
作者: 刷漆猫咪 | 来源:发表于2019-12-29 10:35 被阅读0次


    GORM 源码解读, 基于 v1.9.11 版本.


    GORM 是 ORM, 所以模型定义是最重要的部分, 这一次来探究下具体实现.

    type User struct {
      Name         string
      Age          sql.NullInt64
      Birthday     *time.Time
      Email        string  `gorm:"type:varchar(100);unique_index"`
      Role         string  `gorm:"size:255"` // 设置字段大小为255
      MemberNumber *string `gorm:"unique;not null"` // 设置会员号(member number)唯一并且不为空
      Num          int     `gorm:"AUTO_INCREMENT"` // 设置 num 为自增类型
      Address      string  `gorm:"index:addr"` // 给address字段创建名为addr的索引
      IgnoreMe     int     `gorm:"-"` // 忽略本字段

    这是官方文档上的一个模型定义. 和普通的结构体类似, 但多了属于 gorm 的 tags.

    所有的模型都应该包含 gorm.Model, 看一下它的定义:

    // Model base model definition, including fields `ID`, `CreatedAt`, `UpdatedAt`, `DeletedAt`, which could be embedded in your models
    //    type User struct {
    //      gorm.Model
    //    }
    type Model struct {
        ID        uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
        CreatedAt time.Time
        UpdatedAt time.Time
        DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index"`

    当然, 这并不是强制要求, 也可以不包含 gorm.Model, 它只是定义了一些非常基础且实用的字段.

    定义表的时候, 文档上介绍了很多预设, 比如默认 ID 是表的主键, 表名是结构体名称的复数等.


    要深入了解模型定义, 要从 ModelStruct 开始:

    // ModelStruct model definition
    type ModelStruct struct {
        PrimaryFields []*StructField
        StructFields  []*StructField
        ModelType     reflect.Type
        defaultTableName string
        l                sync.Mutex

    ModelStruct 定义了模型结构体的轮廓, 包含主键字段的切片, 普通字段的切片, 模型类型, 默认表名.


    ModelStruct 有一个方法获取模型的表名, 看一下它的具体代码:

    // TableName returns model's table name
    func (s *ModelStruct) TableName(db *DB) string {
        defer s.l.Unlock()
        if s.defaultTableName == "" && db != nil && s.ModelType != nil {
            // Set default table name
            if tabler, ok := reflect.New(s.ModelType).Interface().(tabler); ok {
                s.defaultTableName = tabler.TableName()
            } else {
                tableName := ToTableName(s.ModelType.Name())
                if db == nil || (db.parent != nil && !db.parent.singularTable) {
                    tableName = inflection.Plural(tableName)
                s.defaultTableName = tableName
        return DefaultTableNameHandler(db, s.defaultTableName)

    首先, 使用反射检查是否实现了 tabler 接口, 如果实现了, 直接调用 TableName() 方法;
    没有实现就使用 ToTableName 转换表名, 有条件地将表名转换为复数形式;
    最后一步, 对于所有的表名使用 DefaultTableNameHandler 钩子函数进行再次转换.

    看过源码之后, 就能更好的理解文档上关于表名的说明了.


    看一下 StructField 的定义, 即表中的字段是如何表示的:

    // StructField model field's struct definition
    type StructField struct {
        DBName          string
        Name            string
        Names           []string
        IsPrimaryKey    bool
        IsNormal        bool
        IsIgnored       bool
        IsScanner       bool
        HasDefaultValue bool
        Tag             reflect.StructTag
        TagSettings     map[string]string
        Struct          reflect.StructField
        IsForeignKey    bool
        Relationship    *Relationship
        tagSettingsLock sync.RWMutex

    定义了很多字段, 从字段的名字中可以猜测出很多信息, 比如该字段是否是主键等.

    注意到有个 TagSettings 字段, 以及配套的 tagSettingsLock 读写锁.

    // TagSettingsSet Sets a tag in the tag settings map
    func (sf *StructField) TagSettingsSet(key, val string) {
        defer sf.tagSettingsLock.Unlock()
        sf.TagSettings[key] = val
    // TagSettingsGet returns a tag from the tag settings
    func (sf *StructField) TagSettingsGet(key string) (string, bool) {
        defer sf.tagSettingsLock.RUnlock()
        val, ok := sf.TagSettings[key]
        return val, ok
    // TagSettingsDelete deletes a tag
    func (sf *StructField) TagSettingsDelete(key string) {
        defer sf.tagSettingsLock.Unlock()
        delete(sf.TagSettings, key)

    这些方法都是和 TagSettings 有关的, 也可以看作是读写锁 sync.RWMutex 的使用范例.


