

作者: 清水七月 | 来源:发表于2016-07-10 00:22 被阅读0次

Project: A Letter for The Little Prince

Day 1:

Excuse me, (____,) can I go to the washroom, please?


Thank you.


Day 2:

Stand up.

Sit down.

Turn ____.

Clap your hands! Clap, clap!

Excuse me, can i go out, please?

- Sorry.

- Its okay.

Day 3,

How are you?

Its okay.

You are welcome.


After him.

Day 4,

Hi, ___.

Ms./Miss/Mr./Mrs. ___.


Dear ___.

Where are you now?

What are you doing now?

Read after me.

Day 5,

- How are you?

- I am great/good/ok/fine/tired/busy.

- thank you.

sorry/ excuse me.

sorry/pardon/pardon me/excuse me?

i need help.

Come here.

Go there.

Game :P

Put your hands up.


Day 6:

Follow me!

Read after me.

Day 7:

-Is it okay/alright/good?


yes, it's good/great.

Are you ok? Do you need help?

Yes, please.

Excuse me, ____, I need help.

No, I am good/Okay.

Excuse me, ____, could you help me, please?

Thank you, ____!

Thank you very much.

No, but thanks a lot.

No, thanks.

You are (very) welcome./Yep.

Good bye/Bye, ____.

Bye bye.

See you later/tomorrow/....

Day 8:

I like it.

I don't like it.

Just help youself.

I am hungry.

How many?

How much?

-What do/can you see in the picture?

-I see ____.

Day 9:

Wave you hands!

Shake your hands!

Touch you legs!

[Everyone get a sheet of paper with all the sentenses, read everything once]

Day 10:

[show how we read!]

Excuse me, can I borrow your ___, please?

Sure, here you are/take it.

Where is your book/homework?

It's at home/in the school.

[Everyone get a sheet of paper of 暑假英语学习交流掌握句式, everyone tries do it!]

Day 11:

[Lets make everything on the two sheets of papers be mineeeeee]

Day 12:

Lets move on!


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