Martina the Beautiful Cockroach
1. Cozy: Something that's comfortable and warm.
Example: I love sitting in my cozy chair with a good book.
Example: The cat curled up in the cozy corner of the room.
2. Lovable: Something or someone that is easy to love because they are nice or cute.
Example: My little sister is very lovable with her big smiles and giggles.
Example: My teddy bear is so soft and lovable.
3. Household: All the people who live together in one house.
Example: In our household, we always eat dinner together.
Example: Everyone in the household helps with chores.
4. Advice: Suggestions or recommendations about what you
should do.
Example: My mom gave me advice about how to deal with bullies.
Example: The teacher's advice helped me do better on my math homework.
5. Aghast: To feel shocked or surprised.
Example: I was aghast when I saw the huge mess in my room.
Example: She was aghast at the sight of the broken vase.
6. Temper: The way someone is feeling, especially when they're angry.
Example: My little brother has a short temper and gets upset easily.
Example: Try not to lose your temper when things don’t go your way.
7. Meanwhile: At the same time something else is happening.
Example: I was doing my homework; meanwhile, my sister was playing outside.
Example: Mom was cooking dinner, meanwhile, dad was washing the car.
8. Abuzz: Full of activity or talk.
Example: The classroom was abuzz with excitement for the field trip.
Example: The playground was abuzz with kids playing and laughing.
9. Hesitate: To pause before you do or say something because you're not sure.
Example: Don't hesitate to ask your teacher if you don't understand the homework.
Example: She hesitated before diving into the swimming pool.
10. Instant: Very quick or immediately.
Example: The moment I called my dog, he came running in an instant.
Example: With instant messaging, we can send and receive messages right away.
11. Splatter: To splash or scatter liquid or bits of something.
Example: Be careful not to splatter paint on your clothes.
Example: The egg splattered on the floor when it slipped from my hand.
12. Mock: To make fun of someone or something in a mean way.
Example: It's not nice to mock someone because they are different.
Example: The older boys were mocking him for his new glasses.
13. Manner: The way that something is done or happens.
Example: She has a funny manner of speaking, with lots of big words.
Example: Each animal has its own manner of eating and moving.
14. Stunned: Very surprised or shocked.
Example: I was stunned to see a deer in our backyard.
Example: He was stunned when he won the spelling bee.
15. Humble: Not thinking you are better than other people.
Example: Even though she's the best player on the team, she remains humble.
Example: It's important to stay humble and always be kind to others.