CFA level I 公司金融错点

CFA level I 公司金融错点

作者: MrKingjyk | 来源:发表于2018-09-26 19:24 被阅读0次
  • The post-audit’s purpose is to explain any differences between the actual and predicted results of a capital budgeting project. This process can aid in indicating systematic errors, improve business operations, and provide concrete ideas for future investment opportunities.
  • Country equity premium = Sovereign yield spread × (Annualized standard deviation of equity index/Annualized standard deviation of the sovereign bond market in terms of the developed market currency)
  • remuneration/compensation 薪酬
  • Environmental, social, and governance investment analysis can be implemented across all asset classes and is not limited to equity investments. It is done to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a company’s risks and improve investment performance.
  • Financing costs are not included in a cash flow calculation but are considered in the calculation of the discount rate.
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  • If the systematic risk of the project is above average relative to the company’s current portfolio of projects, an upward adjustment is made to the company’s MCC or WACC.
  • A “pull” on liquidity occurs when disbursements are made too quickly (e.g., current liabilities are paid instead of being held or when credit availability is reduced or limited). A “drag” on liquidity occurs when receipts lag (i.e., non-cash current assets do not convert to cash quickly). Consequently, a reduction in a credit line is a “pull” on liquidity.
  • Smaller companies use collateralized loans, factoring, or loans from non-bank companies as their sources of short-term financing. Larger companies can take advantage of commercial paper, banker’s acceptances, uncommitted lines, and revolving credit agreements.
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      本文标题:CFA level I 公司金融错点
