

作者: 好想去曼大啊 | 来源:发表于2019-05-06 09:57 被阅读0次

SAP is the technological leader of global enterprise management software and solutions, and also the market leader. Over the past 30 years, through its application software, services and support, SAP has continuously provided comprehensive enterprise-level management software solutions to enterprises in all walks of life around the world. With the new generation of business intelligence applications represented by SAP widely favored by enterprise users, the number of SAP users in China has increased dramatically, and the number of talents with basic SAP skills that end users or internal consultants should master has increased accordingly.

SAP is widely used in all walks of life. It provides industry solutions that integrate best business practices in more than 20 industries, including automobiles, financial services, consumer goods, engineering and construction, health care, higher education, high-tech, media, oil and natural gas, medicine, public utilities, telecommunications, electricity and public facilities. SAP has industry solution maps in each industry, which fully show the special business processing requirements of each industry, and draw them into SAP solutions and partner supplementary solutions to complete the "end-to-end" business processes including network-based.

Oracle Database, also known as Oracle RDBMS, or Oracle for short. It's Oracle's relational database management system. It is one of the leading products in the field of database. It can be said that Oracle database system is a popular relational database management system in the world at present. The system has good portability, convenient use and strong functions. It is suitable for all kinds of large, medium, small and micro-computer environments. It is an efficient and reliable database solution for high throughput. The advantages are strong data security and stability.

Oracle atabase system is a group of software products provided by ORACLE Company (Oracle) in the United States, which takes distributed database as the core. It is one of the most popular databases of client/server (CLIENT/SERVER) or B/S architecture. SilverStream, for example, is a database-based middleware. ORACL E database is the most widely used database management system in the world. As a general database system, it has complete data management function; as a relational database, it is a complete relational product; as a distributed database, it realizes distributed processing function. But all of its knowledge, as long as it learns ORACL E knowledge on one or more models, can be used on various types of machines.

So, I will choose SAP for our university. After the explanation, we can find that SAP has a very detailed and in-depth standard process, in terms of process, as long as you think of the problem, SAP will have encountered and given solutions. The implementation of SAP tends to change the business processes of enterprises to match SAP and achieve standardized management. Oracle is more flexible, focusing on the development of enterprise business processes, matching enterprise management. The key points are different if they are to be implemented successfully. SAP emphasizes the experience of pre-process sorting, data collation and implementation consultants to see if SAP standard management can be well integrated with the enterprise's own characteristics. Oracle pays more attention to the quality of development and later maintenance.


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