流利说-L6-U3-P2 Reading

流利说-L6-U3-P2 Reading

作者: sindy00 | 来源:发表于2020-11-03 14:19 被阅读0次

    The challenge of AI

    The internet and smartphones have changed the world and how we relate to each other.  Instead of meeting in person, we increasingly interface through handheld devices. In a sense, real person are being removed, replaced by technology and virtual friends. Some people even say that they prefer to confide in their virtual(模拟的 虚拟额) friends rather than their real friends.

    Ai, or artificial intelligence, is another technology that is highly disruptive(引起胡乱的 破坏性的). With AI, smartphones and other devices will have even more capabilities. They will be able to converse with us and tell us jokes. They may even become personal tutors, and replace our online human tutors. They will be able to this because they will have access to our life histories. They will know what kind of problems we have, our preferences, and any content we want to learn or practice. They will be able to adapt to our needs and be available at any time. And all this will be at less cost than using a human. In fact, the substitution(取代 替换) of AIs for human labor has the potential to transform our world.  Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment. Many workers will become redundant(被裁减的 多余的), replaced by machines that can perform cognitive tasks better than people.  An even greater danger is that they will develop personalities(性格 个性) and become more interesting than people. Work is already underway(运行中的 已经开始的) to produce AI companions for lonely people.

    All these developments something to worry about or something to welcome? How are they different than developments in the past, such as the industrial revolution? Cars replaced horses;  machines and industrial robots replaced factory workers.

    Since the shift to AI is inevitable, the challenge for policy makers will be to help existing workers acquire new skills. Future generations must be prepared for a workplace populated by AIs that will continue to develop and take on new tasks. Are we up to the task?

    To converse with someone means....to have a conversation.

    If an event is underway, it...has already begun.

    How do people interface with each other?

    .....Instead of meeting in person, we increasingly interface through handheld devices.

    What do policy makers need to do to help existing workers?

    ....Since the shift to AI is inevitable, the challenge for policy makers will be to help existing workers acquire new skills.

    听 复述

    The internet and smartphones have changed the world and how we relate to each other.

    They will be able to adapt to our needs and be available at any time. 

    Already work is underway to produce AI companions for lonely people.



          本文标题:流利说-L6-U3-P2 Reading
