Numbers 25:1-15 1 While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab. 2 These invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods. 3 So Israel yoked himself to Baal of Peor. And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. 4 And the LORD said to Moses, “Take all the chiefs of the people and hang them in the sun before the LORD, that the fierce anger of the LORD may turn away from Israel.” 5 And Moses said to the judges of Israel, “Each of you kill those of his men who have yoked themselves to Baal of Peor.” 6 And behold, one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel, while they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting. 7 When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose and left the congregation and took a spear in his hand 8 and went after the man of Israel into the chamber and pierced both of them, the man of Israel and the woman through her belly. Thus the plague on the people of Israel was stopped. 9 Nevertheless, those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand. 10 And the LORD said to Moses, 11 “Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, has turned back my wrath from the people of Israel, in that he was jealous with my jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in my jealousy. 12 Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give to him my covenant of peace, 13 and it shall be to him and to his descendants after him the covenant of a perpetual priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the people of Israel.’” 14 The name of the slain man of Israel, who was killed with the Midianite woman, was Zimri the son of Salu, chief of a father’s house belonging to the Simeonites. 15 And the name of the Midianite woman who was killed was Cozbi the daughter of Zur, who was the tribal head of a father’s house in Midian.
民数记25:1-15 1 以色列人住在什亭,人民与摩押的女子行起淫乱来。 2 那些女子叫以色列人来,一同给她们的神献祭,以色列人也吃了她们的祭物,跪拜她们的神。 3 以色列人与巴力.毘珥连合,耶和华就向以色列人发怒。 4 耶和华对摩西说:“把人民的首领都捉来,在我耶和华面前对着太阳把他们悬挂起来,好使耶和华的烈怒可以转消,不向以色列人发作。” 5 于是摩西对以色列的审判官说:“你们各人要把与巴力.毘珥连合的人都杀了。” 6 摩西和以色列全体会众在会幕门口哭泣的时候,以色列人中有一个人来,当着他们的面带了一个米甸女子到自己的兄弟那里去。 7 亚伦祭司的孙子、以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈看见了,就从会众中起来,手里拿着枪, 8 跟着那以色列人,进入卧室,把他们两人刺透,就是刺透那以色列人和那女子。枪刺进了那女子的肚腹。这样,在以色列人中的瘟疫才止住。 9 那时因瘟疫而死的,共有二万四千人。 10 耶和华对摩西说: 11 “亚伦祭司的孙子、以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈,使我的烈怒稍消,不向以色列人发作,因为他在他们中间以我忌邪的心为心,使我不因我忌邪的心把他们消灭。 12 因此你要说:‘现在我把平安之约赐给他, 13 要给他和他的后裔作为永远担当祭司职分的约,因为他为他的 神有忌邪的心,为以色列人赎罪。’” 14 那被杀的以色列人,就是与那米甸女子一同被杀的人,名叫心利,是撒路的儿子,是西缅支派中一个家族的领袖。 15 那被杀的米甸女子,名叫哥斯比,是苏珥的女儿;这苏珥是米甸一个家族的族长。
Introduction |
引言 |
The elders of Bethlehem want to inform the congregation that last year, an incident occurred in which a young teen engaged in sexual misconduct involving a child at a Bethlehem campus. When a Bethlehem leader learned of the situation, he immediately called law enforcement, which began an investigation. Bethlehem cooperated in this investigation, which is now concluded, though certain legal proceedings may continue. Law enforcement’s investigation identified only one isolated incident. But even one incident is too many. |
