

作者: AnnaLi_fed9 | 来源:发表于2018-04-19 20:47 被阅读0次

转Fiona:这是一位刚刚在Sanoviv接受了治疗的晚期肺癌患者的女儿写给Sanoviv医疗团队的一封回信,我现在转发到群里与各位分享                                      Dear Bruno,

Great to hear from you and I was about to send you an email.

My dad had a MRI Brain right after we came back from Sanoviv (April 10, 2018). As the attached report says, it's all clear, 'no new intracranial metastases detected'. Dad's oncologist here at Peter MacCallum Cancer center is very happy with the result and concludes that no radiation is needed.

Please pass along this good news to my dad's doctor team at Sanoviv. Thanks to all of them for their hard work and it works out well :-)

Dad has carried on the healthy life style he learned from Sanoviv. He's happier and relaxed. I also learned a great deal about healthy diet and pay attention to energetic body as well.

All in all, we're trying to apply what we learned and experienced in Sanoviv to our daily life and thinking. We're living a healthier and happier life, passing on positive energy to people around us as well.

Here I'm sending a few pictures that we took with the doctors and practitioners who helped us with their heart. Please forward them accordingly.

We thank you all and will always miss the time we spend at Sanoviv!



译文:尊敬的Bruno: 很高兴收到您的来信,我正想给您发邮件呢。我父亲从Sanoviv一回来就做了头部核磁检查(2018年4月10日),正如附件中的检查报告显示:未发现新的颅内转移病灶,Peter MacCallum 癌症中心负责我父亲的肿瘤专科医生对这个检测结果非常开心,并断定父亲没有必要再接受放疗了。请您把这个消息告知Sanoviv负责我父亲的医生团队,感谢医疗团队全体人员的共同努力,大家的努力已经取得了成效我父亲一直坚持从Sanoviv学到的健康生活方式,他现在生活的很开心,并且放松。我也学到了很多Sanoviv的健康饮食,并且更为关注身体能量。总之,我们正努力将从Sanoviv学到和经历的都应用于我们的日常生活和精神世界中,使我们的生活更加健康和快乐,并且将这种正能量传播给我们周围的朋友。随信附上几张我们与那些全身心帮助过我们的医生和其他医务人员的合影,并拜托您转发给他们。我们感谢大家,并将永远怀念在Sanoviv渡过的时光。