    func (sf *StructField) clone() *StructField {
        clone := &StructField{
            DBName:          sf.DBName,
            Name:            sf.Name,
            Names:           sf.Names,
            IsPrimaryKey:    sf.IsPrimaryKey,
            IsNormal:        sf.IsNormal,
            IsIgnored:       sf.IsIgnored,
            IsScanner:       sf.IsScanner,
            HasDefaultValue: sf.HasDefaultValue,
            Tag:             sf.Tag,
            TagSettings:     map[string]string{},
            Struct:          sf.Struct,
            IsForeignKey:    sf.IsForeignKey,
        if sf.Relationship != nil {
            relationship := *sf.Relationship
            clone.Relationship = &relationship
        // copy the struct field tagSettings, they should be read-locked while they are copied
        defer sf.tagSettingsLock.Unlock()
        for key, value := range sf.TagSettings {
            clone.TagSettings[key] = value
        return clone

    复制 tagSettingsLock 中的字段时, 也用到了读锁.


    结构体 Relationship 定义了关系类型.

    type Relationship struct {
        Kind                         string
        PolymorphicType              string
        PolymorphicDBName            string
        PolymorphicValue             string
        ForeignFieldNames            []string
        ForeignDBNames               []string
        AssociationForeignFieldNames []string
        AssociationForeignDBNames    []string
        JoinTableHandler             JoinTableHandlerInterface
    func getForeignField(column string, fields []*StructField) *StructField {
        for _, field := range fields {
            if field.Name == column || field.DBName == column || field.DBName == ToColumnName(column) {
                return field
        return nil


    在继续探索如何解析模型定义之前, 先来了解一下 Scope 结构体.


    // Scope contain current operation's information when you perform any operation on the database
    type Scope struct {
        Search          *search
        Value           interface{}
        SQL             string
        SQLVars         []interface{}
        db              *DB
        instanceID      string
        primaryKeyField *Field
        skipLeft        bool
        fields          *[]*Field
        selectAttrs     *[]string

    Scope 是非常重要的一部分, 注释中写道, 当你在数据库上执行任何操作时, Scope 都会记录当前操作的信息.

    // IndirectValue return scope's reflect value's indirect value
    func (scope *Scope) IndirectValue() reflect.Value {
        return indirect(reflect.ValueOf(scope.Value))
    func indirect(reflectValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
        for reflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
            reflectValue = reflectValue.Elem()
        return reflectValue
    // New create a new Scope without search information
    func (scope *Scope) New(value interface{}) *Scope {
        return &Scope{db: scope.NewDB(), Search: &search{}, Value: value}
    // NewDB create a new DB without search information
    func (scope *Scope) NewDB() *DB {
        if scope.db != nil {
            db := scope.db.clone()
            db.search = nil
            db.Value = nil
            return db
        return nil

    Scope 下有很多方法, 先暂时不看. 对它的结构有所了解之后, 回到模型解析上来.


    用户定义模型之后, 就需要解析模型, 而这个工作是在 Scope 范围内完成的, 所以是其上的方法.

    代码很长, 先略览它个大概, 感受一下整体结构.