We take this matter very seriously and are heartbroken and grieve for the families that have been affected by this incident. We are grateful for the courage of anyone, especially a child, who speaks out about abuse. We share this information to inform the congregation as we move forward with a review of our child protection policies & procedures and to provide additional training for Bethlehem’s leaders, staff, and volunteers. As we attempt to protect the identities of the young people and families involved, we do not plan to provide more detailed information with the congregation about the incident. |
我们严肃认真对待这个事件,并为关涉此事的家庭深感悲痛。我们感谢任何勇敢的个人,尤其是那个孩子,说出了虐待的真相。我们公布这个信息让会众知道我们在推进重审我们的儿童保护规则与程序,并为伯利恒的领导、员工和志愿者们提供更多培训。为了保护涉事的青少年及其家庭,我们不打算向会众公布关于此事的进一步细节。 |
We have invited an outside organization to help us better fulfill our priority of protecting the next generation and to help us do everything in our power to safeguard the children of Bethlehem. This organization will provide training for our leadership on Saturday, August 3, and for the entire congregation on the weekend of August 10/11 at each campus. We pray that God will heal those affected by this situation and help and guide this congregation as we move forward. |
我们已经从外面邀请一个专业机构来帮助我们更好地实现我们保护下一代的优先性,并帮助我们尽一切所能保护伯利恒的孩子们。这个机构将在8月3日周六为我们的领导们提供培训,而在8月10/11日在每个分堂为全体会众提供培训。我们祈求神医治所有受影响的人们,在我们推进这项工作时,帮助并保护全体会众。 |
If you are a member or regular attender at Bethlehem, you received an email on July 8 with this statement and a link to some frequently asked questions in response. Now we have come to a corporate moment where we together ask, how shall how shall we respond? How should leaders shepherd their beloved flock? Answer: Shepherds lament with their flock, shepherds repent to their flock, and shepherds guide their flock." |
如果你是伯利恒的一名立约会员或常规出席者,你在7月8日已经收到了一封有关这个事件的电子邮件,并且附有常问问题的链接。现在我们一起来问,我们该如何应对?领导们该如何牧养他们所爱的羊群?答:牧者与他们的羊群一同哀歌,牧者向他们的羊群忏悔,牧者引导他们的羊群。 |
First, we lament with the flock. We invite you to feel the depth of horror and injustice of this sexual abuse. We do not merely name this as sexual sin, but sexual abuse. Abuse is when someone uses a position of trust to exploit the vulnerable. It is a crushing blow. We take it so seriously because this happened at church. Church is supposed to be a place where there is a sacred trust. Parents entrust their children to us to be nurtured and instructed and protected. This is not the path we wanted to be on as a church. This is not an experience we would have ever wanted for the victim and the victim’s family. We invite you to lament and grieve in this dark night – we have been ushered into the house of mourning. |
首先,我们与羊群一同哀歌。我们邀请你来感受这个性虐待的可怕与不义。我们不只是称之为性犯罪,而是性虐待。虐待是某人利用被信任的位分来侵害弱势者。这是一种破坏性的打击。我们如此严肃对待这个事件,是因为它发生在教会里。教会本该是神圣值得信任的地方。家长们把他们的孩子交托给我们,让他们得到养育、教导和保护。作为一个教会,这不是我们想要的方向。我们绝不想让这种经历发生在受害者及其家庭身上。我们邀请你在这个黑暗的夜里一起来哀歌悲痛——我们被带入了哀恸的房间。 |
Second, we also repent to the flock. I don’t want to mince words here. We confess that we did not provide consistent and steady pastoral support and guidance in a way that would provide this family with the love and care that the Lord calls us as shepherds to demonstrate. We followed all the proper legal protocol, but the lack of a consistent shepherding presence made a hard situation even harder for this family. We also grieve and lament our mistake of not more quickly notifying parents of other children who were in the care of the juvenile sooner, and we regret the impact this mistake has wrought on these children and families. These things grieves us deeply and we repent for the pain that this shepherding neglect has caused. As leaders, we want to ask you for your forgiveness for not loving this part of our body well. |
