(1)早读: 20180415 early morning reading:
It's a land of magic and wonder,worth cherishing in every way.
From the movie Wonder Woman 。.
( 这片土地充满魔力和奇迹,她的一切都值得珍惜。来自电影《神奇女侠》)
(2)单曲循环歌曲Numb, 又是美国摇滚乐队林肯公园演唱的一首歌曲。儿子现在成了这个乐队的超级粉丝,今天散步去学校的路上,一直在听Linkin Park的歌,和我边听边讨论,并给其中喜欢的几首歌排了名次,分别是New Divide, Numb, what i've done,Faint。Numb这首歌单曲循环后,今天还特地全民K歌,也得了SSS呢!
2. 练习口语:
(1)看了2个外教上课的小视频,Learn_Pronunciation_with_Poetry (诗意地学习发音)和Talking_about_being_sick(谈论疾病)
4. 阅读:上午三个小时共读《圆善论》第5章,回来路上的90分钟一直听王校的解读录音,感觉越来越清晰。感受最深的是“渐修、顿悟、灵魂不灭、上帝存在、德福一致、至善”等字眼,圆善的过程是一个渐修、顿悟、朝向至善的过程。对知识要有敬畏之心,并不断去探索,思考哲学的复杂性及其张力,思考应该成为我们生命的底色。
5. 散步和风景:早上和儿子散步去国际,一路上听音乐和聊音乐,本来想绕道走,但决定冒险一次,于是我们翻沟越岭,顺利而有惊无险地翻越而过!油菜花几乎都谢了,角果正在发育,里面是饱满的油菜籽,赶紧来几张照片。下午我一人信步绕道回家,走出了一条新路,算上买东西的时间半小时,花了两小时十分钟,这条路很干净而且安静,一路上听哲学录音和音乐,很惬意!
6. 健身:今晚依然跳了肠道操和瘦身操,还跳了一套搏击操。
8. 儿子的学校生活:在微信群看到Sunshine教室的种植园,草莓开花了,其他植物生长得也不错,今天还移植了新的红豆苗。还准备种一些西红柿和黄瓜呢!
【signed in for everyday walks and exercise】Day 40 20180415
I took a walk to the school with my son in the morning, listening tomusic and talking about music on the way, I wanted to take a detour first, but thenwe decided to take a risk, so we climbed the ditch across the mountains andwent over and over without danger. Almost all rape flowers fade, its pods are developing, whichis full of rapeseed, so my son took a few pictures of it and me. In the afternoon,I walked home in a roundabout way and walked on a new road. It took me twohours and ten minutes to arrive home, including the time of shopping. The newroad was very clean and quiet. It was very pleasant to listen to the recordingof philosophy and music all the way !