

作者: Janice丝语 | 来源:发表于2022-01-20 07:25 被阅读0次

How broad this topic is!

When I was a child, I would say directly that I believed in myself on the planet. Life was onefold—sweet or bitter, happy or not.

Over time, the answer is still in mind, but the reality is perplexing. Religion is introduced  to help people out of trouble. Wow, it’s really hard to make a discussion. Asking a simple question cannot cover the whole conditions. Those who believe in their God or Buddha have their own reasonable thinking models, which can be useful sometimes.

I just wonder how about those guys as younger me? Balance of belief in oneself and respecting to the reality is worthy to be thought over. Frankly to say, I myself can’t accomplish all the tasks. So how can I rely on myself? At this time, the go-between condition should be tolerant. Tao Te Ching, which was written by Lao Tzu, is welcome.



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