NCE-2 28 No parking

作者: 愿景力 | 来源:发表于2017-01-11 00:31 被阅读4次

    Origin Content

    Lesson28 No parking 禁止停车

    Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. He has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with motorists. when he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate. Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once. Jasper has put up' No Parking' signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect. Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. Jasper hopes that she will turn motorists to stone. But none of them has been turned to stone yet!

    • rare 少见的;不常发生的 does not occur very often.
    • believe in 相信有…;认为…存在 If you believe in god, fairies, ghosts, or miracles, you are sure that they exist or happen.
    • ancient myth
      • ancient 远古的, 古代的
      • myth 1.神话 2.编造的故事(话)
    • ever
      • ever since 自从;打…以后一直 If something has been the case ever since a particular time, it has been the case all the time from then until now.

      He's been there ever since you left!
      This is the most awful evening I can ever remember.

    • motorist: a motorist is a person who drives a car.
    • because of: because of sth 导致事件发生
      • because 连词, because of 介词短语

      We spent three hours waiting in the rain because of you!

    • get sth phr-prep / get sth adj
      • 使陷入,使处于(某种状况或处境) To get someone or something into a particular state or situation means to cause them to be in it.

      I will get myself out of trouble.
      I don't know if I can get it clean.

    • even once 这不是短语
      • 这里是 even adv 的用法. 表达 甚至/连一次也
    • put up 'xxx' signs
    • have effect
      • have an effect on sb

      the effect that noise has on people in factories
      - take effect 起作用
      > International sanctions were beginning to take effect.国际制裁开始起作用了。

    • over the gate 没啥特殊, 意为在大门在边
    • Medusa, Gorgon 美杜莎, UK ['gɔ:.gən] US ['gɔ:r-] 戈耳戈蛇发女怪(古希腊神话中三个蛇发女怪之一,人见之即化为石头)
    • hope that
    • turn sb/sth into/to: (使)变成;(使)成为 To turn or be turned into something means to become that thing.

    A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale...在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。
    He soon turned his dreams to reality.他不久便梦想成真了。

    耗时: 36 分钟

    From Jasper's View:

    I have just bought a new house in the city. But ever since I (had) moved in, I has had troubles with the motorists here. When I go back(=> return) home, I always find that someone has parked cars(=> a car) outside my gate. Because of this, I am not (=> have not been) able to get my own car into the garage even once. I had(=> had) ever put up "No Parking" signs beside the gate, but it doesn't take any effect. I damn the motorists who stopped cars outside my gate. Now I put the head of Medusa -- the Gorgon, over the gate. I hope that Medusa will turn those motorists into stone. Up to now anyway, none of them has been turn to stone yet.


    • 现在完成时和一般时的使用场景还不是很熟练
    • return=go back
    • damn 只有谴责而没有咒骂的意思
      • swear at
      • curse sb for sth

    耗时: 35 分钟

    From One Of Motorist's View:

    I live in Bridge Street. Because of the lack of parking slots(=> space), I often park my car in front of a pretty house which faces my flat. I hear that the owner of the house has changed free weeks before. Some day later, a "No parking" sign has been put up beside the gate of the house. I think its owner is so stingy that he even doesn't allow motorists to park cars in front of his house in the street. I hate people like him, so I go on parking my car there. It seems that other motorists think like me. A few days later, an ugly face has been put over the gate of the house. I recognize it is Medusa, the Gorgon. According to the anncient myth, the ability of her is to turn people or animal into stone. How radiculous(=> ridiculous) he is! Anyway, it make no difference on whether I park my car outside his house.


    • 停车位 parking space/place/spot
      • 停车场 US. parking lot UK. car park
      • eg. 将有充足的停车位. Ample parking will be avaible.
      • 这里想表达可用车位车位不足, 而不是车位不足, 所以 the lack of available parking spaces 会更好.
    • 小气, 慷慨
      • 小气的, 吝啬的: parsimonious; stingy; niggardly; mean; tight
      • 慷慨: fervent(不吝惜) generous; liberal; unselfish; magnanimous
    • according to
    • ridiculous
    • make no difference / not make any difference 不影响

    耗时: 30 分钟


    • ever
      • ever since 自从;打…以后一直 If something has been the case ever since a particular time, it has been the case all the time from then until now.

      He's been there ever since you left!
      This is the most awful evening I can ever remember.

    • 停车位 parking space/place/spot
      • 停车场 US. parking lot UK. car park
      • eg. 将有充足的停车位. Ample parking will be avaible.
      • 这里想表达可用车位车位不足, 而不是车位不足, 所以 the lack of available parking spaces 会更好.

    (作文时间: 2017-01-10, 耗时: 90 分钟)


    (修改时间: 2017-xx-xx, 耗时: xx 分钟)




        本文标题:NCE-2 28 No parking
