周记2 明天7.8号,加油《》

周记2 明天7.8号,加油《》

作者: 代码巴士 | 来源:发表于2020-07-07 23:06 被阅读0次


    MORE than half a million people are now confirmed to have died from the coronavirus, as local outbreaks around the world trigger fears of a second wave of COVID-19.


    Some of the surges is due to greater testing, and the rate of deaths is yet to see an equivalent increase.


    Southampton may test entire population weekly for coronavirus


    HAVING a baby means new responsibilities, and parenthood should make people more mature – or so the theory goes. A study now hints that new mothers become more agreeable and extroverted, and new fathers become a little less extroverted but more conscientious.


    HONEYWELL, a company best known for making control systems for businesses and homes, says it has built the world’s most powerful quantum computer. Other researchers are skeptical about the claim, but the firm says it is a step towards integrating quantum computing into its everyday operations.


    “Honeywell is in a lot of industries that we know are going to be profoundly impacted by quantum computing,” says Uttley. “To be able to eventually insert this technology into our own work, we need to prepare now.”


    Murky water
    FORAGING in the swamps of Lake Victoria in East Africa, this man makes a living by selling old plastic bags to recyclers. Wetland areas usually purify the water in the lake and run-off by filtering it. However, a growing amount of pollution is disrupting this process. For instance, blue dye from these plastic bags will eventually seep into the water. This isn’t the only problem besetting Lake Victoria, which is more than 300 kilometers wide and the largest by area in Africa. Climate change is causing it to steadily dry up, while cities in the bordering nations of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are dumping untreated waste into its waters. One million tonnes of fish are harvested from the lake each year. The pressure on its stocks is being made worse due to poaching and overfishing. It is now down to governments to devise plans to preserve Lake Victoria while meeting the needs of the more than 30 million people whose livelihoods depend on its resources. “In the next 50 years, if nothing radical is done, Lake Victoria will be dead because of what we are pouring into it,” says Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, governor of Kenya’s Kisumu county.

    这个人在东非的维多利亚湖沼泽中觅食FORAGING,靠捡旧塑料袋谋生。湿地通常会净化湖泊中的水,并过滤其径流。但是,越来越多的污染正在破坏这一过程。例如,这些塑料袋中的蓝色染料最终会渗入水中seep into the water.。维多利亚湖问题不仅如此,维多利亚湖宽300多公里,是非洲最大的区域。气候变化使它逐渐枯竭,而毗邻国家肯尼亚,坦桑尼亚和乌干达的城市则将未经处理的废物倾倒其水域。每年从湖中收获一百万吨鱼。由于偷猎和过度捕捞,其种群的压力正在加剧。现在,各国政府应制定计划,保护维多利亚湖,同时满足超过3000万人赖以生存的资源的需求。肯尼亚基苏木县州长彼得·安阳’Nyong’o说:“在接下来的50年中,如果不采取任何根本行动,维多利亚湖将会死掉,这是因为我们正在注入的东西。”


    Bacteria implanted into mosquitoes could combat dengue virus

    Some 390 million people are infected with dengue virus annually, and the World Health Organisation now considers dengue fever one of the world’s 10 most severe disease threats. The infection spreads via mosquitoes and causes flu-like symptoms, and in some cases, it can also cause lethal bleeding. Around 20,000 people die of the disease annually.


    Since 2011, the World Mosquito Program has carried out experiments where the disease-bearing mosquitoes are infected with a bacterium that combats the virus inside the mosquito. The bacterium, Wolbachia, can outcompete the virus by absorbing important substances such as cholesterol, necessary for the virus to multiply. So an infected mosquito can not spread the virus. When the mosquitoes breed, the bacterium is passed on to the next generation of mosquitoes, and in this way, it spreads until the virus ends up being homeless.

    自2011年以来,世界蚊子计划进行了实验,其中携带疾病的蚊子感染了与蚊子内部的病毒作斗争的细菌。 Wolbachia细菌可以通过吸收重要物质(例如胆固醇)来与病毒竞争,而胆固醇是病毒繁殖所必需的。因此,被感染的蚊子无法传播病毒。当蚊子繁殖时,细菌会传给下一代蚊子,并以这种方式传播直至病毒最终无家可归。

    In large-scale experiments in several countries, scientists have injected Wolbachia into thousands of mosquito eggs, subsequently introducing the infected mosquitoes into nature. The World Mosquito Program has now reported the first results. In regions of Brazil and Indonesia, the number of dengue cases has been reduced by up to 76%. Unfortunately, the experiments also showed that in particularly warm regions such as Vietnam, the bacterium is not transmitted sufficiently efficiently from one generation of the mosquito to the next. Scientists are trying to solve the new problem by breeding variants of the bacterium that are better at handling the heat.


    E. coli is an umbrella term for a group of bacteria that exist in human guts. They curb disease-causing bacteria, but particular variants can also cause severe diarrhea so that they are responsible for more than two million deaths annually.


    MIT scientists have developed an electronic pill that can combat bleeding ulcers. The pill, which includes a friendly version of the E. coli bacterium, can send signals to a computer about the location of any hemorrhage.




          本文标题:周记2 明天7.8号,加油《》
