

作者: mudssky | 来源:发表于2021-06-11 17:44 被阅读0次



    Action Shortcut
    打开新窗口(相当于新打开一个chrome) Ctrl + n
    无痕模式打开新窗口 Ctrl + Shift + n
    打开一个新选项卡(tab)并跳转 Ctrl + t
    按关闭的顺序打开被关闭的选项卡 Ctrl + Shift + t
    切换到下一个选项卡 Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn
    切换到上一个选项卡 Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUp
    跳到指定的选项卡(数字表示位置) Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8
    跳到最右边的选项卡 Ctrl + 9
    在当前选项卡打开主页 Alt + Home
    在当前选项卡向前切换历史记录 Alt + Left arrow
    在当前选项卡向后切换历史记录 Alt + Right arrow
    关闭当前选项卡 Ctrl + w or Ctrl + F4
    关闭当前窗口 Ctrl + Shift + w or Alt + F4
    最小化当前窗口 Alt + Space then n
    最大化当前窗口 Alt + Space then x
    退出 Chrome Alt + f then x




    Action Shortcut
    New tab ⌘ + t
    New incognito tab Shift + ⌘ + n
    Re-open closed tab Shift + ⌘ + t
    Find a page... ⌘ + f
    Open location... ⌘ + l
    Close tab ⌘ + w
    Bookmark this page... ⌘ + d
    Reload ⌘ + r
    Back ⌘ + Left arrow
    Forward ⌘ + Right arrow
    History + y
    Voice search Shift + ⌘ + .

    google chrome 特色快捷键

    Action Shortcut
    打开chrome菜单 Alt + f or Alt + e
    显示或隐藏书签栏 Ctrl + Shift + b
    打开书签管理器 Ctrl + Shift + o
    打开历史记录页面 Ctrl + h
    在新选项卡打开下载管理页面 Ctrl + j
    打开chrome任务管理器 Shift + Esc
    光标锁定chrome 工具条第一个图标(地址栏那一层,这个快捷键比较鸡肋) Shift + Alt + t
    光标锁定chrome 工具条最右边的图标 F10
    Switch focus to unfocused dialog (if showing) and all toolbars 切换地址栏和标题对话框 F6
    打开一个搜索框(可以用于查找页面上的文本来快速跳转) Ctrl + f or F3
    跳转搜索结果里的下一个匹配 Ctrl + g
    跳转搜索结果里的上一个匹配 Ctrl + Shift + g
    打开开发者工具 Ctrl + Shift + j or F12
    打开清除浏览数据界面 Ctrl + Shift + Delete
    在新的选项卡打开chrome帮助中心 F1
    打开工具条上的用户头像 Ctrl + Shift + m
    打开向谷歌反馈的表单 Alt + Shift + i
    切换到光标浏览模式 F7


    Action Shortcut
    使用默认搜索引擎搜索 输入搜索词+ Enter
    使用不同的搜索引擎搜索 输入搜索引擎的名字+Tab(鸡肋,baidu.com要输完整)
    添加www..com 并在新选项卡中打开 输入网站名 + Ctrl + Enter
    在新选项卡中打开谷歌搜索 输入搜索词 + Alt + Enter
    跳转到地址栏 Ctrl + l or Alt + d or F6
    快速打开地址栏搜索 Ctrl + k or Ctrl + e
    清除地址栏的预测 方向键移动选中 + Shift + Delete
    Move cursor to the address bar Control + F5


    Action Shortcut
    打印当前页面(也可以用于保存当前页面为pdf) Ctrl + p
    保存当前页面 Ctrl + s
    刷新重载当前页面 F5 or Ctrl + r
    重载当前页面,忽略缓存 Shift + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + r
    停止页面加载 Esc
    向前浏览可点击的项目 Tab
    向后浏览可点击的项目 Shift + Tab
    打开文件 Ctrl + o + Select a file
    显示不可编辑的页面源代码 Ctrl + u
    把当前页面加入书签 Ctrl + d
    保存所有打开的选项卡为书签并加入到一个目录里 Ctrl + Shift + d
    切换全屏模式 F11
    放大页面 Ctrl and +
    缩小页面 Ctrl and -
    使页面恢复正常大小 Ctrl + 0
    向下翻页 Space or PgDn
    向上翻页 Shift + Space or PgUp
    跳转到页面顶部 Home
    跳转到页面底部 End
    水平滚动页面 Shift + 鼠标滚轮
    在文本框中移动光标到前一个单词前面 Ctrl + Left arrow
    移动光标到下一个单词 Ctrl + Right arrow
    在文本框中删除前一个单词 Ctrl + Backspace
    在当前选项卡打开主页 Alt + Home
    重置页面缩放等级 Ctrl + 0


    Action Shortcut
    在当前选项卡打开链接 把链接拖到当前选项卡
    在后台选项卡中打开链接 Ctrl + 点击链接
    打开链接并跳转 Ctrl + Shift + 点击链接
    在新选项卡打开链接并跳转 拖动链接到选项卡的空白区域
    在新窗口中打开链接 Shift + 点击链接
    在新窗口中打开选项卡 把选项卡从原位置拖下来
    把选项卡加入当前的窗口 拖动选项卡到存在的窗口
    把tab放回原位 拖动过程中按ESC
    把当前tab保存书签 从地址栏把网址拖到书签栏
    水平滚动页面 Shift + 滚动鼠标
    下载目标链接 Alt + 点击链接
    显示浏览历史记录 右击工具栏上的前进后退箭头
    切换最大化和窗口模式 双击tab的空白区域
    放大页面 Ctrl + 向上滚动鼠标
    缩小页面 Ctrl + 向下滚动鼠标


    If you're on Mac Catalina and up, keyboard navigation is turned on by default in your system preferences.

