
My book looks dirty and old. I don’t even remember when I bought this book? Where I bought it? I bought it for my daughters or my son? Anyway, I have told my little boy this story many times. He loves it!

Step 1, Warn up. I played a game with my kids. We played “paper, scissors, stone” game. The loser should use his or her finger to press one tooth of the toy crocodile, the game went on until someone was bit by the crocodile. After the game, the kids would understand it was very scary to be bit. But I didn’t want my kids to be afraid of a dentist, I asked my daughter, Libby to tell us about toothache, she had 5 decayed teeth filled by the dentist before. Terrible experience!
Step 2. Story time. I read in English, Simon read in Chinese ( actually, he didn’t know Chinese words, children always have a good memory.) I lowered my voice to pretend that I was scared, he lowered his. I raised my voice to pretend that I was brave, he raised his. Simon and I provided the two girls(Libby and Chelsea)the “English-Chinese simultaneous translation”service. Sounded like very professional, but we just had fun!

I have a toothache! I really don’t want to see the dentist! But I must.

The crocodile is coming.I really don’t want to see him, but I must.

I am scared!

Shall I go through with it?

How does they feel? They are scared!

Ouch!My tooth is sore . Ouch! The crocodile bit me!

Not much longer!


I must never forget to brush my teeth in the morning! I must never forget to brush my teeth in the evening. Crocodile is a good boy now!
Step 3. To sing a song.
Then we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth together!