第二,我们向羊群忏悔。我在这里不想闪烁其辞,我们承认我们没有提供持续稳定的牧养支持和引导,照着主呼召我们作为牧者所当展现的,给这个家庭以足够的爱心和关怀。我们遵循法律照章办事,但是缺乏持续的现场牧养给这个本已困难的家庭雪上加霜。我们也为没能迅速及时知会同在一处的其他儿童家长的错误而悲痛忧伤,我们为这个错误对这些儿童和家庭造成的影响而深感遗憾。这些事都让我们深感忧伤,我们也为这个牧养失职造成的苦痛而忏悔。作为教会领导,我们想为我们没能好好地爱这部分肢体而请求你们的原谅! |
Third, we seek to guide the flock. How do we guide the flock into paths of righteousness? The word is a lamp to our feet – a light to our path. How does it guide us here? I will tell you how many times I wanted to go to a text that would highlight the comfort of the Lord. But again and again and again, the Lord kept taking me back to Numbers 25. When I met with the family last month, this was one of the texts that they read to me and the Lord really used it to convict me and light a fire in me. I feel as though I would be disobedient if we did not look at this text together to see what the Lord has for us. |
第三,我们寻求引导羊群。我们如何引导羊群走义路?神的话语是我们脚前的灯,路上的光。在这里它会怎样引导我们?我要告诉你有多少次我想翻到一处经文强调主的安慰。但一而再,再而三地,主总是把我带到民数记25章。上个月我去探访这个家庭,这是他们读给我听的经文之一,而主也真的用这段经文让我知罪,在我里面点燃火焰。要是我们不一起来看主借着这段经文要让我们看到什么的话,我感觉到好像是在悖逆神。 |
1. The General Sin of the People |
1. 百姓的罪 |
While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab. 2 These invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods. 3 So Israel yoked himself to Baal of Peor. |
以色列人住在什亭,人民与摩押的女子行起淫乱来。 2 那些女子叫以色列人来,一同给她们的神献祭,以色列人也吃了她们的祭物,跪拜她们的神。 3 以色列人与巴力.毘珥连合 |
The text says that the people began to “whore” with the daughters of Moab. The term can mean “commit fornication” or “engage in idolatrous worship.” There is no need to choose between both meanings. As one commentator says, “The first acts may have been physical, but they quickly led to cultic and spiritual acts.”[footnoteRef:2] Even more sinister is the evidence that ancient idolatrous worship involved the sexual exploitation of children (cf. offering children to Molech, which is grouped with sexual sins and abuses in Lev. 18:21; Deut. 23:17). |
经文说百姓开始与摩押女子行起“淫乱”来。这个词既可以表示性淫乱,也可以表示拜偶像。这里不需要作出区分。如一位注释家所说,“首先可能是身体上的,然后很快就变成宗教仪式和属灵意义上的行为。更邪恶的是古代的偶像崇拜包含了对儿童的性剥削(参见利未记18:21和申命记23:17把儿女经火献给摩洛,与性犯罪和性虐待归于同类)。” |
The Moabite women enticed the Israelites with a sexual relationship that led to an idolatrous relationship through the “invitation” to come to the sacrifices of their gods. They participated and “bowed down to their gods” (v. 2). The men were joined in a sexual way to the women of Moab and the nation was joined in an idolatrous way to the gods of Moab. The nation was supposed to be joined to Yahweh – instead Israel was yoked (formal connection) now to Baal. This is what sin is at root: spiritual adultery. The Lord is so jealous to separate his people from sin because he is zealous to keep us away from anything that could separate us from him. He is at war with our sin. |
摩押女子以性关系引诱以色列人,然后邀他们给她们的神献祭让他们陷入偶像崇拜。他们参与了,并“跪拜她们的神”(第2节)。男人以性关系与摩押女子连合,而以色列族以偶像崇拜关系与摩押的神连合。以色列族本该与耶和华连合的——现在他们与巴力共负一轭。这罪的根源就是:属灵的淫乱。主是如此忌邪,祂要将祂的人民与罪分开,因为祂热切地让我们远离任何可能使我们与祂分离的事物。 祂在与我们的罪交战。 |
