

作者: 狐狸儿子的爸爸 | 来源:发表于2020-07-18 00:22 被阅读0次


Here’s why you should share your passwords with your partner

Want to build trust in your romantic relationship? Share your password. A new study by onlinesecurity service Comparitech found that28 percentofmen and 17 percentofwomen trusted their partners more after sharing their social media passwords.

The survey included 1,000 people about how social media played into their relationships. They found that about 47 percent of respondents shared their passwords with their better halves.

“With so much of our lives online these days, from social media usage to video streaming and online banking, sharing a password means placing a lot of trust in another person,” SkylerAcevedo, aComparitech rep,told The Post.“Atthe same time,it’s importantto keep in mind that a misused password can have long-lasting effects and result in more than just relationship issues.”

But some people have taken their partners’online transparency for granted.More than half of participants said they’ve gone through their partner’s messages without their partner’s consent.And, about16 percentofthem ended up catching their significantothers cheating over social media, and 12 percent of couples have broken up because of an online indiscretion.

The Post reported on “microcheating,” behavior on social media that can be seen as infidelity orapath to it.Shady acts include liking asexy Instagramphoto ofan acquaintance or sliding into a stranger’s pictures page. “It just doesn’t make you feel good,” Lindsey Metselaar, founder of the “We Met atAcme” podcast, told The Post. “When you enter a relationship, you have to start thinking about the other person.”


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