Support vector machines (SVMs) are a set of supervised learning methods used for classification, regression and outliers detection.
支持向量机算法的核心思想在于找到那个可以最稳健的将样本进行分类的间隔超平面,其稳健性来源于在尽量确保分类正确的前提下,会寻找到可以最大化位于超平面两侧的距离超平面最近的点的间隔 Margin,这些离超平面最近的点被称为支持向量 Support Vector。
在 SVM 中几个比较重要的参数如下:
C:误差项的惩罚系数,用于调节决策边界的平滑程度和分类准确性,C 越大则对于误差的惩罚越大,分类正确的点越多,决策边界越倾向于过拟合
Kernel Functions:对于非线性可分的样本,我们可以通过引入核函数来增加已有的数据的维度,使得其可以被投影到另外一个空间,进而便于实现分割或分类
gamma: 核函数的参数,gamma 越大则分类越准确,例如在高斯核 Radial Basis Function with a Gaussian Kernel 中,我们可以令 z = e-γ(x2+y2) 来实现维度扩增

在清楚了基本概念之后,为了更加深入的理解 SVM 这个算法,先后看了很多关于 SVM 的数学推导的内容,整个推导非常的精彩,但由于涉及到很多数学公式的编辑,后面再找时间把这个过程写下来。
The advantages of support vector machines are:
- Effective in high dimensional spaces.
- Still effective in cases where number of dimensions is greater than the number of samples.
- Uses a subset of training points in the decision function (called support vectors), so it is also memory efficient.
- Versatile: different Kernel functions can be specified for the decision function. Common kernels are provided, but it is also possible to specify custom kernels.
The disadvantages of support vector machines include:
- If the number of features is much greater than the number of samples, avoid over-fitting in choosing Kernel functions and regularization term is crucial.
- SVMs do not directly provide probability estimates, these are calculated using an expensive five-fold cross-validation (see Scores and probabilities, below).
Logistic Regression VS SVMs
当特征的数量 n 与样本的数量 m 相比较大时,如当 n = 10,000 而 m = 10 - 1000,优先选择逻辑回归,或采用线性核 SVM
当特征的数量 n 较小而 m 的数量中等时,如 n = 1 - 1000 而 m = 10 - 10,000 时,采用 Gaussian 核的 SVM
当特征的数量 n 较小而 m 很大时,如 n = 1 - 1000 而 m = 50,000+,由于采用高斯核计算量较大,此时可以考虑增加特征,并采用逻辑回归或线性核 SVM
机器学习的各种算法和模型实际上提供了一个工具组合,我们在实际使用中可能很难仅凭直觉确定哪个模型会给出更好的拟合结果,因此最可靠的方法就是尝试利用训练数据训练多个模型,对应每一个模型选择不同的超参数,在此基础上通过 K-Fold Cross Validation 来选出那个给予最高准确率或评价指标的模型,再通过测试数据进行模型性能评估。
当模型具有多个可选超参数时,例如在 SVM 中,在实际使用中 C 和 gamma 的选择会很大程度上影响分类的结果和决策边界的设定,在 Scikit-Learn 中可以通过采用 Grid Search 的方法来实现最优参数的选择。
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV
"""classifier = svm.SVC(C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0,
decision_function_shape='ovr', degree=3, gamma='auto', kernel='rbf',
max_iter=-1, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True,
tol=0.001, verbose=False)"""
# Split data to train and test on 80-20 ratio
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
# Parameter grid search
param_grid = {'C': [0.1, 1, 10, 100], 'gamma': [1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001]}
# Make a grid search classifier
grid_classifier = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid, verbose=1)
# Train the classifier
grid_classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
# See what are the best parameters
print("Best parameters:\n", grid_classifier.best_params_)
print("Best estimations:\n", grid_classifier.best_estimator_)