These temptations did what Balaam’s prophetic attacks could not do: turn God against Israel. When Balaam tried to speak against Israel – it didn’t work. The greatest threat upon God’s people is not the enemy outside the camp, but the enemy of sin within. |
这些诱惑做了巴兰先知的攻击所不能做的事: 让上帝反对以色列。 当巴兰试图开口咒诅以色列的时候,没有奏效。 上帝子民面临的最大威胁不是营外的敌人,而是内心罪恶的敌人。 |
This is what sin is at root: spiritual adultery. The Lord is so jealous to separate his people from sin because he is zealous to keep us away from anything that could separate us from him. He is at war with our sin. |
这就是罪的根源:属灵的淫乱。 主是如此忌邪,祂将祂的人民与罪分开,因为他热切地让我们远离任何可能使我们与他分离的事物。 他在与我们的罪交战。 |
2. The Anger and Judgment of the Lord |
2. 主的烈怒与审判 |
And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. 4 And the Lord said to Moses, “Take all the chiefs of the people and hang them in the sun before the Lord, that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from Israel.” 5 And Moses said to the judges of Israel, “Each of you kill those of his men who have yoked themselves to Baal of Peor.” |
耶和华就向以色列人发怒。 4 耶和华对摩西说:“把人民的首领都捉来,在我耶和华面前对着太阳把他们悬挂起来,好使耶和华的烈怒可以转消,不向以色列人发作。” 5 于是摩西对以色列的审判官说:“你们各人要把与巴力.毘珥连合的人都杀了。” |
This act of judgment was prescribed by God as a punishment that would turn the fierce anger of the LORD away from Israel. There is disagreement as to whether this punishment was actually carried out. But imagine for a moment how painful this act of judgment would be: the judges would have to carry out the execution. Can you imagine the judges as they carry out the death sentence upon the men who had committed this idolatry? Perhaps fathers carrying out a death sentence on their sons or uncles or friends or relatives or neighbors. So the end of the next verse describes an obvious response on the part of the people: “they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting” (v. 6). |
这个审判的行动是由神指定的,这是一种惩罚,会使耶和华的忿怒远离以色列。 关于这种惩罚是否实际执行存在分歧。 但想象一下这种审判行为会有多痛苦:法官必须执行死刑。 你能想象法官们对犯下这种偶像崇拜者的人判处死刑吗? 也许就像父亲对他们的儿子或叔叔或朋友或亲戚或邻居判处死刑。 所以下一节经文的结尾描述了人们的明显反应:“他们在会幕门口哭泣”(第6节)。 |
It could be they are weeping over the sin committed and the severity of the punishment, but we also know that there was a plague happening. God’s burning anger has led to a plague that had killed 24,000 people (v. 9): “Nevertheless, those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand.” |
可能是他们正在为犯下的罪和惩罚的严厉性而哭泣,我们也知道那时发生了瘟疫。 上帝燃烧的烈怒导致了一场瘟疫,造成24,000人丧生(第9节):“那时因瘟疫而死的,共有二万四千人。” |
But not everyone was weeping. Not everyone was taking this judgment seriously. A couple of people were flagrant in their disregard for the Lord’s holiness and judgment. |
但不是每个人都在哭泣。 不是每个人都认真对待这个审判。 有几个人无视主的圣洁和审判而肆无忌惮。 |
3. The Specific Sin of Zimri and Cozbi (vs. 6; 14-15) |
3. 心利和哥斯比的罪(第6、14-15节) |
6 And behold, one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel, while they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting. |
6 摩西和以色列全体会众在会幕门口哭泣的时候,以色列人中有一个人来,当着他们的面带了一个米甸女子到自己的兄弟那里去。 |
While others were mourning the devastation that their sin had brought upon Israel, this Israelite was brazen with his sin. He made no attempt to hide it, but he flaunted it in plain sight – like a direct challenge – “in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel” (v. 6) |
当其他人哀悼他们的罪带给以色列人的灾难时,这位以色列人却对他的罪厚颜无耻。 他并没有试图隐藏它,而是堂而皇之地做 - 就像当面挑战 - “在摩西和以色列全体会众的面前”(第6节) |
