I’ve been reading books of old
The legends and the myths/神话
Achilles and his gold
Hercules/大力神 and his gifts
Spiderman’s control
And Batman with his fists
And clearly I don’t see myself upon that list
She said where’d you wanna go ?
How much you wanna risk?
I’m not looking for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairytale['fɛrɪ,tel]/童话式的 bliss[blɪs] 天赐的福
Just something I canturn to 致力于
Somebody I can kiss
I want something just like this
I’ve been reading books of old
The legends and the myths/神话
The testaments圣约 they told
The moon and its eclipse
And superman unrolls展示
A suit西装、套装 before he lifts升高
But i’m not the kind of person that it fits合身
She said where’d you wanna go ?
How much you wanna risk?
I’m not looking for….