    // GetModelStruct get value's model struct, relationships based on struct and tag definition
    func (scope *Scope) GetModelStruct() *ModelStruct {
        var modelStruct ModelStruct
        // Scope value can't be nil
        if scope.Value == nil {
            return &modelStruct
        reflectType := reflect.ValueOf(scope.Value).Type()
        for reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
            reflectType = reflectType.Elem()
        // Scope value need to be a struct
        if reflectType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
            return &modelStruct
        // Get Cached model struct
        isSingularTable := false
        if scope.db != nil && scope.db.parent != nil {
            isSingularTable = scope.db.parent.singularTable
        hashKey := struct {
            singularTable bool
            reflectType   reflect.Type
        }{isSingularTable, reflectType}
        if value, ok := modelStructsMap.Load(hashKey); ok && value != nil {
            return value.(*ModelStruct)
        modelStruct.ModelType = reflectType
        // Get all fields
        for i := 0; i < reflectType.NumField(); i++ {
            if fieldStruct := reflectType.Field(i); ast.IsExported(fieldStruct.Name) {
                field := &StructField{
                    Struct:      fieldStruct,
                    Name:        fieldStruct.Name,
                    Names:       []string{fieldStruct.Name},
                    Tag:         fieldStruct.Tag,
                    TagSettings: parseTagSetting(fieldStruct.Tag),
                // is ignored field
                if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("-"); ok {
                    field.IsIgnored = true
                } else {
                    if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("PRIMARY_KEY"); ok {
                        field.IsPrimaryKey = true
                        modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)
                    if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("DEFAULT"); ok && !field.IsPrimaryKey {
                        field.HasDefaultValue = true
                    if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("AUTO_INCREMENT"); ok && !field.IsPrimaryKey {
                        field.HasDefaultValue = true
                    indirectType := fieldStruct.Type
                    for indirectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
                        indirectType = indirectType.Elem()
                    fieldValue := reflect.New(indirectType).Interface()
                    if _, isScanner := fieldValue.(sql.Scanner); isScanner {
                        // is scanner
                        field.IsScanner, field.IsNormal = true, true
                        if indirectType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
                            for i := 0; i < indirectType.NumField(); i++ {
                                for key, value := range parseTagSetting(indirectType.Field(i).Tag) {
                                    if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet(key); !ok {
                                        field.TagSettingsSet(key, value)
                    } else if _, isTime := fieldValue.(*time.Time); isTime {
                        // is time
                        field.IsNormal = true
                    } else if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("EMBEDDED"); ok || fieldStruct.Anonymous {
                        // is embedded struct
                        for _, subField := range scope.New(fieldValue).GetModelStruct().StructFields {
                            subField = subField.clone()
                            subField.Names = append([]string{fieldStruct.Name}, subField.Names...)
                            if prefix, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("EMBEDDED_PREFIX"); ok {
                                subField.DBName = prefix + subField.DBName
                            if subField.IsPrimaryKey {
                                if _, ok := subField.TagSettingsGet("PRIMARY_KEY"); ok {
                                    modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, subField)
                                } else {
                                    subField.IsPrimaryKey = false
                            if subField.Relationship != nil && subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler != nil {
                                if joinTableHandler, ok := subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler.(*JoinTableHandler); ok {
                                    newJoinTableHandler := &JoinTableHandler{}
                                    newJoinTableHandler.Setup(subField.Relationship, joinTableHandler.TableName, reflectType, joinTableHandler.Destination.ModelType)
                                    subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler = newJoinTableHandler
                            modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, subField)
                    } else {
                        // build relationships
                        switch indirectType.Kind() {
                        case reflect.Slice:
                            defer func(field *StructField) {
                                var (
                                    relationship           = &Relationship{}
                                    toScope                = scope.New(reflect.New(field.Struct.Type).Interface())
                                    foreignKeys            []string
                                    associationForeignKeys []string
                                    elemType               = field.Struct.Type
                                if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                                    foreignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
                                if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATION_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                                    associationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
                                } else if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                                    associationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
                                for elemType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || elemType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
                                    elemType = elemType.Elem()
                                if elemType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
                                    if many2many, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("MANY2MANY"); many2many != "" {
                                        relationship.Kind = "many_to_many"
                                        { // Foreign Keys for Source
                                            joinTableDBNames := []string{}
                                            if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("JOINTABLE_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                                                joinTableDBNames = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
                                            // if no foreign keys defined with tag
                                            if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
                                                for _, field := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
                                                    foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.DBName)
                                            for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                                                if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                                                    // source foreign keys (db names)
                                                    relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.DBName)
                                                    // setup join table foreign keys for source
                                                    if len(joinTableDBNames) > idx {
                                                        // if defined join table's foreign key
                                                        relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, joinTableDBNames[idx])
                                                    } else {
                                                        defaultJointableForeignKey := ToColumnName(reflectType.Name()) + "_" + foreignField.DBName
                                                        relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, defaultJointableForeignKey)
                                        { // Foreign Keys for Association (Destination)
                                            associationJoinTableDBNames := []string{}
                                            if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATION_JOINTABLE_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                                                associationJoinTableDBNames = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
                                            // if no association foreign keys defined with tag
                                            if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                                                for _, field := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
                                                    associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.DBName)
                                            for idx, name := range associationForeignKeys {
                                                if field, ok := toScope.FieldByName(name); ok {
                                                    // association foreign keys (db names)
                                                    relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, field.DBName)
                                                    // setup join table foreign keys for association
                                                    if len(associationJoinTableDBNames) > idx {
                                                        relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationJoinTableDBNames[idx])
                                                    } else {
                                                        // join table foreign keys for association
                                                        joinTableDBName := ToColumnName(elemType.Name()) + "_" + field.DBName
                                                        relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, joinTableDBName)
                                        joinTableHandler := JoinTableHandler{}
                                        joinTableHandler.Setup(relationship, many2many, reflectType, elemType)
                                        relationship.JoinTableHandler = &joinTableHandler
                                        field.Relationship = relationship
                                    } else {
                                        // User has many comments, associationType is User, comment use UserID as foreign key
                                        var associationType = reflectType.Name()
                                        var toFields = toScope.GetStructFields()
                                        relationship.Kind = "has_many"
                                        if polymorphic, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC"); polymorphic != "" {
                                            // Dog has many toys, tag polymorphic is Owner, then associationType is Owner
                                            // Toy use OwnerID, OwnerType ('dogs') as foreign key
                                            if polymorphicType := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Type", toFields); polymorphicType != nil {
                                                associationType = polymorphic
                                                relationship.PolymorphicType = polymorphicType.Name
                                                relationship.PolymorphicDBName = polymorphicType.DBName
                                                // if Dog has multiple set of toys set name of the set (instead of default 'dogs')
                                                if value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC_VALUE"); ok {
                                                    relationship.PolymorphicValue = value
                                                } else {
                                                    relationship.PolymorphicValue = scope.TableName()
                                                polymorphicType.IsForeignKey = true
                                        // if no foreign keys defined with tag
                                        if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
                                            // if no association foreign keys defined with tag
                                            if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                                                for _, field := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
                                                    foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+field.Name)
                                                    associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.Name)
                                            } else {
                                                // generate foreign keys from defined association foreign keys
                                                for _, scopeFieldName := range associationForeignKeys {
                                                    if foreignField := getForeignField(scopeFieldName, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                                                        foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+foreignField.Name)
                                                        associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
