恭迎弥勒菩萨圣诞 Celebration of the Holy

恭迎弥勒菩萨圣诞 Celebration of the Holy

作者: 慈话钰言 | 来源:发表于2019-02-05 00:18 被阅读0次


    Today is the first day of the first lunar month in the Chinese calendar and the birthday of Bodhisattva Maitreya, who will be the immediate successor to Śākyamuni Buddha to teach and transform sentient beings in this Saha World.


    As recorded in the Madhyama Āgama (Middle-Length Discourses), the Buddha told the bhiksus that a Buddha named Maitreya Tathāgata will appear on Earth in the future. Hearing this, Bodhisattva Maitreya rose from the assembly and addressed the Buddha, "World Honored One! I will become a Buddha with the name of Maitreya Tathāgata when humans will live to an age of eighty-four thousand years." The name "Maitreya", transliterated as Mi Le in Chinese, means "the Compassionate One". The bodhisattva is also called "Ajita", which means "invincible". Ever since he brought forth his resolve at the beginning, the bodhisattva has been practicing the samadhi of loving-kindness and therefore has a loving heart beyond comparison. It is for this reason that he is known as Maitreya, the Loving One. 


    Bodhisattva Maitreya has deep affinities with us. Not only that he was entrusted by the Buddha to continue to teach the Dharma in the Saha world, the bodhisattva himself has also vowed that he would protect sentient beings even when the śastrāntara-kalpa (the calamity of war) comes and that he would not attain the supreme perfect enlightenment until sentient beings have diminished their afflictions of greed, hatred, and ignorance to the minimum and accomplished the ten wholesome actions.


    In the future, human lifespan will shorten to only ten years, the teachings of Śākyamuni Buddha will have been forgotten, and famine, plague, and wars will occur one after another. At that point of extreme suffering, Bodhisattva Maitreya will manifest himself in this world and teach humans to stop hurting each other and practice and uphold virtuous actions. As a result, humans will enjoy more merits and live longer. When their lifespan grows to eighty thousand years, this world will become excellent and splendid, with no dust or flaw. The land will be level, covered with soft grass. Fragrant rice will grow naturally (from the soil). Fine fragrance will issue forth from flowers and fruits. Sweet dews will fall from the heavens. Springs will be crystal clear. Humans will have big, tall bodies that emanate pleasant odour, and enjoy resources as plentiful as those in the Realm of Heaven. By staying away from unwholesome deeds and practicing the ten wholesome deeds, they will enjoy the karmic fruits of joy and happiness, and the world will be like a pure land. It is at that point that Bodhisattva Maitreya will manifest himself and realize proper enlightenment under the Mesua ferrea tree  and expound the Dharma in the three great assemblies, so as to liberate sentient beings who have developed affinities and planted the roots of virtue under the teachings of Śākyamuni Buddha.


    The message from Maitreya's great vow is that we should practice wholesome deeds bit by bit right at the moment and starting with ourselves. This constitutes an important condition for building a wonderful world in the future. When everyone strives to lessen his or her afflictions and practice the ten wholesome deeds , the world will become a pure land.


    Bodhisattva Maitreya will descend to our world in the future, and the Dharma body will perpetuate. In this new year, may we immerse ourselves in the light of his loving-kindness, be more energetic in renouncing bad and doing good, and become brighter and purer in our hearts!

    恭迎弥勒菩萨圣诞 Celebration of the Holy Birthday of Bodhisattva Maitreya



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