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作者: 帅驼驼 | 来源:发表于2021-02-15 22:25 被阅读0次
    • Swift字典用来存储无序的相同类型数据的集合,字典会强制检测元素的类型,如果类型不同则会报错。
    • Swift字典每个值(value)都关联唯一的键(key),键作为字典中的这个值数据的标识符。
    • 和数组中的元素不同,字典中的元素并没有具体顺序,需要通过key访问到元素。
    • 字典的key没有类型限制,可以是IntString,但必须是唯一的。
    • 如果创建一个字典,并赋值给一个变量,则创建的字典是可以修改的。这意味着在创建字典后,可以通过添加、删除、修改的方式改变字典里的元素。
    • 如果将一个字典赋值给常量,字典是不可修改的,并且字典的大小和内容都不可以修改。



    哈希表(Hash table)也叫散列表,是根据关键字(Key value)⽽直接访问在内存存储位置的数据结构。也就是说,它通过计算⼀个关于键值的函数,将所需查询的数据映射到表中⼀个位置来访问记录,这加快了查找速度。这个映射函数称做散列函数,存放记录的数组称做散列表。




    • 直接寻址法
    • 数字分析法
    • 平⽅取中法
    • 折叠法
    • 随机数法
    • 除留余数法



    • 开放定址法
    • 拉链法

    负载因子 = 填⼊表中的元素个数 / 散列表的⻓度

    一个非空散列表的负载因子填⼊表中的元素个数 / 散列表的⻓度。这是面临再次散列或扩容时的决策参数,有助于确定散列函数的效率。也就是说,该参数指出了散列函数是否将关键字均匀分布。




    var dic = ["1": "Kody", "2": "Hank", "3": "Cooci", "4" : "Cat"]


    打开Dictionary.swift文件,找到init(dictionaryLiteral elements:)的定义:

      public init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...) {
        let native = _NativeDictionary<Key, Value>(capacity: elements.count)
        for (key, value) in elements {
          let (bucket, found) = native.find(key)
          _precondition(!found, "Dictionary literal contains duplicate keys")
          native._insert(at: bucket, key: key, value: value)
        self.init(_native: native)
    • 创建了一个_NativeDictionary的实例对象
    • 遍历elements,通过实例对象的find方法,找到key值对应的bucket
    • bucket相当于要插入的位置
    • keyvalue循环插入到bucket
    • 最后调用init方法
    • found:布尔类型,如果字典初始化时,字面量里包含重复key值,运行时报错Dictionary literal contains duplicate keys


    internal struct _NativeDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value> {
      internal typealias Element = (key: Key, value: Value)
      /// See this comments on __RawDictionaryStorage and its subclasses to
      /// understand why we store an untyped storage here.
      internal var _storage: __RawDictionaryStorage
      /// Constructs an instance from the empty singleton.
      internal init() {
        self._storage = __RawDictionaryStorage.empty
      /// Constructs a dictionary adopting the given storage.
      internal init(_ storage: __owned __RawDictionaryStorage) {
        self._storage = storage
      internal init(capacity: Int) {
        if capacity == 0 {
          self._storage = __RawDictionaryStorage.empty
        } else {
          self._storage = _DictionaryStorage<Key, Value>.allocate(capacity: capacity)
    #if _runtime(_ObjC)
      internal init(_ cocoa: __owned __CocoaDictionary) {
        self.init(cocoa, capacity: cocoa.count)
      internal init(_ cocoa: __owned __CocoaDictionary, capacity: Int) {
        if capacity == 0 {
          self._storage = __RawDictionaryStorage.empty
        } else {
          _internalInvariant(cocoa.count <= capacity)
          self._storage =
            _DictionaryStorage<Key, Value>.convert(cocoa, capacity: capacity)
          for (key, value) in cocoa {
              key: _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(key, Key.self),
              value: _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(value, Value.self))
    • _NativeDictionary是一个结构体
    • 使用init(capacity:)方法初始化,如果capacity容量等于0,使用__RawDictionaryStorage.empty。否则使用_DictionaryStorage,通过allocate方法,按容量大小分配内存空间