                                        } else {
                                            // generate association foreign keys from foreign keys
                                            if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                                                for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                                                    if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, associationType) {
                                                        associationForeignKey := strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, associationType)
                                                        if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                                                            associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, associationForeignKey)
                                                if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 && len(foreignKeys) == 1 {
                                                    associationForeignKeys = []string{scope.PrimaryKey()}
                                            } else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
                                                scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))
                                        for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                                            if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
                                                if associationField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], modelStruct.StructFields); associationField != nil {
                                                    // source foreign keys
                                                    foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
                                                    relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, associationField.Name)
                                                    relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationField.DBName)
                                                    // association foreign keys
                                                    relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
                                                    relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
                                        if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
                                            field.Relationship = relationship
                                } else {
                                    field.IsNormal = true
                        case reflect.Struct:
                            defer func(field *StructField) {
                                var (
                                    // user has one profile, associationType is User, profile use UserID as foreign key
                                    // user belongs to profile, associationType is Profile, user use ProfileID as foreign key
                                    associationType           = reflectType.Name()
                                    relationship              = &Relationship{}
                                    toScope                   = scope.New(reflect.New(field.Struct.Type).Interface())
                                    toFields                  = toScope.GetStructFields()
                                    tagForeignKeys            []string
                                    tagAssociationForeignKeys []string
                                if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                                    tagForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
                                if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATION_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                                    tagAssociationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
                                } else if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                                    tagAssociationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
                                if polymorphic, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC"); polymorphic != "" {
                                    // Cat has one toy, tag polymorphic is Owner, then associationType is Owner
                                    // Toy use OwnerID, OwnerType ('cats') as foreign key
                                    if polymorphicType := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Type", toFields); polymorphicType != nil {
                                        associationType = polymorphic
                                        relationship.PolymorphicType = polymorphicType.Name
                                        relationship.PolymorphicDBName = polymorphicType.DBName
                                        // if Cat has several different types of toys set name for each (instead of default 'cats')
                                        if value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC_VALUE"); ok {
                                            relationship.PolymorphicValue = value
                                        } else {
                                            relationship.PolymorphicValue = scope.TableName()
                                        polymorphicType.IsForeignKey = true
                                // Has One
                                    var foreignKeys = tagForeignKeys
                                    var associationForeignKeys = tagAssociationForeignKeys
                                    // if no foreign keys defined with tag
                                    if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
                                        // if no association foreign keys defined with tag
                                        if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                                            for _, primaryField := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
                                                foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+primaryField.Name)
                                                associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, primaryField.Name)
                                        } else {
                                            // generate foreign keys form association foreign keys
                                            for _, associationForeignKey := range tagAssociationForeignKeys {
                                                if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                                                    foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+foreignField.Name)
                                                    associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
                                    } else {
                                        // generate association foreign keys from foreign keys
                                        if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                                            for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                                                if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, associationType) {
                                                    associationForeignKey := strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, associationType)
                                                    if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                                                        associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, associationForeignKey)
                                            if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 && len(foreignKeys) == 1 {
                                                associationForeignKeys = []string{scope.PrimaryKey()}
                                        } else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
                                            scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))
                                    for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                                        if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
                                            if scopeField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], modelStruct.StructFields); scopeField != nil {
                                                foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
                                                // source foreign keys
                                                relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, scopeField.Name)
                                                relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, scopeField.DBName)
                                                // association foreign keys
                                                relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
                                                relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
                                if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
                                    relationship.Kind = "has_one"
                                    field.Relationship = relationship
                                } else {
                                    var foreignKeys = tagForeignKeys
                                    var associationForeignKeys = tagAssociationForeignKeys
                                    if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
                                        // generate foreign keys & association foreign keys
                                        if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                                            for _, primaryField := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
                                                foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.Name+primaryField.Name)
                                                associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, primaryField.Name)
                                        } else {
                                            // generate foreign keys with association foreign keys
                                            for _, associationForeignKey := range associationForeignKeys {
                                                if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
                                                    foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.Name+foreignField.Name)
                                                    associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
                                    } else {
                                        // generate foreign keys & association foreign keys
                                        if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                                            for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                                                if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, field.Name) {
                                                    associationForeignKey := strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, field.Name)
                                                    if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
                                                        associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, associationForeignKey)
                                            if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 && len(foreignKeys) == 1 {
                                                associationForeignKeys = []string{toScope.PrimaryKey()}
                                        } else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
                                            scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))
                                    for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                                        if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                                            if associationField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], toFields); associationField != nil {
                                                foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
                                                // association foreign keys
                                                relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, associationField.Name)
                                                relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationField.DBName)
                                                // source foreign keys
                                                relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
                                                relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
                                    if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
                                        relationship.Kind = "belongs_to"
                                        field.Relationship = relationship
                            field.IsNormal = true
                // Even it is ignored, also possible to decode db value into the field
                if value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("COLUMN"); ok {
                    field.DBName = value
                } else {
                    field.DBName = ToColumnName(fieldStruct.Name)
                modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, field)
        if len(modelStruct.PrimaryFields) == 0 {
            if field := getForeignField("id", modelStruct.StructFields); field != nil {
                field.IsPrimaryKey = true
                modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)
        modelStructsMap.Store(hashKey, &modelStruct)
        return &modelStruct

