【坚持不懈】每周ARTS 任务:
Algorithm 是一道算法题
Review 是读一篇英文文章
Technique/Tips 是分享一个小技术
Share 分析一个观点或者传递价值观的东西!
真正的大师, 总是怀着一颗学徒的心.
Talk is cheap ,show me the code.
Code Tells You How, Comments Tell You Why
The only “best practice” you should be using all the time is “Use Your Brain”.
Most days I wake up thinking I’m the luckiest bastard alive.
If you want to become a good programmer, you can spend 10 years programming, or spend 2 years programming and learning algorithms.
To use an analogy, if algorithms were about automobiles,
it would be for the person who wants to know how cars work, how they are built, and how one might design fuel-efficient, safe, reliable vehicles for the 21st century.
The people who hate algorithms are the ones who just want to know how to drive their car on the highway,just like everyone else.
ARTS | 是√否×完成 | 内容 |
Algorithm | √ | LeetCode033 |
Review | × | |
Technique/Tips | √ | 从JAVA字节码到JVM逻辑内存模型 |
Share | √ | 一个程序员的成长之路 |
ARTS | 是√否×完成 | 内容 |
Algorithm | √ | LeetCode026、LeetCode027、LeetCode031 |
Review | √ | True generosity |
Technique/Tips | √ | 为什么阿里巴巴禁止开发人员使用isSuccess作为变量名(修订版) |
Share | × |
ARTS | 是√否×完成 | 内容 |
Algorithm | √ | LeetCode018-4Sum |
Review | √ | 打通编程的任督二脉【The Key To Accelerating Your Coding Skills】 |
Technique/Tips | √ | 了解一个新技术有三个阶段,第一阶段是,怎么使用;第二阶段是,,如何实现,原理是什么;第三阶段是,为什么这样实现。 |
Share | √ | 一个程序员的审美情感 |
ARTS | 是√否×完成 | 内容 |
Algorithm | √ | LeetCode016 |
Review | √ | The Key To Accelerating Your Coding Skills |
Technique/Tips | √ | 微服务配置中心之道 |
Share | √ | 为什么大多数同学宁愿吃学习的苦,也不愿意尝思考的痛? |
ARTS | 是√否×完成 | 内容 |
Algorithm | √ | LeetCode011 |
Review | √ | java/intro-142807 |
Technique/Tips | √ | linux 常用指令 |
Share | √ | 十年学会编程 |
ARTS | 是否完成 | 内容 |
Algorithm | √ | LeetCode004、LeetCode015 |
Review | √ | java/intro-141743 |
Technique/Tips | √ | java自定义类 |
Share | √ | google秘密军团 |