第十三章 打造真实亮丽的申请文本
[补充短文]一封给你未来大学室友的信 (与斯坦福大学的短文重复,因此省略。)
[其他补充材料] 1)Music recordings of three piano pieces Track 1 :The Well-Tempered Clavier I,in E Major BWV 854,Johann Sebastian Bach Track 2 : Sonata in c minor, Op. 13 Grave, Ludwig van Beethoven Track 3 : Etude in c minor, Op. 10 No. 12, Frederic Chopin Track 4 : Prelude in g minor, Op. 23 No. 5, Sergei Rachmaninoff 2)Research paper that I wrote and submitted to the 2012 Siemens Competition in Math,Science,Technology and the 2013 Intel Science Talent Search. I won the top individual prize at the National Siemens Competition in Washington,D.C. I began my research project at the beginning of the 2012 summer and worked full-time throughout the summer (except for several weeks, when I attended a piano camp and a mathematics camp). I also worked on my project throughout the fall semester of my senior year of high school. My research experience began when I was invited by Dr. Nancy Amato (contact information listed below) to join her Parasol Laboratory in the Computer Science Department of Texas A&M University. There,I worked with undergraduate and graduate students in the laboratory setting and coauthored a paper,similar to the one enclosed,that was submitted to the International Conference on Robotics and Automation. This research project solidified my interest in computer science. I enjoyed the research process,which inspired me to continue doing research during the spring semester of my high school senior year and in college if possible. I was glad that I had the chance to use my computer science knowledge to solve real problems and contribute to the scientific communitmy high school senior year and in college if possible. I was glad that I had the chance to use my computer science knowledge to solve real problems and contribute to the scientific community.
三首钢琴作品的音乐录音音轨1:E大调《好脾气的克莱维尔一号》BWV 854,约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫音轨2:c小调奏鸣曲,作品13格雷夫,路德维希·范·贝多芬音轨3:c小调练习曲,作品10第12号,弗雷德里克·肖邦音轨4:g小调前奏曲,作品23第5号,谢尔盖·拉赫曼尼诺夫2)我撰写并提交给2012年西门子数学、科学竞赛的研究论文,技术与2013英特尔科学人才搜索。我在华盛顿举行的全国西门子竞赛中获得了最高个人奖。C.我在2012年夏初开始了我的研究项目,整个夏天都在全职工作(除了几周,当时我参加了钢琴夏令营和数学夏令营)。在高中四年级的整个秋季学期,我也一直在做我的项目。我的研究经历始于Nancy Amato博士(联系方式如下)邀请我加入她在德克萨斯农工大学计算机科学系的Parasol实验室。在那里,我在实验室与本科生和研究生合作,共同撰写了一篇论文,与所附论文相似,并提交给了国际机器人与自动化会议。这个研究项目巩固了我对计算机科学的兴趣。我很喜欢这个研究过程,这激励我在高中四年级的春季学期继续做研究,如果可能的话,也可以在大学里继续做研究。我很高兴我有机会利用我的计算机科学知识来解决实际问题,并在高中四年级和大学(如果可能的话)为科学界做出贡献。我很高兴有机会利用我的计算机科学知识来解决实际问题,并为科学界做出贡献。