Scripture names the Israelite and the Midianite that so openly and brazenly flaunted their rebellion against the Lord’s judgment. |
圣经点出那个以色列人和米甸人的名字,他们堂而皇之,肆无忌惮地炫耀他们对上帝审判的悖逆。 |
14 The name of the slain man of Israel, who was killed with the Midianite woman, was Zimri the son of Salu, chief of a father’s house belonging to the Simeonites. 15 And the name of the Midianite woman who was killed was Cozbi the daughter of Zur, who was the tribal head of a father’s house in Midian. |
14 那被杀的以色列人,就是与那米甸女子一同被杀的人,名叫心利,是撒路的儿子,是西缅支派中一个家族的领袖。 15 那被杀的米甸女子,名叫哥斯比,是苏珥的女儿;这苏珥是米甸一个家族的族长。 |
Therefore, we see that some will not respond rightly to God’s burning holiness and anger and passion for purity. They will respond with utter disregard. But how should we respond – especially in the face of heinous, open rebellion? |
因此,我们看到有些人不会正确地回应上帝炽热的圣洁和愤怒以及对纯洁的热切追求。 他们全然无视。 但我们应该如何回应 - 特别是面对令人发指的,公然的反叛? |
4. The Zeal of Phineas |
4. 非尼哈的热心 |
*7 When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose and left the congregation and took a spear in his hand 8 and went after the man of Israel into the chamber and pierced both of them, the man of Israel and the woman through her belly. Thus the plague on the people of Israel was stopped. 9 Nevertheless, those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand. * |
7 亚伦祭司的孙子、以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈看见了,就从会众中起来,手里拿着枪, 8 跟着那以色列人,进入卧室,把他们两人刺透,就是刺透那以色列人和那女子。枪刺进了那女子的肚腹。这样,在以色列人中的瘟疫才止住。 9 那时因瘟疫而死的,共有二万四千人。 |
10 And the Lord said to Moses, 11 “Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, has turned back my wrath from the people of Israel, in that he was jealous with my jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in my jealousy. 12 Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give to him my covenant of peace, 13 and it shall be to him and to his descendants after him the covenant of a perpetual priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the people of Israel.’ ” |
10 耶和华对摩西说: 11 “亚伦祭司的孙子、以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈,使我的烈怒稍消,不向以色列人发作,因为他在他们中间以我忌邪的心为心,使我不因我忌邪的心把他们消灭。 12 因此你要说:‘现在我把平安之约赐给他, 13 要给他和他的后裔作为永远担当祭司职分的约,因为他为他的 神有忌邪的心,为以色列人赎罪。’” |
The text describes the response of Phinehas. It was immediate (when he saw it). It was purposeful (he got up, left the congregation, grabbed a spear, and went after them into their chamber). It was decisive. He took the spear and pierced both of them while they were in the act of brazen rebellion. |
经文描述了非尼哈的反应。 这是即时的反应(当他看到它时)。 这是有目的的(他站起来,离开会众,拿起枪,然后跟着他们进入他们的房间)。 这是决定性的。 正当他们在厚颜无耻的反叛行为之中,他拿起枪刺穿了他们。 |
The word that Scripture gives to describe Phinehas’ response is zealous or jealous. When God explains what happened, Phinehas is commended for his zeal and jealousy. “he was jealous with my jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in my jealousy” (v. 11). |
圣经用热心或忌邪来描述非尼哈的回应。 当上帝解释发生的事情时,非尼哈因其热心和忌邪而受到称赞。 “他在他们中间以我忌邪的心为心,使我不因我忌邪的心把他们消灭。”(第11节)。 |
Phinehas reflected the zeal of God – God’s passion for his great name and great holiness that had been so cheapened and disregarded and mocked. |
菲尼亚斯反映了上帝的热心 - 上帝对祂圣名和圣洁的热心。这圣名与圣洁曾被如此贬低,忽视和嘲弄。 |
Application |
应用 |