    Tip: To focus your keyboard on text boxes or list items, press ⌘ + F7.

    Tab and window shortcuts

    Action Shortcut
    Open a new window ⌘ + n
    Open a new window in Incognito mode ⌘ + Shift + n
    Open a new tab, and jump to it ⌘ + t
    Reopen previously closed tabs in the order they were closed ⌘ + Shift + t
    Jump to the next open tab ⌘ + Option + Right arrow
    Jump to the previous open tab ⌘ + Option + Left arrow
    Jump to a specific tab ⌘ + 1 through ⌘ + 8
    Jump to the last tab ⌘ + 9
    Open the previous page in your browsing history for the current tab ⌘ + [ or ⌘ + Left arrow
    Open the next page in your browsing history for the current tab ⌘ + ] or ⌘ + Right arrow
    Close the current tab or pop-up ⌘ + w
    Close the current window ⌘ + Shift + w
    Minimize the window ⌘ + m
    Hide Google Chrome ⌘ + h
    Quit Google Chrome ⌘ + q

    Google Chrome feature shortcuts

    Action Shortcut
    Show or hide the Bookmarks Bar ⌘ + Shift + b
    Open the Bookmark Manager ⌘ + Option + b
    Open the Settings page in a new tab ⌘ + ,
    Open the History page in a new tab ⌘ + y
    Open the Downloads page in a new tab ⌘ + Shift + j
    Open the Find Bar to search the current page ⌘ + f
    Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search ⌘ + g
    Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search ⌘ + Shift + g
    When Find Bar is open, search for selected text ⌘ + e
    Open Developer Tools ⌘ + Option + i
    Open the Clear Browsing Data options ⌘ + Shift + Delete
    Log in as a different user, browse as a Guest, or access payment and password info ⌘ + Shift + m
    Jump to the main menu bar Control + F2
    Cycle focus to unfocused dialog (if showing) and all toolbars + Option + Up arrow or Down arrow
    Turn on caret browsing F7

    Address bar shortcuts

    Use the following shortcuts in the address bar:

    Action Shortcut
    Search with your default search engine Type a search term + Enter
    Search using a different search engine Type a search engine name and press Tab
    Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in the current tab Type a site name + Control + Enter
    Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in a new tab Type a site name + Control + Shift + Enter
    Open the website in a new background tab Type a web address + ⌘ + Enter
    Jump to the address bar ⌘ + l
    Remove predictions from your address bar Down arrow to highlight + Shift + fn + Delete****Forward Delete or fn-Delete on a laptop
    Move cursor to the address bar Control + F5

    Webpage shortcuts

    Action Shortcut
    Open options to print the current page ⌘ + p
    Open options to save the current page ⌘ + s
    Open the Page Setup dialog ⌘ + Option + p
    Reload your current page, ignoring cached content ⌘ + Shift + r
    Stop the page loading Esc
    Browse clickable items moving forward Tab
    Browse clickable items moving backward Shift + Tab
    Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome ⌘ + o + Select a file
    Display non-editable HTML source code for the current page ⌘ + Option + u
    Open the JavaScript Console ⌘ + Option + j
    Save your current webpage as a bookmark ⌘ + d
    Save all open tabs as bookmarks in a new folder ⌘ + Shift + d
    Turn full-screen mode on or off ⌘ + Ctrl + f
    Make everything on the page bigger ⌘ and +
    Make everything on the page smaller ⌘ and -
    Return everything on the page to the default size ⌘ + 0
    Scroll down a webpage, a screen at a time Space
    Scroll up a webpage, a screen at a time Shift + Space
    Search the web ⌘ + Option + f
    Move your cursor to the beginning of the previous word in a text field Option + Left arrow
    Move your cursor to the back of the next word in a text field Option + Right arrow
    Delete the previous word in a text field Option + Delete
    Open your home page in the current tab ⌘ + Shift + h
    Reset page zoom level Command + 0

    Mouse shortcuts

    The following shortcuts require you to use your mouse:

    Action Shortcut
    Open a link in a current tab (mouse only) Drag a link to a tab
    Open a link in new background tab ⌘ + Click a link
    Open a link, and jump to it ⌘ + Shift + Click a link
    Open a link, and jump to it (mouse only) Drag a link to a blank area of the tab strip
    Open a link in a new window Shift + Click a link
    Open a tab in a new window (mouse only) Drag the tab out of the tab strip
    Move a tab to a current window (mouse only) Drag the tab into an existing window
    Return a tab to its original position Press Esc while dragging
    Save the current webpage as a bookmark Drag the web address to the Bookmarks Bar
    Download the target of a link Option + Click a link
    Display your browsing history Right-click Back
    Increase the window to full height Double-click a blank area of the tab strip



