1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:mentioned before in an earlier part of a document, article, book etc
例句:There are plenty of examples, including at the banks during the financial crisis or the aforementioned cases at News International and Siemens.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“aforementioned”是形容词,从它的构词(afore + mentioned)可以看得出它的意思是“前面提到的、前述”。它相当于 that is previously mentioned,一般用在比较正式的口语和写作中,让语言变得简洁。在有字数限制的写作中(比如申请文书),这个词非常有用。
在一篇文章、一个演讲或介绍中先提到过某人或某物,后面再次提到就可以用这个词。注意:一般在 aforementioned 前面会加 the,比如 the aforementioned city。
Some brands, like the aforementioned the Sleeper, Fleur du Mal and Attico, were founded expressly to make all-day loungewear.
这句中的 the Sleeper,Fleur du Mal 和 Attico 就是三个前面提到过的品牌。
《经济学人》网站有一篇文章标题是 Academic view: Learning how to trust,邀请了两名商学院教授撰稿。文章的开头是这么写的:
Ideally we shouldn't have to teach students how to be trustworthy. We might expect most to consider it the right thing to be in and of itself. Even for those less virtuous, there is a sound business case; research has shown that trusted leaders inspire teams to create more value, while employees who feel trusted reciprocate with superior performance.
However, high-profile affairs such as phone-tapping at News International, corporate scandals at Olympus and Siemens, or the shenanigans over British MPs' expenses, suggest that not everybody ranks trust and trustworthiness as a work priority. Indeed, some care little for it, seeing it as naive or unreliable. Some even seek to thrive on wilful mistrust.
后文有这么一句用到了 the aforementioned,让行文更加连贯、简洁:
There are plenty of examples, including at the banks during the financial crisis or the aforementioned cases at News International and Siemens.
In contrast, philosophy graduates, whose salaries tend to be in line with those of their peers, actually earn around 10% less after taking into account the aforementioned controls.
掌握了 aforementioned,还可以顺便学学它的同义词 above-mentioned。
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
这本书第 5 章里的一个观点好像和前面提到的观点相冲突。
An argument in the fifth chapter seems to be contradictory to the aforementioned claim.
(参考翻译:An argument in the fifth chapter seems to be contradictory to the aforementioned claim.)
场景:“Data”, runs acommon refrain, “is the new oil.” Like the sticky black stuff that comes out ofthe ground, all those 1s and 0s are of little use until they are processed intosomething more valuable. That something is you. Seven of the world’s ten mostvaluable companies by market capitalization are technology firms. ExcludingApple, which makes money by selling pricey gadgets, and Microsoft, whichcharges businesses for its software and services, all are built on a foundationof tying data to human beings. Google and Facebook want to find out as much aspossible to know about their users’ interests, activities, friends and family.Amazon has a detailed history of consumer behavior. Tencent and Alibaba are thedigital wallets for hundreds of millions of Chinese; both know enough aboutconsumers to provide widely used credit scores. That data are valuable isincreasingly well-understood by individuals, too, not least because personalinformation is so often hacked, leaked or stolen. Facebook has spent most of2018 dealing with the reputational damage of multiple breaches, most notablyvia Cambridge Analytica, a consulting firm. The list of other companies thathave suffered some sort of data breach in 2018 alone reads like a roll call ofhousehold names: Google, Marriott, Delta, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, BestBuy, Sears, Saks 5thAvenue, even Panera Bread. The aforementionedcases have caused a tectonic shift in the public understanding of datacollection. People have started to take notice of all the data they are givingaway.