This is the application. What do we need to do that Phinehas modeled for us? He responded with a zeal that fits with God’s passion for his holiness. He did not minimize it. He acted in accordance with God’s passion for his holiness. |
非尼哈为我们做了什么榜样需要我们来效仿? 他的热心回应了上帝对祂圣洁的热心。 他没有小而化之。 他照着上帝对祂圣洁的热心行事。 |
We can all talk about responding with a proper sense of urgency based on the nature of what is happening. If you really see and believe that your house is on fire and you are going to die, then you sound the alarm and get everyone out of the building to safety. |
我们都可以说根据正在发生的事情的性质以相应的紧迫感来回应。 如果你真的看到并相信你的房子着火而你将要死,那么你就会发出警报,让所有人都离开房子到一个安全的地方。 |
That is the kind of decisive action we need when faced with the current plague of sexual sin in our culture. Yes, we have all heard stories in the #metoo and #churchtoo movements. Some of you have experienced these heart-breaking realities in your past. I know this event will undoubtedly trigger past memories and bring fears up to the surface. We want to walk with you and care for you (provide next step details). |
这是我们在面对当前文化中性罪瘟疫时所需要的一种决然行动。 是的,我们都在#metoo和#churchtoo运动中听过很多故事。 你们中的一些人在过去经历过这些令人心碎的现实。 我知道这一事件无疑会引发过去的记忆并让潜藏的恐惧浮出表面。 我们想和你同行,关心你(提供下一步细节)。 |
If you have been a victim of sexual abuse, please know we applaud the courage of anyone, especially a child, who speaks out about abuse. We will walk with you. We are committed to grow as shepherds in providing the shepherding support that the Lord himself calls us to give. |
如果你是性虐待的受害者,请你明白我们赞扬任何一个人,特别是那个说出虐待行为的孩子的勇气。 我们会和你同行。 我们致力于成长为牧羊人,提供主亲自呼召我们给予的牧养支持。 |
Some have already had tragedies like this be part of their story. Now it must hit home for the rest of us. No one can sit on the sidelines and pretend this is not part of our story. It is here. This is part of the unity of the Body. When one member suffers, all suffer together. |
有些人已经将这样的悲剧作为他们故事的一部分。 现在必须让我们其他人都充分认识到它。 没有人可以袖手旁观,假装这与我们无关。 就在这里。 这是合一身体的一部分。 当一个肢体受苦时,所有肢体都受苦。 |
We should fast and pray that this plague of sexual sin would stop. We are going to provide some corporate calls for fasting (add details). We need the plague of sexual abuse to stop, but also the feeder systems of pornography and sexual immorality. Let us not be naïve – the exploitation of women and men flows from the objectification of women and men. We must stand up for our brothers and sisters and insist that they be treated with care and respect and honor as those made in the image of God. In our culture where everything is sexualized, the church can stand up for the inherent value that all women have as those made in the image of God. |
我们应该禁食并祈祷这种性罪瘟疫会停止。 我们将提出一些集体禁食的呼召。 我们需要停止性虐待的瘟疫,还需要停止色情和性不道德的馈线系统。 我们不要天真 - 对女性或男性的性剥削来自对男人或女人的物化。 我们必须支持我们的兄弟姐妹,并坚持要像对待上帝形象所做的那样关心,尊敬和尊重他们。 在我们的文化中,一切都是性的,教会可以坚持所有女性所拥有的内在价值,她们是照着上帝形象所造的。 |
Dear friends, if lust and sexual sin is part of your life in anyway – whether right now you are dabbling, engaging, or immersing yourself in it: wake up, repent, respond with the zeal of God. |
亲爱的朋友们,无论如何,如果欲望和性罪成为你生活的一部分 - 无论你现在正在涉猎,参与或沉浸在其中:醒来,忏悔,用上帝的热心来回应。 |
One way to be purposeful and zealous in our response as a body is to do everything possible to be equipped to respond wisely and rightly. |
在我们作为一个机体的反应中,有目的和热心的一种方法是尽一切可能做好装备,以明智和正确地作出回应。 |
Parents: read through the FAQ about how parents should talk to their kids about sexual abuse and the resources given there. |
