quick thought 140417

quick thought 140417

作者: 夜游神 | 来源:发表于2014-04-18 00:01 被阅读0次

    When your laptop is filled with one version of Due Diligence Report and Memo after another, people get used to making sequence of everything.

    Anyway, I want to lay down some quick thought before taking shower, reading and sleeping.

    Calvin said, will power and motivation are two different things. Yep, I haven't given it a thought before but just taking it for granted that people need to find a motivation for every thing so they can preserver. But it is will power that matters, for no one can take that from you while motivation can change and disappear due to outer shift.  Exam will be over one day, house can be bought one day, motivation will end one day, but will power won't. 


    2014-4-17 @midnight



          本文标题:quick thought 140417
