

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-06-28 18:54 被阅读0次

New uses for dogs are being discovered all the time. Dr Claire Guest is CEO of Medical Detection Dogs, she says "although the dog has a fluffy5 coat and a waggy tail, he is in fact a highly sophisticated bio-sensor. You know, evolution has given him this highly sensitive nose, going down to parts per trillion."

It's this incredible ability that has led to the UK's National Health Service assessing whether dogs can be used to detect early stage prostate cancer - vital for improving survival rates.

The dogs - usually from the gundog breed, such as labradors and springer spaniels - are taught to detect a sample of urine from a patient with prostate cancer.

It's also managed to train dogs to detect changes in blood glucose6 levels in people suffering from type 1 diabetes7. One patient, who has one of these medical alert assistance dogs, told the BBC that "in the three and a half years we've been together, he has alerted and potentially saved my life 3,500 times. And he does it all


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