家长:请阅读常见问题解答,了解父母应如何与孩子谈论性虐待并在那里获得的资源。 |
Church Body: make every effort to attend the training that is coming. Put it on your calendar. We all need to know what to look for in terms of prevention and what to do in terms of reaction. And how to care in terms of support. |
教会团体:尽一切努力参加即将到来的培训。 把它放在你的日历上。 我们都需要知道在预防方面需要注意什么以及在反应方面该做些什么。 以及如何关心支持。 |
GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) is an organization founded by Boz Tchividjian in 2004 to help “equip the Church with a vision for authentic community, where responsibility, accountability, and compassion are second nature and caring for children and adult survivors of abuse are non-negotiable.” GRACE is an outside organization that we have sought out to help us with education, training, and assessment to ensure that we are safe for the most vulnerable entrusted to our care. |
GRACE(对基督教环境中虐待的敬虔反应)是由Boz Tchividjian于2004年创立的一个组织,旨在帮助“教会装备真实社区的愿景,其中责任、问责和同情是第二天性,责无旁贷地关心儿童和成年的虐待受害者。”GRACE是一个外部组织,我们已经寻求他们帮助我们进行教育、培训和评估,以确保我们对托付给我们照看的最弱势群体是安全的。 |
Why have we invited GRACE? |
我们为什么要邀请GRACE? |
We believe that the insights, best practices, and outside assessment of an experienced organization like GRACE will help us better fulfill our mandate and priority of protecting and discipling the next generation, and help us to do everything in our power to safeguard the children of Bethlehem. |
我们相信,对GRACE这样一个经验丰富的组织,他们的洞察、最佳做法和外部评估,将帮助我们更好地履行保护和训练下一代的使命和优先事项,并帮助我们尽一切力量保护伯利恒的儿童。 |
What trainings will be offered by GRACE? |
GRACE 会为我们提供什么样的培训? |
GRACE will provide two different trainings for our church will be offered. A four-hour leadership training will be held for all church leaders and will cover various issues and topics. An additional four-hour training will be held for all adult congregants to attend. |
GRACE会为我们教会提供两种不一样的培训。一个四小时领导力培训将为所有教会领袖举办并将涵盖各种议题。此外,所有成年会众亦可以接受四个小时的培训。 |
What will the congregational training cover? |
会众培训将涵盖哪些? |
GRACE's All-Adult Training is designed to give every adult the education and tools he/she needs to put into practice the policy of the church well. Everyone in a church plays a role in keeping children safe. The safest church is an informed, equipped, and zealous church. |
GRACE的全成人培训旨在为每位成年人提供他/她所需要的教育和工具,以便将教会的政策很好地付诸实践。 教会中的每个人都有保护儿童安全的义务。 最安全的教会是一个知情、受装备和有热心的教会。 |
This should be all hands on deck. Yes, we should lament the evil and the horror and devastation. But we should be emboldened to sound the alarm and respond with a due sense of the Lord’s zeal. |
我们应该全体总动员。 是的,我们应该为邪恶、恐怖和破坏感到悲哀。 但我们应该大胆地发出警报,并以主的热情作出相应的回应。 |
Conclusion |
结尾 |
We pray that measures like these will be effective and will bear fruit for generations to come. In our story, the zeal of Phinehas was effective. The plague stopped at that point. He “turned back my wrath from the people of Israel” (v. 11). It “made atonement for the people of Israel” (v. 13). |
我们祈祷这样的措施将是有效的,并将为我们的后代结出果实。在我们的故事中,非尼哈的热情是有效的。瘟疫就在那时停止了。他“使我的烈怒稍消,不向以色列人发作”(v.11)他“为以色列人赎罪”(v.13) |
We live in a fallen world, so we cannot say with complete certainty that something like this will never happen again. We plan to apply the highest degree of vigilance to the implementation of and adherence to our policies and training. We plan to evaluate our policies on a yearly basis and make changes to keep our policies updated according to the changing needs of our world. |