    final internal class _DictionaryStorage<Key: Hashable, Value>
      : __RawDictionaryStorage, _NSDictionaryCore {
      // This type is made with allocWithTailElems, so no init is ever called.
      // But we still need to have an init to satisfy the compiler.
      override internal init(_doNotCallMe: ()) {
        _internalInvariantFailure("This class cannot be directly initialized")
      deinit {
        guard _count > 0 else { return }
        if !_isPOD(Key.self) {
          let keys = self._keys
          for bucket in _hashTable {
            (keys + bucket.offset).deinitialize(count: 1)
        if !_isPOD(Value.self) {
          let values = self._values
          for bucket in _hashTable {
            (values + bucket.offset).deinitialize(count: 1)
        _count = 0
      final internal var _keys: UnsafeMutablePointer<Key> {
        get {
          return self._rawKeys.assumingMemoryBound(to: Key.self)
      final internal var _values: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value> {
        get {
          return self._rawValues.assumingMemoryBound(to: Value.self)
      internal var asNative: _NativeDictionary<Key, Value> {
        return _NativeDictionary(self)
    #if _runtime(_ObjC)
      internal required init(
        objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject?>,
        forKeys: UnsafeRawPointer,
        count: Int
      ) {
        _internalInvariantFailure("This class cannot be directly initialized")
      internal func copy(with zone: _SwiftNSZone?) -> AnyObject {
        return self
      internal var count: Int {
        return _count
      internal func keyEnumerator() -> _NSEnumerator {
        return _SwiftDictionaryNSEnumerator<Key, Value>(asNative)
      internal func countByEnumerating(
        with state: UnsafeMutablePointer<_SwiftNSFastEnumerationState>,
        objects: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>?, count: Int
      ) -> Int {
        defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
        let hashTable = _hashTable
        var theState = state.pointee
        if theState.state == 0 {
          theState.state = 1 // Arbitrary non-zero value.
          theState.itemsPtr = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer(objects)
          theState.mutationsPtr = _fastEnumerationStorageMutationsPtr
          theState.extra.0 = CUnsignedLong(hashTable.startBucket.offset)
        // Test 'objects' rather than 'count' because (a) this is very rare anyway,
        // and (b) the optimizer should then be able to optimize away the
        // unwrapping check below.
        if _slowPath(objects == nil) {
          return 0
        let unmanagedObjects = _UnmanagedAnyObjectArray(objects!)
        var bucket = _HashTable.Bucket(offset: Int(theState.extra.0))
        let endBucket = hashTable.endBucket
        _precondition(bucket == endBucket || hashTable.isOccupied(bucket),
          "Invalid fast enumeration state")
        var stored = 0
        for i in 0..<count {
          if bucket == endBucket { break }
          let key = _keys[bucket.offset]
          unmanagedObjects[i] = _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(key)
          stored += 1
          bucket = hashTable.occupiedBucket(after: bucket)
        theState.extra.0 = CUnsignedLong(bucket.offset)
        state.pointee = theState
        return stored
      internal func object(forKey aKey: AnyObject) -> AnyObject? {
        guard let nativeKey = _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(aKey, Key.self)
        else { return nil }
        let (bucket, found) = asNative.find(nativeKey)
        guard found else { return nil }
        let value = asNative.uncheckedValue(at: bucket)
        return _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(value)
      internal func getObjects(
        _ objects: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>?,
        andKeys keys: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>?,
        count: Int) {
        _precondition(count >= 0, "Invalid count")
        guard count > 0 else { return }
        var i = 0 // Current position in the output buffers
        switch (_UnmanagedAnyObjectArray(keys), _UnmanagedAnyObjectArray(objects)) {
        case (let unmanagedKeys?, let unmanagedObjects?):
          for (key, value) in asNative {
            unmanagedObjects[i] = _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(value)
            unmanagedKeys[i] = _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(key)
            i += 1
            guard i < count else { break }
        case (let unmanagedKeys?, nil):
          for (key, _) in asNative {
            unmanagedKeys[i] = _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(key)
            i += 1
            guard i < count else { break }
        case (nil, let unmanagedObjects?):
          for (_, value) in asNative {
            unmanagedObjects[i] = _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(value)
            i += 1
            guard i < count else { break }
        case (nil, nil):
          // Do nothing.
    • _DictionaryStorage是一个类,继承自__RawDictionaryStorage,遵循_NSDictionaryCore协议
    • _DictionaryStorage使用final关键字修饰,子类不可重写


