1. You can't blend in when you were born to sand out.
blend: 混合. blender: 果汁机
blend in: if sb or sth blends in with people or objects, they match them or are similar and you do not notice them
The old house blends in perfectly with the countryside.
补充: a blended family: a family in which one or both parents have children from previous marriages living with the family.
2. Since I've never been to a new school before, I am pretty much totally and completely petrified.
petrified: extremely frightened, so frightened that you cannot move or think
I'm petrified of spiders.
He was petrified with fear when he saw the gun.
3. I saw Mom look at Lisa, who reached over and squeezed her hand.
squeeze: to press sth firmly together with your fingers or hand
She smiled as he squeezed her hand.
He squeezed the trigger, but nothing happened.
squeeze your eyes shut: to close your eyes very tightly
4. "Who's Mr. Tushman?" Via said groggily.
groggy: [ˈgrɒgi] weak and unable to move well or think clearly because you are ill or very tired 摇摆不稳的;头脑不清的
I felt really groggy after 15 hours on the plane.
5. I know the deli on the corner where Mom gets our bagels.
deli: [ˈdeli] delicatessen( [ˌdelɪkəˈtesn]) 的缩写 熟食店,a shop that sells high quality cheeses, salads, cooked meats etc
6. Only once did I look up to see some girls looking my way and whispering with their hands cupped over their mouths.
cup: (v.) 1. to hold sth in your hands, so that your hands form part of a circle around it
He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.
cup one's hand(s): to make a shape like a cup with your hand(s)
He struck a match and cupped his hand around the flame.

7. I just zoomed out of the class and down the hall.
zoom: 1. to go somewhere or do sth very quickly
Brenda jumped in the car and zoomed off.
The work was really easy and I was able to zoom through it in a coupe of hours.
2. also zoom up: to increase suddenly and quickly
Inflation zoomed to 123%.
zoom in: 聚焦
The camera zoomed in on the child's face.
8. Then she would tell the doctor when he made his rounds what needed adjusting or things like that.
round: the usual visit that sb, especially a doctor, regularly makes as part of their jobs 巡视; (医生)查房
I'm sorry. The doctor is out on her rounds.
9. You've been kind of huffy with her all night long.
huffy: in a bad mood because sb has offended you 怒冲冲的;气鼓鼓的
Some customers get huffy when you ask them for their ID.
10. "I'm sorry," I said between sniffles.
sniffle: (n./v.) 抽噎;抽鼻涕
"Please don't yell at me." She began to sniffle.
11. She was cutting one of the apples we had just gotten at the farmers' market into teensy-weensy bites so I could eat it.
teensy, weensy 都是小小的、微小的意思
teensy-weensy 极小的
12. I have an aversion to having my picture taken.
aversion: SYN hatred, a strong dislike of sth or sb
I have an aversion to housework.
Despite his aversion to publicity, Arnold was persuaded to talk to the press.
13. We were all huddled around the powders on a heating plate and make observations.
huddle: 1. 蜷缩 (because you are cold or frightened)
She huddled under the blankets.
2. 挤在一起;围在一起
People huddled around the radio waiting for news.
The executive board huddled to discuss the issue.
14. Then my hand accidentally bumped his hand for a fraction of a second.
a fraction of sth: a very small amount of sth
I got these shoes at a fraction of the original price.
She paused for a fraction of a second.
fraction: (n.) 分数
fractional: tiny
a fractional increase
a fractional hesitation before he said yes
15. Tristan jerked his hand away so fast he dropped his foil on the floor.
jerk: (v.) 猝然一动(to move with a quick sudden movement); 猛拉
Wilcox jerked his head to indicate that they should move in this way.
The sound of the phone jerked me awake.
She jerked open the car door and got out.
16. A towel was wrapped around the seat belt so I wouldn't drool all over her.
drool: (v.) 1. 流口水 SYN slobber, salivate
The dog was drooling at the mouth.
2. 对某人或某物露出痴迷的申请 drool over sb/ sth
Fashion designers drooled over every item.
17. He said he feels like throwing up.
throw up: vomit 呕吐
He was bent over the basin, throwing up.
throw sth up: 1. to produce problems, ideas, results etc
The arrangement may throw up problems in other areas.
2. informal, to suddenly leave your job, your home etc.
I can't just throw everything up and come and live with you.
18. I got out of going to school the next day, too, which was Friday.
get out of sth/ doing sth: stop doing sth or avoid doing sth
He's trying to get out of tidying his room.
See if you can get out of that meeting tomorrow.
I wanted to get out of teaching.
1. When given the choice between being right or being kind. Choose kind.
2. I was starting to think this was going to go down as one of the most awesome days in the history of my life.