
Impeachment in South Korea
Rule of eight
Park Geun-hye is forced from office, prompting a snap election
- SHE blocked investigators from entering the Blue House, the presidential residence where she had holed up after the National Assembly asked the constitutional court to remove her from office in December. She refused to be questioned, and attended none of the 20 hearings at which the court heard evidence against her. Three weeks ago she demanded the ejection of one of the justices hearing the case.
hole up: If you hole up somewhere, you hide or shut yourself there, usually so that people cannot find you or disturb you. (INFORMAL)
ejection: /i'dʒekʃən/ the act of forcing out someone or something 驱逐,逐出
It all did Park Geun-hye more harm than good. On March 10th she became the first president of South Korea to be removed from office by the court, which upheld the assembly’s impeachment motion. It determined that she had not only conspired with a confidante to extort money from big firms, but had also attempted to conceal her wrongdoing. Ms Park was permanently removed from office, cutting short her five-year term by 11 months.
2)这一切都对朴槿惠(的处境)害多利少。3月10日,她成为韩国第一位被法院免职的总统,该法院支持国会的弹劾议案。法院判决她不仅与闺蜜密谋从大公司勒索钱财,而且试图掩饰自己的不法行为。朴女士被永久免职,比她的5年任期缩短了11个月。 -
For the time being Hwang Kyo-ahn, the prime minister at the time of Ms Park’s impeachment, will stay on as acting president. But the court’s decision means that an election for a replacement must be held within 60 days; it was set this week for May 9th. Moon Jae-in, a former head of the opposition Minju party, who ran against Ms Park in 2012, is the favourite to win. His approval ratings hover around 32%, a full 15 percentage points ahead of the next-most-popular contender, Ahn Hee-jung, another progressive. Mr Moon says he can bring jaejosanha: a rebuilding of the country, after nearly a decade of conservative rule.
3)眼下黄教安,在朴女士弹劾案期间的总理,将继续担任代理总统。但法院的判决意味着更换(总统)的选举必须在60天内举行;本周将选举定在5月9日。文在寅,(韩国最大)在野党共同民主党前党首,曾在2012年与朴女士竞争,目前是获胜热门人物。他的支持率在32%左右徘徊,比紧随其后最受欢迎的候选人安哲秀领先整整15个百分点,安是另一位竞选总统的积极分子。文先生说,他可以带来“jaejosanha”,即:在近十年的保守统治后重建国家。 -
But Mr Moon remains divisive. Many associate him with “old-school leftism”, according to Choi Jin of the Institute of Presidential Leadership, a think-tank in Seoul—cooler on South Korea’s alliance with America, warmer on talking to North Korea. That puts off older voters, who see his approach as a threat to the country’s security (many carried the American flag at rallies protesting against Ms Park’s impeachment). Others among the millions of South Koreans who agitated for Ms Park’s removal from office expect the next president to satisfy their demands for a fairer political system.
puts off: To repel or repulse, as from bad manners: 使厌恶:使厌恶;使反感,如由于不礼貌:
e.g. His indifferent attitude has put us off. 他的冷淡态度使我们对他很反感
- Three parties have formed a coalition to call for a separate referendum to be held alongside the vote on May 9th, to limit the presidential term to four years with the possibility of a single re-election, as in America. Mr Moon says he supports some such reform in principle, but does not want to rush the decision or muddy the election campaign with it. Mr Choi says the question of whether there should be institutional checks on the head of state will be at the heart of the election.
muddy: If someone or something muddies a situation or issue, they cause it to seem less clear and less easy to understand.
e.g. It's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion.
For Ms Park’s successor, building consensus will be crucial, says Park Hyung-jun of Sungkyunkwan University (no relation). Hard generational divides have surfaced in the scandal: in recent weeks police have set up barricades at large demonstrations to stop Ms Park’s friends and foes clashing. A vocal, mostly older minority feels that Ms Park has been the victim of a left-wing witch hunt: on hearing the verdict outside the constitutional court, many wept and blared out the national anthem in defiance. Cheers rose from the jubilant anti-Park camp, as they struck gongs and danced to chants of “We won!”
6)对于朴女士的继任者,建立共识将是至关重要的,成均馆大学的朴亨俊认为(虽然同姓“朴”,但他与朴槿惠没有关系)。充满问题的代际分化已在丑闻中显现出来:最近几周,警方在大型游行示威活动中设置路障,阻止朴女士的支持者和反对者发生冲突。直言不讳的、大部分由老年人组成的少数派认为,朴女士一直是一位(遭受)左翼政治迫害的受害者:在宪法法院外听裁决时,许多民众痛哭流涕并高唱国歌以示抗议。而欢呼声从兴高采烈的反朴营地响起,他们敲锣打鼓手舞足蹈地高呼“我们赢了”!“ -
The court was unanimous in its verdict, even though five of the eight judges had a conservative bent and two had been appointed by Ms Park. The charges fell into five broad categories: abuse of authority in the appointment of government officials; failure to protect citizens’ lives; violation of press freedom; receiving bribes; and extortion in conjunction with Choi Soon-sil, a friend of many years. The justices concluded that there was not enough evidence to prove the first three claims, and did not even address the allegations of bribery. But Ms Park could not be trusted to uphold the constitution, they said, since she had divulged state secrets to Ms Choi (who held no official position) and colluded with her to coerce conglomerates to funnel donations to two cultural organisations that Ms Choi controlled.
