●今天的面包比明天的蛋糕好。(Bread today is better than cake tomorrow.)
●感觉,是落地生根的想法。(A feeling is an idea with roots.)
●饼干说:“你让我粉身碎骨。”(Cookie says“You crack me up.”)
●还有我最喜欢的:忘了之前那块饼干吧。(Ignore previous cookie.)
●再来一杯,我就倒在主人脚下了。(One more drink and Id' havebeen under the host.)
●适度是极为致命的。过度是无可比拟的。(Moderation is a fatalthing. Nothing succeeds like excess.)
●上帝即是爱,但要以书面同意的形式得到它。(God is love, but get itin writing.)
●好奇害死猫,但我暂时还只是个嫌犯。(Curiosity killed the cat, butfor a while I was a suspect.
●如果刚开始你没有成功,那就找找失败者是否能得到什么。(If at first you dont' succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.)