谷歌每日涂鸦-呆妞儿的中文翻译版 2017年6月4日

谷歌每日涂鸦-呆妞儿的中文翻译版 2017年6月4日

作者: 呆妞儿POLO | 来源:发表于2017-06-04 17:32 被阅读0次

    奴丹诞辰 81 周年


    在她的演艺生涯中,她独具特色的,开创性的风格树立并巩固了屡获殊荣的艺术遗产。1947年她获得了莲花装勋章(Padma Shri-是印度政府颁发的第四级公民荣誉奖,授予在艺术、教育、工业、文学、科学、体育、医药、社会服务和公共生活等领域为印度做出杰出贡献的人物-译者注),为了表彰她在电影艺术上的贡献以及荣获了六个印度电影观众奖(Filmfare awards-印度电影观众奖,由印度“电影观众 Filmfare杂志办法的奖项,被称为印度的奥斯卡,始于1954年,每年一度-译者注),其中五个是最佳女主角。她至今仍保持着最年长的获得印度电影观众奖的演员的记录。



    Google Doodles原文


    Nutan’s 81st Birthday

    The conflicted murderess (Bandini). The anguished untouchable (Sujata). The hell-raising orphan (Seema). All memorable characters played by Nutan, a celebrated Indian film actress known for communicating complex emotions using only facial expressions and body language rather than dialogue. An icon of Indian cinema for over four decades, Nutan pioneered powerful women-centric films in an age when male actors dominated the silver screen.

    Over her career, her distinct, groundbreaking style helped solidify an award-winning legacy. She won the Padma Shri in 1974 for her contribution to the Arts and a total of six Filmfare Awards, five of which were for Best Actress. She remains the oldest Indian actress to win a Filmfare award.

    Today’s Doodle reflects Nutan’s expressive acting style on what would have been her 81st birthday. It was hard to sum up her genius in a single portrait, and so we depicted four distinct expressions.

    Happy Birthday, Nutan!



          本文标题:谷歌每日涂鸦-呆妞儿的中文翻译版 2017年6月4日
