Timer Compliant Controller proje

Timer Compliant Controller proje

作者: Berry521 | 来源:发表于2017-09-07 18:12 被阅读6次

After optimization of structural solution , I  must prepare the bom and  drawing circuit diagram as soon as possible.

1selection the suitable components.

At first,The power circuits  core component is LNk 306 and LDO, I must find the datasheet and typical circuit. and  compare the components lib of our company.as shown in the following  figure.  input  100-250V AC power (wide voltage input) , The diode is protect  the circuit, The output is 12V @ 200mA ( test the voltage was stable )

In addition ,Mcu power is 3.3V ,so  we need a DC-DC  buck  IC ,I choice  LDO ,becase  it‘s  very affordable and useful,as we know,Intraditionaldesign,we also  use 7805 and 7803, But our products are powered by batteries for 3.3V,and we use a ups circuits toswitching power supply  automatic.the LDO output power drop issuperior to 7805。

2 Drawing   circuits

I use the Altium designer , as we know , Set up  the schematic library ,herewillnotcarefullydescribed。



    本文标题:Timer Compliant Controller proje