    其实首先折叠一下中间的 for 循环会好很多.

    // GetModelStruct get value's model struct, relationships based on struct and tag definition
    func (scope *Scope) GetModelStruct() *ModelStruct {
        var modelStruct ModelStruct
        // Scope value can't be nil
        if scope.Value == nil {
            return &modelStruct
        reflectType := reflect.ValueOf(scope.Value).Type()
        for reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
            reflectType = reflectType.Elem()
        // Scope value need to be a struct
        if reflectType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
            return &modelStruct
        // Get Cached model struct
        isSingularTable := false
        if scope.db != nil && scope.db.parent != nil {
            isSingularTable = scope.db.parent.singularTable
        hashKey := struct {
            singularTable bool
            reflectType   reflect.Type
        }{isSingularTable, reflectType}
        if value, ok := modelStructsMap.Load(hashKey); ok && value != nil {
            return value.(*ModelStruct)
      modelStruct.ModelType = reflectType
      // Get all fields
        for i := 0; i < reflectType.NumField(); i++ {
        ... // 折叠先不看
      if len(modelStruct.PrimaryFields) == 0 {
            if field := getForeignField("id", modelStruct.StructFields); field != nil {
                field.IsPrimaryKey = true
                modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)
        modelStructsMap.Store(hashKey, &modelStruct)
      return &modelStruct

    开头初始化了 var modelStruct ModelStruct, 这也是最后要返回的结果.

    一开始先判断了 scope.Value 不能为空, 否则就直接返回.

    然后解析了 scope.Value 的具体类型, 对于切片或指针, 要看具

    reflectType := reflect.ValueOf(scope.Value).Type()
    for reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
      reflectType = reflectType.Elem()

    如果 scope.Value 的具体类型不是 Struct, 也是直接返回.

    然后, 判断是否有 ModelStruct 的缓存:

    // Get Cached model struct
    isSingularTable := false
    if scope.db != nil && scope.db.parent != nil {
      isSingularTable = scope.db.parent.singularTable
    hashKey := struct {
      singularTable bool
      reflectType   reflect.Type
    }{isSingularTable, reflectType}
    if value, ok := modelStructsMap.Load(hashKey); ok && value != nil {
      return value.(*ModelStruct)

    modelStructsMap 是定义在外部的, 用于共享缓存.

    var modelStructsMap sync.Map

    如果可以从 modelStructsMap 找到, 就可以直接返回缓存.

    modelStruct.ModelType = reflectType

    略过 Get all fields 部分, 直接看后面的部分.

    if len(modelStruct.PrimaryFields) == 0 {
      if field := getForeignField("id", modelStruct.StructFields); field != nil {
        field.IsPrimaryKey = true
        modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)

    如果没有找到主键, 就会把 ID 作为主键.

    modelStructsMap.Store(hashKey, &modelStruct)
    return &modelStruct

    将解析好的结果保存到 modelStructsMap, 作为缓存, 加快后面解析的过程. 最后返回结果.

