

作者: 善水100 | 来源:发表于2023-11-16 15:23 被阅读0次

    The knees are bent and the pelvis is free--that is, not locked in a fixed position. This bodily posture allows the pressure to be transmitted to the knees, which act as shock absorbers. If the pressure is too great, the knees will give way.膝盖是弯曲,骨盆是自由的——也就是说,而不是锁定在一个固定的位置。这种身体姿势允许压力传递到膝盖,膝盖作为减震器。如果压力太大,膝盖就会消失。



    The effect of this position is to focus all the stress on the lumbosacral region,forcing the muscles of this area to become extremely tense这个位置的作用是将所有的压力集中在腰骶部区域,迫使这个区域的肌肉变得非常紧张

    Since the person is under continuous stress, any signifcant additional stress could result in a collapse of the back in this area.Another consequence of the state of contraction in the lumbosacral muscles is to cause undue wear and strain on the ligaments and bones of the invertebral joints, eventually causing an arthritic condition.



    this position is to focus all the stress on the lumbosacral regjon, forcing the muscles of this area to become extremely temse. Since the person is under continuous stress, any significant additional stress could result in a collapse of the back in this area.这个位置是要把所有的压力集中在腰骶肌上,迫使这个区域的肌肉变得非常剧烈。由于患者处于持续不断的压力下,任何显著的额外压力都可能导致该区域的背部崩溃。

    Another consequence of the state of contraction in the lumbosacral muscles invertebral joints, eventually causing an arthritic condition is to cause undue wear and strain on the ligaments and bones of the The figure at the right shows a different posture.The upper back is bowed, as if from the continual need to carry a heavy burden.椎关节内腰骶肌收缩状态的另一个后果,最终导致关节炎的原因是韧带和骨骼的过度磨损和紧张,右边的图形显示了一种不同的姿势。上背是弯曲的,好像不断的需要承担一个沉重的负担。


    The knees are bent, but this is offset by the forward position of the pelvis. In this posture the whole back has collapsed under the stress which spares the lumbosacral region. This is the typical posture of the masochistic character, who submits to pressure rather than stands up to it. The protection this attitude affords the lower back is bought at the expense of the total personality.膝盖是弯曲的,但这被骨盆的前方位置所抵消。在这种姿势下,整个背部在保护腰骶部区域的压力下都崩溃了。这是典型的受虐人格,他们承受压力而不是反抗压力。这种态度对下背部的保护是以牺牲整体人格为代价的。

    ——每一个人格结构,也是一种保护,也是一种限制,同时也是有功能性的。如果松解这个部分,会将其功能性暂时松掉,重新建立新的部分。我们有多大的能量可以笃定,又有多大的力量可以承担?Lowen说:I do not wish to give the impression that bioenergetics can resolve all buried conflicts, remove all chronic tensions and restore the full and free flow of feeling in a person's body.We may not fully achieve this goal but we do institute a process of growth that leads in that direction。




