

作者: 小麦哥 | 来源:发表于2020-02-11 14:22 被阅读0次



(华盛顿) 在有关可能致命的传染病的发展方面,本周一卫生官员警告说,无法判断美国邮轮旅客的症状是被冠状病毒感染,还是他们本来就那样。 " 经过广泛的观察,我们仍然无法确定我国邮轮上的乘客是否感染了冠状病毒,也可能潜在的症状只是他们的生活方式选择的结果。" 卫生和公共服务部部长阿扎尔 ( Alex Azar ) 告诉记者,乘客的鼻子和头痛可能是由于几十年的饮食习惯不佳,以及缺乏室外活动的原因造成的。 他说:“我们接到了数十份报告说,一些美国人呼吸困难,普遍感到不舒服,虽然这绝对可能是冠状病毒的结果,但这也可能是因为在船上饮料喝得太多,海鲜自助餐吃得太多。某个时刻,我们相当确定我们发现了疫情,但事实证明,乘客大量出汗和苍白的皮肤是由于他们的电梯失灵而不得不走上一段楼梯的结果。” Azar 补充说, HHS 确定了美国邮轮上的乘客的皮肤浮肿,脱水和长期呕吐与冠状病毒毫无关系。

Health Officials Warn It Is Impossible To Tell If American Cruise Ship Passengers Suffering From Coronavirus Or Just Like That

WASHINGTON—In a concerning development regarding the potentially deadly epidemic, health officials warned Monday that it was impossible to tell if American cruise ship passengers had contracted coronavirus or if they were just like that. “After extensive observation, we are still unable to determine if the passengers aboard our nation’s cruise ships have coronavirus or if the potential symptoms are simply a result of their lifestyle choices,” said Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar, telling reporters that runny noses and headaches experienced by passengers may be due to decades of poor eating habits and lack of exposure to the outdoors. “We’ve received dozens of reports of Americans struggling to breathe and generally feeling unwell, and while this definitely could be a result of the coronavirus, it could just as likely be due to the prevalence of drink specials and all-you-can-eat seafood buffets aboard ship. At one point, we were fairly certain that we had found an outbreak, but it turned out the passengers’ profuse sweating and pallid skin were a result of them having to walk up a flight of stairs when the ship’s elevator was out of order.” Azar added that the HHS had determined that the bloated skin, dehydration, and prolonged vomiting experienced by American cruise ship passengers had nothing whatsoever to do with the coronavirus.


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