常精进English D4 Supergirl Choose t

常精进English D4 Supergirl Choose t

作者: 飞仙时空 | 来源:发表于2021-06-27 18:28 被阅读0次

    #常精进English D4 Supergirl Choose to Take Risk

    Kara: I'll get Myriad(黑曜石) from the Fortress.

    And there's got to be something there

    we can use to weaponize(武器化) the Jarhanpurium(外星石).

    That way we can strip Lex of his powers

    and make him mortal again.

    John: Let's not forget, Lex still wants to kill us all.

    And he has Leviathan powers,

    which means he can sense us,

    especially Supergirl.

    He'll strike as soon as we try to make a move.

    We need another diversion(转移)

    Kara: I can buy you guys time by offering myself up.

    John: We're not gonna let you do that, Supergirl. It's too risky.

    Kara: If that's what it takes to save half the population and stop Lex,

    I'm willing to take that risk.

    ----- New Words -----

    Myriad 黑曜石

    weaponize /ˈwepənaɪz/ vt. 使…武器化

    Leviathan /ləˈvaɪəθən/ n. 利维坦(英国17世纪著作家霍布斯的著作);海怪。

    diversion. /daɪˈvɜːʃn/ n. 转移;消遣;分散注意力

    buy time 争取时间

    offer up 贡献



          本文标题:常精进English D4 Supergirl Choose t