    internal class __RawDictionaryStorage: __SwiftNativeNSDictionary {
      // NOTE: The precise layout of this type is relied on in the runtime to
      // provide a statically allocated empty singleton.  See
      // stdlib/public/stubs/GlobalObjects.cpp for details.
      /// The current number of occupied entries in this dictionary.
      internal final var _count: Int
      /// The maximum number of elements that can be inserted into this set without
      /// exceeding the hash table's maximum load factor.
      internal final var _capacity: Int
      /// The scale of this dictionary. The number of buckets is 2 raised to the
      /// power of `scale`.
      internal final var _scale: Int8
      /// The scale corresponding to the highest `reserveCapacity(_:)` call so far,
      /// or 0 if there were none. This may be used later to allow removals to
      /// resize storage.
      /// FIXME: <rdar://problem/18114559> Shrink storage on deletion
      internal final var _reservedScale: Int8
      // Currently unused, set to zero.
      internal final var _extra: Int16
      /// A mutation count, enabling stricter index validation.
      internal final var _age: Int32
      /// The hash seed used to hash elements in this dictionary instance.
      internal final var _seed: Int
      /// A raw pointer to the start of the tail-allocated hash buffer holding keys.
      internal final var _rawKeys: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
      /// A raw pointer to the start of the tail-allocated hash buffer holding
      /// values.
      internal final var _rawValues: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
      // This type is made with allocWithTailElems, so no init is ever called.
      // But we still need to have an init to satisfy the compiler.
      internal init(_doNotCallMe: ()) {
        _internalInvariantFailure("This class cannot be directly initialized")
      internal final var _bucketCount: Int {
        @inline(__always) get { return 1 &<< _scale }
      internal final var _metadata: UnsafeMutablePointer<_HashTable.Word> {
        @inline(__always) get {
          let address = Builtin.projectTailElems(self, _HashTable.Word.self)
          return UnsafeMutablePointer(address)
      // The _HashTable struct contains pointers into tail-allocated storage, so
      // this is unsafe and needs `_fixLifetime` calls in the caller.
      internal final var _hashTable: _HashTable {
        @inline(__always) get {
          return _HashTable(words: _metadata, bucketCount: _bucketCount)
    • __RawDictionaryStorage类,定义基础数据结构,例如_count_capacity
    • 其中_scale2n次方数,参与计算_bucketCount
    • _seed为哈希种子


      static internal func allocate(capacity: Int) -> _DictionaryStorage {
        let scale = _HashTable.scale(forCapacity: capacity)
        return allocate(scale: scale, age: nil, seed: nil)
    • 调用_HashTablescale方法,计算scale
    • 调用allocate方法,传入scale


    internal struct _HashTable {
      internal typealias Word = _UnsafeBitset.Word
      internal var words: UnsafeMutablePointer<Word>
      internal let bucketMask: Int
      internal init(words: UnsafeMutablePointer<Word>, bucketCount: Int) {
        _internalInvariant(bucketCount > 0 && bucketCount & (bucketCount - 1) == 0,
          "bucketCount must be a power of two")
        self.words = words
        // The bucket count is a power of two, so subtracting 1 will never overflow
        // and get us a nice mask.
        self.bucketMask = bucketCount &- 1
      internal var bucketCount: Int {
        @inline(__always) get {
          return bucketMask &+ 1
      internal var wordCount: Int {
        @inline(__always) get {
          return _UnsafeBitset.wordCount(forCapacity: bucketCount)
    • words可以理解为二进制位,记录当前位置是否插入元素
    • bucketMask等于bucketCount-1,而bucketCount2n次方数,所以bucketMask相当于掩码
    • _HashTable并不直接存储数据,而是存储二进制位