    现在, 已经将整个解析流程看完了, 除了获取字段的过程不清楚, 其他都应该清楚了.

    解析的过程中用到了缓存, 也是我们可以借鉴的地方, sync.Map 可以安全地用于 goroutine 中共享.
    另一点是将结构体作为 key, 同时兼顾了单数形式的表名和复数形式的表名.


    前面的过程中省略了解析字段的过程, 这是非常重要的一部分. GetModelStruct 方法的大部分的代码都集中在这一部分中.

    for i := 0; i < reflectType.NumField(); i++ {

    reflectType.NumField() 可以获取结构体中的字段总数.

    if fieldStruct := reflectType.Field(i); ast.IsExported(fieldStruct.Name) {

    只解析可以导出的字段. 使用 reflectType.Field(i) 和索引 i, 可以获取到结构体中的字段.

    field := &StructField{
      Struct:      fieldStruct,
      Name:        fieldStruct.Name,
      Names:       []string{fieldStruct.Name},
      Tag:         fieldStruct.Tag,
      TagSettings: parseTagSetting(fieldStruct.Tag),

    StructField 初始化, 可以看到很多信息都是从 fieldStruct 中获取的.

    这一部分对于学习如何解析结构体中的 Tag 非常有帮助, 仔细看一下.

    fieldStruct.Tag 可以获取字段中的 tag 部分, 比如:

    type Model struct {
      ID        uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
      CreatedAt time.Time
      UpdatedAt time.Time
      DeletedAt *time.Time

    ID 字段中的 gorm:"primary_key" 部分.

    fieldStruct.Name 可以获取字段的名字.

    看一下具体是如何解析 Tag 字符串的.

    func parseTagSetting(tags reflect.StructTag) map[string]string {
        setting := map[string]string{}
        for _, str := range []string{tags.Get("sql"), tags.Get("gorm")} {
            if str == "" {
            tags := strings.Split(str, ";")
            for _, value := range tags {
                v := strings.Split(value, ":")
                k := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(v[0]))
                if len(v) >= 2 {
                    setting[k] = strings.Join(v[1:], ":")
                } else {
                    setting[k] = k
        return setting

    tags 的类型是 reflect.StructTag, 包含一些实用的方法, 比如 Get 方法可以获取特定的部分.
    这里获取了 sqlgorm 部分.

    每个 tag 部分中, 都是使用 ; 分隔的选项. 每个选项又可能是 key/value 类型的, 由 : 分隔,


    type User struct {
      Name         string
      Age          sql.NullInt64
      Birthday     *time.Time
      Email        string  `gorm:"type:varchar(100);unique_index"`
      Role         string  `gorm:"size:255"` // 设置字段大小为255
      MemberNumber *string `gorm:"unique;not null"` // 设置会员号(member number)唯一并且不为空
      Num          int     `gorm:"AUTO_INCREMENT"` // 设置 num 为自增类型
      Address      string  `gorm:"index:addr"` // 给address字段创建名为addr的索引
      IgnoreMe     int     `gorm:"-"` // 忽略本字段

    比如 Email 字段的 tags 中 gorm 部分有两个选项, 一个是 type:varchar(100), 另一个是 unique_index.

    结合上面的 parseTagSetting 代码, 我们知道这个字段的 tags 是如何被解析的了.

    对于导出的字段, 也有办法设置忽略该字段, 设置选项为 - 就行了.

    // is ignored field
    if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("-"); ok {
      field.IsIgnored = true

    然后就是解析每一个选项了. 主要的代码都在这里, 一点点看:

    if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("PRIMARY_KEY"); ok {
      field.IsPrimaryKey = true
      modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, field)
    if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("DEFAULT"); ok && !field.IsPrimaryKey {
      field.HasDefaultValue = true
    if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("AUTO_INCREMENT"); ok && !field.IsPrimaryKey {
      field.HasDefaultValue = true

    设置 IsPrimaryKeyHasDefaultValue 属性. 如果是主键的话, 还会添加到 PrimaryFields 中.

    indirectType := fieldStruct.Type
    for indirectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
      indirectType = indirectType.Elem()


    fieldValue := reflect.New(indirectType).Interface()


    然后是根据 fieldValue 的类型进行了一堆判断, 一个个看.

    • 判断一
    if _, isScanner := fieldValue.(sql.Scanner); isScanner {
      // is scanner
      field.IsScanner, field.IsNormal = true, true
      if indirectType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
        for i := 0; i < indirectType.NumField(); i++ {
          for key, value := range parseTagSetting(indirectType.Field(i).Tag) {
            if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet(key); !ok {
              field.TagSettingsSet(key, value)

    如果实现了 sql.Scanner 接口, 设置了两个属性为 true.

