

作者: 和睦楚 | 来源:发表于2017-10-22 15:30 被阅读0次


Education is related to the future of a family, even a nation.But it is difficult to us to see what education is,and what its purpose is?


'Education',a very comprehensive  word,but one purpose: respecting life  and developing nature of  human beings. Instead of using a  set of model of education to cultivate 'talents' in order to adapt to society. According to "useful" and "useless" of education, briefly discussion the universal values  and shortcomings of education.


Should children do something "useless"?


What's the "useful" thing,how about the "useless" one on earth?


Nearly a hundred years,education has being based on "usefulness".


School education,social education family education,teaching goal, curriculum arrangement,homework  assignment,including the so-called cultural inheritance and so on,of which means the "useful" things we want to learn!  What's the "useful" thing?In the future,those things which will help you get into a better school,be for a better job,position and right,get a high salary,have a good marriage, and……So,people are always busy and busy with the mode of thought,and unaware of which what life is until death.         

记得我那时才几岁,时常听大人们说“做活路(川话:Zu Huo Lu )”,那时候还小,只知道就是去上班嘛,工作嘛!年纪渐长,才慢慢琢磨它的深层次意思:赚钱,找活路,生路,不赚钱就是死路一条,永远为了生计而忙活着,仅此而已!

I had often heard people say'Zu Huo Lu' when I was a few years old,from that I had only known which means 'go to work'.I had known the meaning of it until l grow up:Earning a living forever,that's over!

一位著名的企业家,家财万贯,富可敌国,在弥留之际,让人把棺材掏两个洞,好在死后他的双手可以伸出来,目的是让后人看看他到底带走了什么?毋庸置疑,空空如也!A famous entrepreneur,rich and wealthy.On his deathbed,two holes was made in his coffin in order to his hands were able to held out after his death,from which showed what he could take away.Needless to say,it was empty!


Of course,every man has his mind.I have never said that you should not learn something 'useful',in which you have to ask yourself that whether does it make sense?Are you happy?


What is the something 'useless'?


For example,some games what children play, like hiding and seeking,playing house and clay and so on,which are considered to be fun, waste of time and useless.


Darwin was not 'in business':looked at ants' nests, catched butterflies and mice, played birds, kept dogs, watched bugs, but didn't want to learn when he was a little boy.His father was angry and urgent,and Darwin was considered that he was no interest and a  loss of face.


Can you distinguish that it is something 'useful' or 'useless' what your kids are doing?If you can, maybe, you are limiting your kids with your limitation.


We should give more space which the children self-growing.and be close to nature in which they do whatever they want,like playing the mud,adventure and climbing tree,like to cook,you have not to begrudge the raw material,in which they can release and enjoy themselves,from which they may find the life's mission someday,maybe.Happy childhood nourish their life in which there is to be less shadow,distortion,fear and conflict,more satisfaction and warmth in their heart.


A child,with concentration and extreme enthusiasm,who observing the sunrise and sunset,watching the branches sway in the wind, listening to the birds singing,and watching them play with each other,whose  mind is keen,heart is free and complete,because there is no likes or dislikes,without choice,conflict,coercion and fear in his heart.


Each child is an angel sent by god, the spirit of the world. And every child is a swift horse.Are you a talent scout?


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