

作者: 张麒羽 | 来源:发表于2019-07-13 21:43 被阅读0次

第二十一条 设区的市人民政府可以根据道路交通状况,限定一定区域,对人力三轮车、摩托车实行总量控制。实行总量控制前,应当举行听证会,广泛征求公众意见。

Article 21 The people's government of a city withdistricts may, according to the road traffic conditions, restrict certain areasand impose total control on manpower tricycles and motorcycles. Before theimplementation of total control, a hearing shall be held to solicit publicopinions.

  第二十二条 人力三轮车、电动自行车、残疾人机动轮椅车和省人民政府规定应当登记的非机动车,经公安机关交通管理部门登记后,方可上道路行驶。


Article 22 human tricycles, electric bicycles,handicapped motorized wheelchairs and Non-motor vehicles required to beregistered by the provincial people's government shall be registered on thetraffic management department of the public security organ before driving onthe road.

traffic administrative department of the public securityorgan does not carry out the registration system to the bicycle. However, thebicycle sales unit shall, in accordance with the provisions of the bicyclesales uniform number, knocking out, registration, on a regular basis report to trafficadministrative department of the public security organ for the record.

  第二十三条 电动自行车、残疾人机动轮椅车应当符合国家和地方安全技术标准。


Article 23  Where verified qualificationby The department authorized by the provincial people's government inaccordance with the relevant provisions of the State and the province,the model and safety technicalparameters of the product shall be announced. Where the electric bicycle,disabled motor wheelchair listed in the permission apply for the non-motorvehicle number plate and driving license,trafficadministrative department of the public security organ shall register.


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