    • 判断二

    如果该字段是结构体, 将结构体中的每个 tag 设置都添加一遍.

    else if _, isTime := fieldValue.(*time.Time); isTime {
      // is time
      field.IsNormal = true

    如果是 *time.Time 结构体, 设置 IsNormal 为 true.

    else if _, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("EMBEDDED"); ok || fieldStruct.Anonymous {
      // is embedded struct
      for _, subField := range scope.New(fieldValue).GetModelStruct().StructFields {
        subField = subField.clone()
        subField.Names = append([]string{fieldStruct.Name}, subField.Names...)
        if prefix, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("EMBEDDED_PREFIX"); ok {
          subField.DBName = prefix + subField.DBName
        if subField.IsPrimaryKey {
          if _, ok := subField.TagSettingsGet("PRIMARY_KEY"); ok {
            modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, subField)
          } else {
            subField.IsPrimaryKey = false
        if subField.Relationship != nil && subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler != nil {
          if joinTableHandler, ok := subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler.(*JoinTableHandler); ok {
            newJoinTableHandler := &JoinTableHandler{}
            newJoinTableHandler.Setup(subField.Relationship, joinTableHandler.TableName, reflectType, joinTableHandler.Destination.ModelType)
            subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler = newJoinTableHandler
        modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, subField)
    • 判断三

    如果 tag 设置中有 EMBEDDED 字段, 表示是一个嵌入的结构体.

    for _, subField := range scope.New(fieldValue).GetModelStruct().StructFields {

    遍历该字段对应的 ModelStruct 中的每个 StructFields 中的 StructField.

    subField = subField.clone() 直接在副本上操作.

    subField.Names = append([]string{fieldStruct.Name}, subField.Names...)
    if prefix, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("EMBEDDED_PREFIX"); ok {
      subField.DBName = prefix + subField.DBName

    重新设置 NamesDBName.

    if subField.IsPrimaryKey {
      if _, ok := subField.TagSettingsGet("PRIMARY_KEY"); ok {
        modelStruct.PrimaryFields = append(modelStruct.PrimaryFields, subField)
      } else {
        subField.IsPrimaryKey = false

    如果 subField 是主键, 且有 PRIMARY_KEY tag 选项, 添加到 modelStruct.PrimaryFields 上去.
    否则, 重置 subField.IsPrimaryKey 为 false.

    if subField.Relationship != nil && subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler != nil {
      if joinTableHandler, ok := subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler.(*JoinTableHandler); ok {
        newJoinTableHandler := &JoinTableHandler{}
        newJoinTableHandler.Setup(subField.Relationship, joinTableHandler.TableName, reflectType, joinTableHandler.Destination.ModelType)
        subField.Relationship.JoinTableHandler = newJoinTableHandler

    初始化了 subField 中的 JoinTableHandler.

    modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, subField)

    最后将 subField 添加到了 modelStruct.StructFields 中.

    最后, 使用 continue 开始新的 for 循环. 因此, field.TagSettingsGet("EMBEDDED") 部分也结束了.

    • 判断四

    如果上面的三个判断都不满足, 就进入了最后的 else 判断了.

    而这里面又是个 switch 判断, 真的是忧伤.

    根据 switch indirectType.Kind() { 的类型, 主要是切片和结构体, 先看 default 部分:

      field.IsNormal = true

    case reflect.Slice:case reflect.Struct: 里都是一个 defer 函数.

