

作者: JoyLee05 | 来源:发表于2018-06-24 20:02 被阅读0次

    1. general logic: content, origin(background), process and significance.

    What: Cultural management has an important impact on thesuccess of transnational projects.

    Why: Transnational project is a highly comprehensiveundertaking. It is an economic behavior spanning national boundaries and crossculture. In order to achieve the goal successfully, transnational projects areaffected by many factors, such as human, technology, environment and economy.Among these factors, the influence of culture on management is particularlyprominent. Because as one of the carriers of culture, people are the mostdynamic and creative resources. In a sense, the management of the project meansthe management of people. When the mismatched resources are human, the problemswill be more serious: impeding the operation of the project, affecting theoperating efficiency, and increasing the item.

    How: A summary of the characteristics and complexity oftransnational projects;

    combine with management issues arising from culturaldifferences;

    analyzes the negative impact and positive impact of culturaldifferences on transnational projects.


    point 1: A humanistic culture has a positive impact of corporatesocial performance (CSP).

    Reference: Melo, T. 2012, "Determinants of corporatesocial performance: the influence of organizational culture, management tenureand financial performance", Social Responsibility Journal, vol.8, no. 1, pp. 33-47.

    Point 2: A humanistic approach to culture perform well inCSP because their internal cultural values and beliefs drive them to establisha good relationship with stakeholders.

    Reference: Eskerod, P, Huemann, M, & Savage, G 2015,'Project Stakeholder Management--Past and Present',Project Management

    Journal, 46, 6, pp. 6-14.



