os.path.exists(file_path) == False:
f = open(file_path, 'w')
conv_shape = f_train.shape[1:]
print('Train set: %d, Test set: %d' % (la_tr.shape[0], la_te.shape[0]))
model = DeepLSTMConv(conv_shape)
tr_acc, tr_loss, te_acc, te_loss, te_fscore, run_sec = [0.0] * 6
run_sec = time_spare_test(, f_train, la_tr, batch_size=256, epochs=epochs, verbose=1)
tr_loss, tr_acc = model.evaluate(f_train, la_tr, verbose=0)
print('[%d] Train loss: %f' % (0, tr_loss))
print('[%d] Train accuracy: %.2f%%' % (0, 100*tr_acc))
te_loss, te_acc = model.evaluate(f_test, la_te, verbose=0)
print('[%d] Test loss: %f' % (0, te_loss))
print('[%d] Test accuracy: %.2f%%' % (0, 100*te_acc))
pred = model.predict(f_test)
te_fscore = get_f1_score(pred, la_te)
print('[%d] Test f1-score: %.2f%%' % (0, 100 * te_fscore))
print(get_confusion_matrix(pred, la_te))
fscore_list, precision_list, recall_list = get_prf_mat(pred, la_te)
tr_acc, tr_loss, te_acc, te_loss, te_fscore = ["%.4f" % i for i in [tr_acc, tr_loss, te_acc, te_loss, te_fscore]]
run_sec = str(run_sec)
sensors = 'all'
if dataset == "OPP":
sensors = '"%s"' % (';'.join(acc_sen+imu_sen))
elif dataset == "skoda":
sensors = '"%s"' % (';'.join(map(lambda x: str(x), skoda_sensors)))
fscores = '"%s"' % (';'.join(["%.4f" % x for x in fscore_list]))
pvalues = '"%s"' % (';'.join(["%.4f" % x for x in precision_list]))
rvalues = '"%s"' % (';'.join(["%.4f" % x for x in recall_list]))
result = '%s,'*7 % (dataset, opp_col, train_info, epochs, ws, ss, 1-ss/ws)
result += ','.join([tr_acc, tr_loss, te_acc, te_loss, te_fscore, run_sec, sensors, fscores, pvalues, rvalues])
result += '\r\n'
f = open(file_path, 'a+')