    case reflect.Slice:
      defer func(field *StructField) {
        var (
          relationship           = &Relationship{}
          toScope                = scope.New(reflect.New(field.Struct.Type).Interface())
          foreignKeys            []string
          associationForeignKeys []string
          elemType               = field.Struct.Type
        if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
          foreignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
        if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATION_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
          associationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
        } else if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATIONFOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
          associationForeignKeys = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
        for elemType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || elemType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
          elemType = elemType.Elem()
        if elemType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
          if many2many, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("MANY2MANY"); many2many != "" {
            relationship.Kind = "many_to_many"
            { // Foreign Keys for Source
              joinTableDBNames := []string{}
              if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("JOINTABLE_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                joinTableDBNames = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
              // if no foreign keys defined with tag
              if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
                for _, field := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
                  foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, field.DBName)
              for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                  // source foreign keys (db names)
                  relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.DBName)
                  // setup join table foreign keys for source
                  if len(joinTableDBNames) > idx {
                    // if defined join table's foreign key
                    relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, joinTableDBNames[idx])
                  } else {
                    defaultJointableForeignKey := ToColumnName(reflectType.Name()) + "_" + foreignField.DBName
                    relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, defaultJointableForeignKey)
            { // Foreign Keys for Association (Destination)
              associationJoinTableDBNames := []string{}
              if foreignKey, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("ASSOCIATION_JOINTABLE_FOREIGNKEY"); foreignKey != "" {
                associationJoinTableDBNames = strings.Split(foreignKey, ",")
              // if no association foreign keys defined with tag
              if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                for _, field := range toScope.PrimaryFields() {
                  associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.DBName)
              for idx, name := range associationForeignKeys {
                if field, ok := toScope.FieldByName(name); ok {
                  // association foreign keys (db names)
                  relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, field.DBName)
                  // setup join table foreign keys for association
                  if len(associationJoinTableDBNames) > idx {
                    relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationJoinTableDBNames[idx])
                  } else {
                    // join table foreign keys for association
                    joinTableDBName := ToColumnName(elemType.Name()) + "_" + field.DBName
                    relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, joinTableDBName)
            joinTableHandler := JoinTableHandler{}
            joinTableHandler.Setup(relationship, many2many, reflectType, elemType)
            relationship.JoinTableHandler = &joinTableHandler
            field.Relationship = relationship
          } else {
            // User has many comments, associationType is User, comment use UserID as foreign key
            var associationType = reflectType.Name()
            var toFields = toScope.GetStructFields()
            relationship.Kind = "has_many"
            if polymorphic, _ := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC"); polymorphic != "" {
              // Dog has many toys, tag polymorphic is Owner, then associationType is Owner
              // Toy use OwnerID, OwnerType ('dogs') as foreign key
              if polymorphicType := getForeignField(polymorphic+"Type", toFields); polymorphicType != nil {
                associationType = polymorphic
                relationship.PolymorphicType = polymorphicType.Name
                relationship.PolymorphicDBName = polymorphicType.DBName
                // if Dog has multiple set of toys set name of the set (instead of default 'dogs')
                if value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("POLYMORPHIC_VALUE"); ok {
                  relationship.PolymorphicValue = value
                } else {
                  relationship.PolymorphicValue = scope.TableName()
                polymorphicType.IsForeignKey = true
            // if no foreign keys defined with tag
            if len(foreignKeys) == 0 {
              // if no association foreign keys defined with tag
              if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                for _, field := range modelStruct.PrimaryFields {
                  foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+field.Name)
                  associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, field.Name)
              } else {
                // generate foreign keys from defined association foreign keys
                for _, scopeFieldName := range associationForeignKeys {
                  if foreignField := getForeignField(scopeFieldName, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                    foreignKeys = append(foreignKeys, associationType+foreignField.Name)
                    associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, foreignField.Name)
            } else {
              // generate association foreign keys from foreign keys
              if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 {
                for _, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
                  if strings.HasPrefix(foreignKey, associationType) {
                    associationForeignKey := strings.TrimPrefix(foreignKey, associationType)
                    if foreignField := getForeignField(associationForeignKey, modelStruct.StructFields); foreignField != nil {
                      associationForeignKeys = append(associationForeignKeys, associationForeignKey)
                if len(associationForeignKeys) == 0 && len(foreignKeys) == 1 {
                  associationForeignKeys = []string{scope.PrimaryKey()}
              } else if len(foreignKeys) != len(associationForeignKeys) {
                scope.Err(errors.New("invalid foreign keys, should have same length"))
            for idx, foreignKey := range foreignKeys {
              if foreignField := getForeignField(foreignKey, toFields); foreignField != nil {
                if associationField := getForeignField(associationForeignKeys[idx], modelStruct.StructFields); associationField != nil {
                  // source foreign keys
                  foreignField.IsForeignKey = true
                  relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignFieldNames, associationField.Name)
                  relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames = append(relationship.AssociationForeignDBNames, associationField.DBName)
                  // association foreign keys
                  relationship.ForeignFieldNames = append(relationship.ForeignFieldNames, foreignField.Name)
                  relationship.ForeignDBNames = append(relationship.ForeignDBNames, foreignField.DBName)
            if len(relationship.ForeignFieldNames) != 0 {
              field.Relationship = relationship
        } else {
          field.IsNormal = true

    主要是处理了关系类型的 tag.

    这一部分先跳过吧, 等具体研究关系的实现, 再继续深入.

    等这整个 if 判断都结束后, 解析一下列名, 最后将 fields 添加到 modelStruct.StructFields:

    // Even it is ignored, also possible to decode db value into the field
    if value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("COLUMN"); ok {
      field.DBName = value
    } else {
      field.DBName = ToColumnName(fieldStruct.Name)
    modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, field)


    所以, 整个模型解析的过程就是如此. 最耗时的部分在于解析每个字段, 解析 tag 以及字段间的关系.


    定义模型并解析模型的过程已经看完了, 但关于模型还有很多内容, 比如将模型转换为表插入数据库等.



