Youth Support Hub联手Toronto CPR推出

Youth Support Hub联手Toronto CPR推出

作者: 夏晓勇Andy | 来源:发表于2017-01-05 10:25 被阅读0次

(An English version of this message follows)

什么是Emergency First Aid证书?

Emergency First Aid是受加拿大劳工法 (Canadian Labour Code) 以及安省工作场所安全和保险委员会 (Workplace Safety & Insurance Board) 认证的基本急救证书。该证书的持有者均受过专业培训并有资格在工作单位或者家里实施心脏复苏、人工呼吸、伤口包扎等急救措施。除此之外,证书持有者需学习如何识别和预防危险,以及在遇到紧急情况时如何最快速的联系急救单位。

Emergency First Aid证书的用途

根据联邦政府和安省的劳工法,任何工作单位都必须根据总员工人数安排相应比例的持有first aid证书的员工。因此,该证书在你的简历上会是一项重要的资质,增加你找到工作的几率。除此之外,学会必要的急救措施,一旦你的亲人或者朋友遇到紧急情况,你可以第一时间给他们进行施救,避免他们因时间延误而受到更大的伤害。

Emgergency First Aid课程

Toronto CPR是加拿大红十字会旗下的培训伙伴之一,连续三年获得Red Cross Trainer of the Year的殊荣(http://www.torontocpr.com)。Youth Support Hub很荣幸的与Toronto CPR达成合作关系,请到专业的教练来进行急救培训。凡是参加培训并通过测验的同学均可以获得Emergency First Aid证书,有效期为三年,三年之后可以再上课重新认证。


时间:2017年1月29日,星期天,10AM - 6PM(包含培训及测验)

地点:North York或者Markham(具体地址会通过邮件另行通知)





What is the Emergency First Aid certificate?

Emergency First Aid certificate offers comprehensive training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for the workplace or home. It is recognized by the Canadian Labour Code and the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. Participants will learn how to recognize, prevent and respond to cardiovascular emergencies for adults, choking, airway and breathing emergencies, and prevention of disease transmission. Participants will also learn how (and be certified) to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

Benefits of the Emergency First Aid certificate

According to the federal and Ontario provincial labour regulations, all workplaces must have certain number of employees with first aid certificate in proportion to the total number of employees. Therefore, this certificate will definitey give you an edge in the job market and increase your chance of landing an interview. Moreover, having basic first aid skills may come in handy when your friends or family have an emergency.

Emergency First Aid training

Toronto CPR is one of the training partners of the Canadian Red Cross (http://www.torontocpr.com). It has won Red Cross Trainer of the Year award three years in a row. Youth Support Hub has the great privilege of working with Toronto CPR, whose experienced instructor will offer a full training course. Those who complete the training and pass the examination will receive the Emergency First Aid certificate. The certificate is valid for three years. You may choose to take a re-certification course and renew it.

Training information

Date & time: Sunday, January 29th, 10AM - 6PM (includes both the course and examination)

Location: North York or Markham (specific venue will be notified by email)

Fees: the regular training fee is $90/person, including taxes and course materials. However, for a group of at least 15 people, there is a special rate of $75/person. As of January 4th, 10 people have registered.

Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/XX0povpH4bwbUyLp2

Registration deadline: January 16th, 2017.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact "xiaoyong.xia.andy@hotmail.com". Thank you!

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      本文标题:Youth Support Hub联手Toronto CPR推出
