Keras实现 DenseNet

Keras实现 DenseNet

作者: Manfestain | 来源:发表于2018-04-11 09:24 被阅读0次




    卷积操作,按照论文的说法,这里应该是一个组合函数,分别为:BatchNormalization、ReLU和3x3 Conv。

    def conv_block(ip, nb_filter, bottleneck=False, dropout_rate=None, weight_decay=1e-4):
        ''' Apply BatchNorm, Relu, 3x3 Conv2D, optional bottleneck block and dropout
                ip: Input keras tensor
                nb_filter: number of filters
                bottleneck: add bottleneck block
                dropout_rate: dropout rate
                weight_decay: weight decay factor
            Returns: keras tensor with batch_norm, relu and convolution2d added (optional bottleneck)
        concat_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == 'channel_first' else -1
        x = BatchNormalization(axis=concat_axis, epsilon=1.1e-5)(ip)
        x = Activation('relu')(x)
        if bottleneck:
            inter_channel = nb_filter * 4
            x = Conv2D(inter_channel, (1, 1), kernel_initializer='he_normal', padding='same', use_bias=False,
            x = BatchNormalization(axis=concat_axis, epsilon=1.1e-5)(x)
            x = Activation('relu')(x)
        x = Conv2D(nb_filter, (3, 3), kernel_initializer='he_normal', padding='same', use_bias=False)(x)
        if dropout_rate:
            x = Dropout(dropout_rate)(x)
        return x




    def transition_block(ip, nb_filter, compression=1.0, weight_decay=1e-4):
        '''Apply BatchNorm, ReLU, Conv2d, optional compressoin, dropout and Maxpooling2D
                ip: keras tensor
                nb_filter: number of filters
                compression: caculated as 1 - reduction. Reduces the number of features maps in the transition block
                dropout_rate: dropout rate
                weight_decay: weight decay factor
                keras tensor, after applying batch_norm, relu-conv, dropout, maxpool
        concat_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first' else -1
        x = BatchNormalization(axis=concat_axis, epsilon=1.1e-5)(ip)
        x = Activation('relu')(x)
        x = Conv2D(int(nb_filter * compression), (1, 1), kernel_initializer='he_normal', padding='same', use_bias=False,
        x = AveragePooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2))(x)
        return x




    def dense_block(x, nb_layers, nb_filter, growth_rate, bottleneck=False, dropout_rate=None, weight_decay=1e-4,
                    grow_nb_filters=True, return_concat_list=False):
        '''Build a dense_block where the output of ench conv_block is fed t subsequent ones
                x: keras tensor
                nb_layser: the number of layers of conv_block to append to the model
                nb_filter: number of filters
                growth_rate: growth rate
                bottleneck: bottleneck block
                dropout_rate: dropout rate
                weight_decay: weight decay factor
                grow_nb_filters: flag to decide to allow number of filters to grow
                return_concat_list: return the list of feature maps along with the actual output
                keras tensor with nb_layers of conv_block appened
        concat_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first' else -1
        x_list = [x]
        for i in range(nb_layers):
            cb = conv_block(x, growth_rate, bottleneck, dropout_rate, weight_decay)
            x = concatenate([x, cb], axis=concat_axis)
            if grow_nb_filters:
                nb_filter += growth_rate
        if return_concat_list:
            return x, nb_filter, x_list
            return x, nb_filter

    其中的x = concatenate([x, cb], axis=concat_axis)操作使得x在每次循环中始终维护一个全局状态,第一次循环输入为x,输出为cb1,第二的输入为cb=[x, cb1],输出为cb2,第三次的输入为cb=[x, cb1, cb2],输出为cb3,以此类推。增长率growth_rate其实就是每次卷积时使用的卷积核个数,也就是最后输出的通道数。



    def create_dense_net(nb_classes, img_input, include_top, depth=40, nb_dense_block=3, growth_rate=12, nb_filter=-1,
                         nb_layers_per_block=[1], bottleneck=False, reduction=0.0, dropout_rate=None, weight_decay=1e-4,
                         subsample_initial_block=False, activation='softmax'):
        ''' Build the DenseNet model
                nb_classes: number of classes
                img_input: tuple of shape (channels, rows, columns) or (rows, columns, channels)
                include_top: flag to include the final Dense layer
                depth: number or layers
                nb_dense_block: number of dense blocks to add to end (generally = 3)
                growth_rate: number of filters to add per dense block
                nb_filter: initial number of filters. Default -1 indicates initial number of filters is 2 * growth_rate
                nb_layers_per_block: list, number of layers in each dense block
                bottleneck: add bottleneck blocks
                reduction: reduction factor of transition blocks. Note : reduction value is inverted to compute compression
                dropout_rate: dropout rate
                weight_decay: weight decay rate
                subsample_initial_block: Set to True to subsample the initial convolution and
                        add a MaxPool2D before the dense blocks are added.
                activation: Type of activation at the top layer. Can be one of 'softmax' or 'sigmoid'.
                        Note that if sigmoid is used, classes must be 1.
            Returns: keras tensor with nb_layers of conv_block appended
        concat_axis = 1 if K.image_data_format() == 'channel_first' else -1
        if type(nb_layers_per_block) is not list:
            print('nb_layers_per_block should be a list!!!')
            return 0
        final_nb_layer = nb_layers_per_block[-1]
        nb_layers = nb_layers_per_block[:-1]
        if nb_filter <= 0:
            nb_filter = 2 * growth_rate
        compression = 1.0 - reduction
        if subsample_initial_block:
            initial_kernel = (7, 7)
            initial_strides = (2, 2)
            initial_kernel = (3, 3)
            initial_strides = (1, 1)
        x = Conv2D(nb_filter, initial_kernel, kernel_initializer='he_normal', padding='same',
                   strides=initial_strides, use_bias=False, kernel_regularizer=l2(weight_decay))(img_input)
        if subsample_initial_block:
            x = BatchNormalization(axis=concat_axis, epsilon=1.1e-5)(x)
            x = Activation('relu')(x)
            x = MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='same')(x)
        for block_index in range(nb_dense_block - 1):
            x, nb_filter = dense_block(x, nb_layers[block_index], nb_filter, growth_rate, bottleneck=bottleneck,
                                       dropout_rate=dropout_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay)
            x = transition_block(x, nb_filter, compression=compression, weight_decay=weight_decay)
            nb_filter = int(nb_filter * compression)
        # 最后一个block没有transition_block
        x, nb_filter = dense_block(x, final_nb_layer, nb_filter, growth_rate, bottleneck=bottleneck,
                                   dropout_rate=dropout_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay)
        x = BatchNormalization(axis=concat_axis, epsilon=1.1e-5)(x)
        x = Activation('relu')(x)
        x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
        if include_top:
            x = Dense(nb_classes, activation=activation)(x)
        return x
    inputs = Input(tensor=img_input, shape=input_shape)
    x = create_dense_net(classes=1000, img_input, include_top=True, depth=169, nb_dense_block=4,
                         growth_rate=32, nb_filter=64, nb_layers_per_block=[6, 12, 32, 32], bottleneck=True, reduction=0.5,
                         dropout_rate=0.0, weight_decay=1e-4, subsample_initial_blockTrue, activation='softmax')
    model = Model(inputs, x, name='densenet169')



          本文标题:Keras实现 DenseNet
