2022-05-01 Stop Being a Robot

2022-05-01 Stop Being a Robot

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2022-05-01 19:34 被阅读0次

You can even feel it happen around the same time of day if you pay attention.

It’s hard because it feels like work

It really can start to become exhausting trying to remain focused and alert and completely present throughout every moment of the day.

It makes it hard because it feels as if time has slowed down so much that we end up being keenly aware of every second that passes. We start to notice just how slow time really goes and it can be overwhelming.

It’s like we’re trying to hold some sort of inner breath for as long as possible.
We think — Okay, I am here. I am alert and present and keenly aware of my body and mind. Time has slowed down, and I am able to experience every new moment in its utter fullness.

And we keep thinking like this over and over until our brain is blue.

The problem is that it’s a lot easier to practice this state of mind when you’re already thinking about it. For example, it may be easier for you to try to be present in the very moment you’re reading this right now simply because I’m bringing up the topic.

Same goes for me whenever I read or listen to something telling me to watch my breathing. It’s only when I hear the words that all of a sudden I’m like — *iiiiinhale — *eeexhale — as if that’s how I naturally breathe and just needed the reminder.

It’s easy to do when you’re being told to do it. What’s hard is to carry that state of mind with you after you close the book or take your headphones out.



      本文标题:2022-05-01 Stop Being a Robot