7)法院判决一致,尽管八名法官中有五名是保守派,而且有两名是由朴女士亲自任命的。(对朴女士的)控告分为五大项:滥用职权任命政府官员;未能保护公民的生命;侵犯新闻自由;收受贿赂;伙同多年的朋友崔顺实一起勒索钱财。法官们得出结论说,没有足够的证据来证明前三项指控,甚至没有解决行贿指控。但他们认为朴女士不能维护宪法,因为她向崔女士(她不是官方人员)泄露国家机密,并勾结她要挟企业集团将捐款都送往崔女士掌管的两个文化组织。 -
The court also said that Ms Park’s attempts to hide the truth had hindered a parallel investigation by a special prosecutor, whom she herself had appointed in December after accusing the state prosecutors of bias. The justices noted that she had repeatedly pooh-poohed the accusations against her, “damaging the rule of law and representative democracy”. The aloof and imperious style that characterised Ms Park’s presidency also cut it short; Choi Jong-kun of Yonsei University says she “looked down on the entire legal process”.
8)法院还表示,朴女士隐瞒真相的企图阻碍了一位特别检察官的平行调查,这位检察官是由她在指控国家检察官存有偏见后于十二月亲自任命的。法官指出,朴女士曾三番四次对针对她的指控嗤之以鼻,“破坏了法治和代议制民主”。朴女士总统任期典型的冷漠和专横的风格也将此任期缩短。延世大学的崔钟建说她“看不起整个法律程序”。 -
Three-quarters of South Koreans approved of Ms Park’s impeachment—an extraordinary reversal for a dynast whose ascent to the presidency had long seemed inevitable. She herself believed she owed it to her parents: Park Chung-hee, who served as president for 18 years after seizing power in a coup, and Yuk Young-soo. Both were assassinated in separate incidents in the 1970s. Ms Park became an MP in 1998, and the leader of the main conservative party in 2004. Much of her support stemmed from a stubborn reverence for her father felt by older voters.
9)四分之三的韩国民众支持朴槿惠的弹劾——对于一个曾不可避免要升至总统的国家元首来说是一个非凡的逆转。她自己认为她的当选归功于她的父母:在政变中夺取权力后担任了18年总统的(父亲)朴同熙,以及(母亲)陆英修。两人在20世纪70年代分别被暗杀。1998年朴女士成为了国会议员,并于2004年成为主要保守党领袖。她大部分的支持源于年长选民对其父的忠实拥护。 -
On March 15th state prosecutors summoned Ms Park, who has lost her immunity from criminal investigation along with her job, as a suspect in the months-long investigation into her alleged abuse of power and the sordid collusion between political and corporate elites. High-ups in the chaebol, family-owned conglomerates which prospered under Ms Park’s father, have routinely been convicted of criminal wrongdoing, then offered presidential pardons. Ms Park herself granted dozens, despite a campaign pledge to limit a practice that “undermined the rule of law”.
10)3月15日,国家公诉人传唤了朴女士,她已失去公职以及刑事调查豁免权,作为一个嫌疑人经历了长达数月的调查,她涉嫌滥用职权以及在政治和企业精英之间卑鄙勾结。那些在其父任内发展壮大的财阀和家族企业的要员,经常因犯罪行为被定罪,随后却获得总统特赦。朴女士本人就准许过几十例(这种特赦),尽管她在竞选总统时信誓旦旦,保证限制“破坏法治”的行为。 -
This time Lee Jae-yong, heir to the Samsung empire, has been put behind bars while being tried for bribery . Samsung was the biggest donor to Ms Choi’s foundations—handing over 43bn won ($38m)—in return, prosecutors allege, for government support for a controversial corporate restructuring in 2015. Samsung admits it gave the funds, but says the donations were not in return for any favours. Ms Choi (who, the special prosecutor revealed, owns 36 properties and whose personal wealth stands at 23bn won) is also on trial.
11)这一次,三星帝国的继承人李在熔已经被监禁,正在因行贿接受审问。三星公司是崔女士基金最大的捐赠者——贡献了超过430亿韩元(3800万美元)——检察官指控,作为回报,政府于2015年支持其极具争议的企业重组。三星承认它提供了这笔资金,但表示捐款不图任何回报。崔女士(特别检察官透露,她拥有36处房产,其个人财富达到230亿韩元)也在受审中。 -
South Koreans will expect to see swift progress on these momentous trials, and due punishment. Every president since the country’s democratic transition in the 1980s has been ensnared by corruption scandals. The shift to a fresh political set-up fit for a modern, vibrant democracy has been too long delayed, says Mr Park of Sungkyunkwan University. In the early days of the scandal protesters, outraged by what they saw as a complete institutional breakdown, held placards asking, “Is this a country?” The day after the verdict, hundreds brandished new ones: “This is a country. This is justice.”
1、 法院判决她不仅与闺蜜密谋从大公司勒索钱财,而且试图掩饰自己的不法行为。