      static internal func allocate(
        scale: Int8,
        age: Int32?,
        seed: Int?
      ) -> _DictionaryStorage {
        // The entry count must be representable by an Int value; hence the scale's
        // peculiar upper bound.
        _internalInvariant(scale >= 0 && scale < Int.bitWidth - 1)
        let bucketCount = (1 as Int) &<< scale
        let wordCount = _UnsafeBitset.wordCount(forCapacity: bucketCount)
        let storage = Builtin.allocWithTailElems_3(
          _DictionaryStorage<Key, Value>.self,
          wordCount._builtinWordValue, _HashTable.Word.self,
          bucketCount._builtinWordValue, Key.self,
          bucketCount._builtinWordValue, Value.self)
        let metadataAddr = Builtin.projectTailElems(storage, _HashTable.Word.self)
        let keysAddr = Builtin.getTailAddr_Word(
          metadataAddr, wordCount._builtinWordValue, _HashTable.Word.self,
        let valuesAddr = Builtin.getTailAddr_Word(
          keysAddr, bucketCount._builtinWordValue, Key.self,
        storage._count = 0
        storage._capacity = _HashTable.capacity(forScale: scale)
        storage._scale = scale
        storage._reservedScale = 0
        storage._extra = 0
        if let age = age {
          storage._age = age
        } else {
          // The default mutation count is simply a scrambled version of the storage
          // address.
          storage._age = Int32(
            truncatingIfNeeded: ObjectIdentifier(storage).hashValue)
        storage._seed = seed ?? _HashTable.hashSeed(for: storage, scale: scale)
        storage._rawKeys = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(keysAddr)
        storage._rawValues = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(valuesAddr)
        // Initialize hash table metadata.
        return storage
    • 通过&运算符计算bucketCount
    • wordCount通过bucketCount计算要记录的二进制位
    • allocWithTailElems_3在类的后面分配连续的内存空间,分别存储KeyValue
    • Dictionary包含DictionaryStorage
    • DictionaryStorage类包含metaDatarefCount_count_capacity
    • 中间64位存储_scale_reservedScale_extra_age
    • 接下来存储的_seed_rawKeys_rawValuesmetaAddr
    • 其中_rawKeys_rawValues存储的是数组地址



    var dic = ["1": "Kody", "2": "Hank", "3": "Cooci", "4" : "Cat"]




    • 0x00007fff99540800metaData元类型
    • 0x0000000000000002refCoutn引用计数
    • 0x0000000000000004_count
    • 0x0000000000000006_capacity
    • 0xcf1ba4a80000000364位连续内存,包含_scale_reservedScale_extra_age
    • 0x000000010067aed0_seed种子,以对象创建的地址作为随机数的开始
    • 0x000000010067af18_rawKeys
    • 0x000000010067af98_rawValues


    • 连续内存中并不是连续存储的,0x0000000000000032转为十进制50,对应的是key2ASCII码
    • 后面的0xe100000000000000表示key2的字符串长度
    • 同理后面的0x00000000000000330x00000000000000310x0000000000000034分别对应的key值是314


    • _rawKeys同理,前面的0x000000006b6e61480x00000069636f6f430x0000000079646f4b0x0000000000746143表示value
    • 后面的0xe4000000000000000xe5000000000000000xe4000000000000000xe300000000000000表示value值的字符串长度
    var dic = ["1": "Kody", "2": "Hank", "3": "Cooci", "4" : "Cat"]
    dic["5"] = "Swift"


      public subscript(
        key: Key, default defaultValue: @autoclosure () -> Value
      ) -> Value {
        get {
          return _variant.lookup(key) ?? defaultValue()
        _modify {
          let (bucket, found) = _variant.mutatingFind(key)
          let native = _variant.asNative
          if !found {
            let value = defaultValue()
            native._insert(at: bucket, key: key, value: value)
          let address = native._values + bucket.offset
          defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
          yield &address.pointee
    • get方法里,_variant是一个关联值的枚举类型
    • 通过_variantlookup方法,找到key值是否存在


      func lookup(_ key: Key) -> Value? {
        if count == 0 {
          // Fast path that avoids computing the hash of the key.
          return nil
        let (bucket, found) = self.find(key)
        guard found else { return nil }
        return self.uncheckedValue(at: bucket)
    • 通过find方法,传入key,找到bucketfound


      internal func find(_ key: Key) -> (bucket: Bucket, found: Bool) {
        return _storage.find(key)



      internal final func find<Key: Hashable>(_ key: Key) -> (bucket: _HashTable.Bucket, found: Bool) {
        return find(key, hashValue: key._rawHashValue(seed: _seed))
    • 调用key_rawHashValue方法,传入_seed种子
    • 本质上就是通过key值得到hashValue
    • 调用find方法,传入keyhashValue

