Have you ever stood under a waterfall?
At first, all yoy heard would just be buzzing noise.
But if you stay there for a little while
you would find that the noise disappeared
it's not that the whole world just fell into silence
It's just that you have merged into tge world around you.
your heart found its peace
you still hear the sound
but you now feel it with you body and your mind
not your ears
This is what being calm is all about
most of times
we focus too much on physical sensation and we get trapped by it.
but we are humans
we are superior than other animals
because we can think
so the next time you find yourself not able to accomplishsomething
because your mind fewls messed up.
Maybe you should take a breath and think
if you have tried hard enough
Is that really you mind limit?
Or you just give in to what your body is feeling.
