The Influence of Burning of Air 

The Influence of Burning of Air 

作者: 一窝竹子 | 来源:发表于2017-12-21 19:38 被阅读11次

            As the world economics develops rapidly with increasing urbanization and industrial growth, the air quality get worse and worse. Nowadays, our living standard better and better. We have more completely medical facilities and skills, but there are still difficult miscellaneous diseases. Even so far as to a certain diseases of them are caused by air pollution.

            So in this article I want to explore if there are some relationships between the burning and air quality would be influenced by which kinds of substances burning. search the materials on school media center and search engine.

            I find that there are two main pollution ways through burning: biomass burning and chemical fuel combustion.  The study define that the coking plant to the atmosphere shoot H2S, phenol, benzene, hydrocarbons and other toxic substances; all kinds of chemical plants to the atmosphere discharge irritating, corrosive, odor or malodorous organic and inorganic gases; chemical fiber plants release H2S, NH3 , CS2, methanol, acetone, etc. ; the organic burning ,such as wood, leaves, grass, trash, etc. form carbon dioxide which cause global warming and water. And if they don't have a completely reflection, there are more kinds of pollutants formed. I am totally agree with this result. Because they have strict methodology to study it and the results experience many rigorous compared experiments.

            Combustion is a kind of chemical property which form new substances after refection. Different substances also form different new substances during the combustion. Biomass burning and chemical fuel combustion impact ambient environment a lot. When the new substances created, they would influence air quality and have a chemical reaction with air, such as acid rain. There is chemistry. When we get sick because of the air pollution, doctors cure us according to the pollutant deteriorated in condition. It's biology. Also, when we survey the influence of burning of air quality, the methodology we used is science.

            In conclusion, people burned fossil fuels such as cooking stoves and boilers due to their daily needs such as cooking, heating and bathing, so the SO2 emitted to the atmosphere; exhaust during production of many plants and industries and the production process emissions of various minerals and metal dust, shoot, fly ash, etc. formed during combustion of fuels, raw materials or product particulates discharged from various industrial processes, lead-containing compounds emitted from automobiles, and SO2 emitted from combustion of fossil fuels are converted to sulfates under certain conditions. We can clearly see that burning  definitely influences the air quality.


South African Journal of Science. "The composition of ambient and fresh biomass    burning aerosols at a savannah site, South Africa."May/Jun2016, Vol. 112 Issue 5/6, p55-62. 8p

website http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q520935583.htm the reason of pollution

Journal. Gurjar, B.R. Ravindra, Khaiwal. Nagpure, Ajay Singh."Air pollution trends over Indian megacities and their local-to-global implications."Atmospheric Environment


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      本文标题:The Influence of Burning of Air 
