Get Convergent趋同
I have passionately argued that the practice of creation is completely different from the practice of editing, and we should honor and respect both processes as two unique and imperative approaches. I hold this truth to be self-evident. So, let’s look now at the very important second half of brainstorming: convergent thinking. Editing, analyzing, critiquing, and fine-tuning are necessary.
Without this process there are no books (like this one), no movies, no songs,no commercials, no advertisements, no proposals, and no focused,strategic mission. After all, if you do not take time to sift the pan and toss out the water, the mud, and the fool’s gold, all you have is a pan full of muck. Failure is part of the process; failure is not the point of the process. After a prescribed period has elapsed, the wild collection of ideas accumulated through divergent thinking must be sorted. This is the time to begin questioning, analyzing, and critiquing (notice I did not say “criticizing”), always within the respectful and supportive rules of “Yes, and” communication.
The divergent phase of a brainstorm can take as little as ten minutes and may also last many hours if a particular challenge requires that kind of focused time investment. Once the great pile of ideas has been amassed, it’s time to enter the convergent thinking phase.For me the first step in convergent thinking is prioritization. What is the top tier of ideas that look incredibly promising and even like lowhanging fruit; what is the middle tier of ideas that are promising but problematic; and what is the bottom tier of ideas that are unworkable and should be dismissed?
If this is a solo project, the prioritization should be thoughtful and relatively quick at this point. However, if team buy-in and ownership (build-in) are needed, the process may become convoluted and devolve into the realm of disrespect. Here is an effective way to keep the “Yes, and” mentality even when you are in the convergent process of judging ideas:
If this is a group decision-making exercise, an incredibly easy way is to “bucket” the large master list of ideas into the three categories by voting for them. For this first round of convergent thinking you and each person get as many (or as few) votes as you want.However, you only get one vote per idea and you are only voting for the ideas you like. (There is no reason to focus energy on the ideas you don’t like.) What you will see is that the best ideas will receive more votes from the group. The result of this approach is almost a Darwinesque natural selection of ideas, wherein the strongest ideas rise to the surface to survive, and the weakest ideas fall to the wayside relatively quickly.
Focus now on the top tier(s) and prioritize once more, from the best idea down. Pick one of your top ideas as a project and enter back into the divergent thinking phase to blow it up. Once that process is done, prioritize the ideas for the project in another round of convergent thinking.Depending on the detail needed for your project, you may need to practice the divergent/convergent approaches several times through. Thoughtfully bounce back and forth from divergent to convergent thinking, fleshing out and developing the project until ultimately an action plan for the execution of the project begins to fall into place.
It’s amazing how quickly a consensus on what’s “best” can be formed in a group that has established a climate of open communication and positive focus. Maintaining that climate is crucial. It’s important here to reinforce the idea that brainstorming is a team event. No one owns a particular idea. No credit is going to be given to or taken away from individuals because of a single idea. All the ideas that are collected during the divergent thinking phase are group ideas, and in prioritizing those ideas in convergent thinking the group still functions without regard to the status or rank of the people who contributed any particular idea. During the prioritization phase the group is separating the obvious muck in the pan from the possible flecks of gold.
In convergent thinking judgment is no longer postponed. Members of a team now apply critical thinking to sort out the bad ideas,discuss the okay-maybe doable ideas, question the ideas that need clarity, determine the most workable ideas, and bring that wide range of initial thoughts back to a single, productive conclusion. If divergent thinking is the time for unbridled creation, convergent thinking is the time for driving to innovation—the development of new ideas to a productive use. In convergent thinking the biggest, brightest ideas are finally refined into shiny, singular bars of gold.
Divergent thinking is Jeffersonian: all ideas are created equal. Convergent thinking is Darwinian: only the strongest ideas will survive and evolve. This is the editing end of the creative process, in which ideas are whittled down, debated, critiqued, and tweaked with an eye toward a final product. Perhaps there really is no budget for an otherwise great idea (an elephant parade). Perhaps what sounded like an intriguing bit of thinking outside the box would actually result in a PR nightmare. Perhaps, after being fully explored, what was once thought of as an inspiring idea simply cannot work at this time. This type of discussion can and should come up freely now.
However, as suggested,convergent thinking should not suddenly give license to destroy the goodwill and spirit of creative collaboration that’s been established.Reinforce that nobody owns an idea individually; the team owns all the ideas and will handle all ideas with respect, even when—in this phase—some ideas are being dismissed. Cling to “Yes, and . . . ” here as well. It will help protect the team, manage conflict, and keep communication paramount.