    找到find(_ key:, hashValue:)的定义:

      internal final func find<Key: Hashable>(_ key: Key, hashValue: Int) -> (bucket: _HashTable.Bucket, found: Bool) {
          let hashTable = _hashTable
          var bucket = hashTable.idealBucket(forHashValue: hashValue)
          while hashTable._isOccupied(bucket) {
            if uncheckedKey(at: bucket) == key {
              return (bucket, true)
            bucket = hashTable.bucket(wrappedAfter: bucket)
          return (bucket, false)
    • 调用hashTableidealBucket方法,传入hashValue,返回bucket
    • 通过_isOccupied方法判断bucket是否被占用


      internal func idealBucket(forHashValue hashValue: Int) -> Bucket {
        return Bucket(offset: hashValue & bucketMask)



      internal func _isOccupied(_ bucket: Bucket) -> Bool {
        return words[bucket.word].uncheckedContains(bucket.bit)
    • 与原有的二进制位进行计算,使用uncheckedContains返回01,查看是否包含当前bucket

    找到bucket(wrappedAfter bucket:)的定义:

      internal func bucket(wrappedAfter bucket: Bucket) -> Bucket {
        // The bucket is less than bucketCount, which is power of two less than
        // Int.max. Therefore adding 1 does not overflow.
        return Bucket(offset: (bucket.offset &+ 1) & bucketMask)
    • bucket.offset进行+1操作,再和bucketMask进行&运算,然后重新构建bucket


      internal func uncheckedValue(at bucket: Bucket) -> Value {
        defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
        return _values[bucket.offset]
    • _values是连续存储的数组,直接通过bucket.offset作为index获取指定位置的元素


      internal mutating func setValue(
        _ value: __owned Value,
        forKey key: Key,
        isUnique: Bool
      ) {
        let (bucket, found) = mutatingFind(key, isUnique: isUnique)
        if found {
          (_values + bucket.offset).pointee = value
        } else {
          _insert(at: bucket, key: key, value: value)
    • 通过mutatingFind找到bucketfound
    • 如果存在,使用_values加上bucket.offset,将value覆盖
    • 如果不存在,使用_insert方法,在当前bucket位置插入keyvalue


    • 通过key找到key. hashValue
    • 通过key. hashValuebucketMask进行&运算,计算出index
    • 通过index查找是否有对应key值,如果有采用开放定址法查找下一个bucket是否为空,如果为空返回对应元素
    • 对于setValue也是一样,通过key值先查找,再赋值
    struct HashTable<Key: Hashable, Value> {
        typealias Element = (key: Key, value: Value)
        typealias Bucket = [Element]
        var buckets: [Bucket]
        var count = 0
        init(capacity: Int){
            buckets = Array<Bucket>(repeating: [Element](), count: capacity)
        func index(key: Key) -> Int {
            return abs(key.hashValue) % buckets.count
        subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
            get {
                return getValue(key: key)
            set {
                if let value = newValue {
                    updateValue(value, key)
        func getValue(key: Key) -> Value? {
            let index = self.index(key: key)
            for element in buckets[index] {
                if(element.key == key){
                    return element.value
            return nil
        mutating func updateValue(_ value: Value, _ key: Key) -> Value? {
            let index = self.index(key: key)
            for (i, element) in buckets[index].enumerated() {
                if(element.key == key){
                    let originValue = element.value
                    buckets[index][i].value = value
                    return originValue
            buckets[index].append((key: key, value: value))
            count += 1
            return nil
        mutating func removeValue(_ key: Key) {
            let index = self.index(key: key)
            for (i, element) in buckets[index].enumerated() {
                if(element.key == key){
                    buckets[index].remove(at: i)
                    count -= 1
    var ht = HashTable<String, String>(capacity: 5)
    ht["1"] = "Kody"



