

作者: 何旋遐_zcx | 来源:发表于2018-11-13 14:06 被阅读0次

    In ancient times, there was a king. There were several beautiful and unusual princesses, but some of them were more beautiful and moving. Anyone who saw her would be surprised by her beauty. There is a forest near the royal palace. There is a well under a old bodhi tree in the forest.

    One day, the princess was playing a game of throwing a ball by the well. She accidentally dropped the ball into the well. The little princess cried very sadly. Then she heard a voice asking her, "Why are you so sad, princess?" The little princess looked up. It was a frog emerging from the water and talking to her.

    The little princess said her ball fell into the water. The frog said, "if I help to catch the ball, what will you give me in return?" The little princess said, "whatever you want, I will give it to you." The frog said, "I just want you to like me, to play together, to eat together, to be inseparable good friends." The little princess said, "as long as you pick up the ball, everything will depend on you." But the frog was really stupid.

    With the promise of the princess, the frog quickly picked up the golden ball and put it on the princess's hand. The princess picked up the golden ball and turned away happily. The next day, the princess was eating. She heard a loud voice outside shouting, "Little princess, open the door!" The little princess ran out and saw that it was the frog. She was so guilty that she shut the door and went back to her seat.

    The king saw her like this and asked her, "what the hell is going on? Who is outside the door? The little princess had to tell the king what had happened yesterday and said, "It's a frog. Don't talk to him." Hearing this, the king said solemnly, "As a man, you must speak with confidence. Open the door and let the frog in."

    The little princess had to open the door. The frog jumped into the door and followed the little princess to her seat. Then she shouted, "Hurry up and hold me by your side." The little princess trembled with fear, but the king insisted that she obey the frog's orders. The little princess had no appetite at all, but the frog said with relish, "I've had enough. I'm a little tired now. Please put me in your bedroom. I want to go to sleep. " The little princess heard that the dirty frog was going to sleep in his bed and cried with fright. The king criticized her severely and asked her to bring the frog back to the house and go to bed.

    The little princess angrily took the frog back to the bedroom and threw the frog on the ground. Who knows when the frog landed, it became a handsome prince. The prince told the princess that he was enchanted by a wicked witch and that only the little princess could save him.

    On the second day, the prince and the little princess returned to their country with the blessing of the king in a carriage. The two of them lived happily ever after.



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