我们生活在一个堕落的世界,所以我们不能完全肯定这样的事情不会再发生了。我们计划对执行和坚持我们的政策和培训保持最高度的警惕。我们计划每年评估我们的政策,并作出调整,使我们的政策不断更新,以适应世界不断变化的需要。 |
Gospel Transition: Atonement |
福音过渡:赎罪 |
Phinehas provided atonement as a priest by sacrificing those committing the sin. Phinehas shared in God’s jealousy for the holiness of his name. Phinehas turned back the Lord’s anger. |
非尼哈作为一个祭司用那些犯罪的人献上赎罪祭。 非尼哈与神同有为祂名的圣洁而忌邪的心。 非尼哈斯逆转了主的愤怒。 |
We are not a theocracy in which the church carries out capital punishment. We are in a different age in redemptive history. But the church is called to cooperate with the government and the authorities (Romans 13:1). |
现在我们不是神权政治,教会不能施行死刑。 我们在救赎史上处于不同的时代。 但教会被要求与政府和掌权者配合(罗马书13:1)。 |
But hear me clearly. In the new covenant, Jesus has provided the atonement that completely satisfies God’s wrath. Phinehas is a pointer to Jesus, the perfect Priest and Sacrifice. God is not demanding the sacrifice of any sinner – he has accepted the sacrifice of the sinless Savior. Any perpetrator can be forgiven and saved. His blood makes the foulest clean. |
但请听清楚。 在新约中,耶稣提供了完全满足上帝忿怒的赎罪祭。 非尼哈是预表,指向耶稣,那完美的祭司和祭品。 上帝并没有要求任何罪人的牺牲 - 祂接受了无罪救主的牺牲。 任何犯罪者都可以得饶恕并得救。 祂的血能让最污秽的也变纯洁。 |
Yes, people who commit crimes still face judgment here on earth. But far worse is the judgment that awaits at the end of the age in fires of hell. Therefore, all sinners should run the cross as the place of refuge – where justice and mercy meet together and God’s wrath is satisfied forever. If someone takes full responsibility for their sin and repents, there is no sin that can rise above the heights of Calvary’s cleansing flow. His mercy is more. The power of the blood can deal not only with the guilt of sin, but the power of sin. Once saved and cleansed and forgiven and free, the Holy Spirit can so transform a life that the believer can put sin to death and live for righteousness. I have witnessed people be set free from sexual sin and addiction. |
是的,违法犯罪的人仍要在地上受到审判。 但更糟糕的是在世代的末了地狱之火的审判。 因此,所有罪人都应该奔向十字架作为避难所 - 在那里正义和怜悯相遇,上帝的愤怒永远得到平息。 如果有人坦承他们的罪并悔改,就没有罪可以超越骷髅地洁净之流的高度。 祂的仁慈更多。 宝血的大能不仅可以处理罪的耻疚,也可以处理罪的权势。 一旦得救,洁净,宽恕和自由,圣灵就能全然改变生命,使信徒能够治死罪身,为义而活。 我曾亲眼见证有人摆脱性罪和成瘾。 |
And God does not merely know about suffering, he experienced it. Jesus was abused. He was stripped naked and brutalized and mocked and scorned and abandoned. The one who was forsaken will not forsake you. He was treated shamefully so that he might take away your shame forever. He is compassionate in love and almighty in power to take what the enemy has meant for evil and turn it for good. He is not surprised or outwitted or outmaneuvered or overpowered. He is the everlasting God and he will judge rightly. All the things that are hidden and twisted will be revealed and made right. |
上帝不仅仅知道有苦难,而且亲身经历过。 耶稣被虐待了。 祂被剥光衣服,被野蛮对待,被戏弄,嘲笑和抛弃。 那位曾遭遗弃的人不会遗弃你。 祂被羞辱地对待,为了可以永远带走你的耻辱。 祂富有同情和爱心,满有大能大力,能够将敌人出于恶意的攻击转化为益处。 祂不会被吓一跳,也不会被骗倒,智谋武力都胜不过祂。 祂是永恒的上帝,祂的审判无误。 所有隐藏和扭曲的都将被揭露并归正。 |
One day, sin’s dark night of terror will be no more. Sin will be perfectly punished forever and God’s people will be with him forever in paradise and wipe away ever tear and there will be no more night. |
有一天,罪的恐怖黑夜将会告终。罪将受到它应得的永远惩罚,但神的子民却会永远地和祂共享乐园。神会亲自擦干他们每一滴眼泪,并再也不会有黑夜。 |