

作者: 2a5e6a04341e | 来源:发表于2018-12-13 22:07 被阅读61次


创新工场董事长兼首席执行官李开复在他的新书《AI·未来》中指出,中美之间的人工智能大战不可避免,而且中国会从中取胜。谷歌前CEO 埃里克•施密特与他的观点类似,他认为中国程序员屡屡在谷歌举办的编程竞赛中获奖足以说明中国人工智能人才的质量。除了人才外,中国还在资金、监管和数据这几个重要因素中更胜一筹。



1. 人名、书名、公司名等的翻译


2. 时态(而且中国会从中取胜)

and China would prevail in the end. 一般过去将来时

3. 同位语的位置


4. 职位的写法


5. 书名、节目名、专辑名等斜体


1. 取胜

be victorious, win out, prevail

2. 中美之间的人工智能大战

the Sino-US AI war

3. 屡屡获奖

multiple awards/ repeated winnings

4. 谷歌举办的编程竞赛

coding competitions/programming competitions/Google Code Jam

5. 足以证明

are well qualified/ is a strong testimony to/ has fully demonstrated the capability of China's talent/ is a good indicator of/ is indicative of

6. 更胜一筹

is superior to/ take the lead in/ has an edge/ has a competitive edge/ gain the upper hand over/ boast other edges/ determinants

7. 与某人所持的观点类似

take a similar line



AI Superpowers, an influential book by Kai-Fu Lee, chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures, argued that an AI war between China and the U.S. is inevitable and China would certainly win. Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google takes a similar line, arguing that Chinese programmers winning  held by Google is a strong testimony to the talents in Chinese AI industry. As well as these talents, China enjoys other factors—capital, supervision and data. 


1. 书名的翻译不够准确,冒号后的不可省略

2. 职位名的翻译,没有大写,也没有定冠词the

3. 时态,上文已提及,不再多说

4. “认为中国程序员屡屡在谷歌举办的编程竞赛中获奖足以说明中国人工智能人才的质量”这句话的翻译不够准确,名词单复数的问题

5. As well as these talents, China enjoys other factors—capital, supervision and data. 这句话中用词和表意不准


AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, an influential book by Kai-Fu Lee, the Chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures, argued that an AI war between China and the U.S. is inevitable and China would prevail in the end. Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google takes a similar line, arguing that Chinese programmers winning Google Code Jam repeatedly is a strong testimony to the caliber of the Chinese software engineers. As well as these talent, China has the edge in a few key areas—capital, regulation and data. (粗体为修改部分)



1. the fact that Chinese software engineers have repeatedly won coding competitions held by Google is indicative of the caliber of the Chinese programmers.

2. arguing that ... is based on the fact that...

3. arguing that ... has fully demonstrated by the fact that...

4. arguing that Chinese programmers have repeatedly won..., sufficiently illustrating the quality of ...


1. 使用平行文本进行大量译写练习

why? 首先,从翻译开始,难度和心理门槛较低;其次,高质量的英文文本更适合进行刻意练习,有助于熟练掌握句式+高频表达

how? 选择适合的平行文本--先不看翻译,阅读中文,做句子译写练习--阅读英文文本,对照自己的句子,看有哪些区别,为什么会有这些区别--选取若干高频表达,查同义词词典和搭配词典

what? 《纽约时报》中文网;《经济学人》商论;高质量英汉汉英读物

Words and Phrases to be picked up

1. Sino:[COMB in ADJ 与形容词构成的词] (加在表示国家的形容词前构成形容词)表示“中国与…的”,“中…的”;Sino- is added to adjectives indicating nationality to form adjectives which describe relations between China and another country. [ADJ n]

e.g. Sino-US relations 中美关系

Sinology/sinologist 汉学,汉学家

2. 锤子科技:Smartisan=Smart+artisan(工匠,手工艺人)

3. 好基友:bromance=bro+romance

4. 全球本土化:glocal=globe+local

5. war V.S. battle:前者长时间;后者一次战斗/战役

经济学人有一期封面文章的标题:war V.S. battle (Winning the battle, Losing the war)

6. 抱大腿:latch on to the rich and powerful/ cling to somebody influential or famous/hitch one's wagon to a star




