

作者: HannahLin | 来源:发表于2018-11-04 23:56 被阅读0次

    Lesson 28 No parking

    Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. He has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners. When he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate. Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once. Jasper has put up' No Parking' signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect. Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. Jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone. But none of them has been turned to stone yet!

    ˈlɛsən 28 noʊ ˈpɑrkɪŋ

    ˈʤæspər waɪt ɪz wʌn ʌv ðoʊz rɛr ˈpipəl hu bɪˈlivz ɪn ˈeɪnʃənt  mɪθs.

    hi hæz ʤʌst bɑt ə nu haʊs ɪn ðə ˈsɪti, bʌt ˈɛvər sɪns himuvd ɪn, hi hæz hæd ˈtrʌbəl wɪð kɑrz ænd ðɛr ˈoʊnərz.

    wɛn hi rɪˈtɜrnz hoʊm æt naɪt, hi ˈɔlˌweɪz faɪndz ðæt ˈsʌmˌwʌn hæz pɑrkt ə kɑr ˈaʊtˈsaɪd hɪz geɪt.

    bɪˈkɔz ʌv ðɪs, hi hæz nɑt bɪn ˈeɪbəl tu gɛt hɪz oʊn kɑr ˈɪntu hɪz gəˈrɑʒ ˈivɪn wʌns.

    ˈʤæspər hæz pʊt ʌp noʊ ˈpɑrkɪŋ saɪnz ˈaʊtˈsaɪd hɪz geɪt, bʌt ðiz hæv nɑt hæd ˈɛni ɪˈfɛkt.

    naʊ hi hæz pʊt ən ˈʌgli stoʊn hɛd ˈoʊvər ðə geɪt.

    ɪt ɪz wʌn ʌv ði ˈʌgliəst ˈfeɪsəz aɪ hæv ˈɛvər sin.

    aɪ æskt hɪm wʌt ɪt wʌz ænd hi toʊld mi ðæt ɪt wʌz məˈdusə, ðə ˈgɔrgən.

    ˈʤæspər hoʊps ðæt ʃi wɪl tɜrn kɑrz ænd ðɛr ˈoʊnərz tu stoʊn.

    bʌt nʌn ʌv ðɛm hæz bɪn tɜrnd tu stoʊn jɛt!




    Someone who seems to have "turned to stone" becomes as unmoving and unemotional as a piece of rock. Sometimes a valuable gem is colloquially called a stone, and the hard pit in a plum or apricot is another kind of stone. A stone is also a unit of measuring weight in Britain—equal to 14 pounds.

    a lack of feeling or expression or movement

    “he must have a heart of stone

    “her face was as hard as stone

    a lack of affection or enthusiasm


    Greek mythology) a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena; she was slain by Perseus


    (Greek mythology) any of three winged sister monsters and the mortal Medusa who had live snakes for hair; a glance at Medusa turned the beholder to stone



    (Greek mythology) a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena; she was slain by Perseus


    (Greek mythology) one of the three Gorgons


    (Greek mythology) one of the three Gorgons


    If an event is rare, it doesn't happen often. If an object is rare, there aren't many of its kind. Obviously, finding a rare gem is a rare occasion.

    Rare comes from the Latin word rarus, meaning “widely spaced,” as rare things are — whether in actual space or in time. You thought it was rare to meet someone you have so much in common with, until he fainted looking at the rare steak you ordered. The rare that describes prepared meat actually has a separate origin: it comes from the long-gone word rear, meaning “half-cooked.”


    顺便复习复习How would you like your steak done? 是rare, medium-rare, medium,  medium-well or well done?



    1. 今天继续偷懒日,早上放了几遍原声,晚上九点多赶快录音。不喜欢这样匆忙的感觉,但是琐事一大半,幸亏还有些牵绊,知道要回家朗读。

    2. I've told the story to my son several months ago, he was so scared that he couldn't even go peeing himself, but he was also attracted by this story and kept asking me why Medusa was so bad that she turned everyone who had seen her into stone and if he has ever seen her before, would he be a stone. He said that thank god she was dead, or else he would not want to live in this world. This article just reminded me of the sweet moment with my son.

    3. 大爱vocab.com,解释的一清二楚还带例句,很想一个个查过去,看看会有怎样意想不到的解释。

    4.昨晚半夜听的Rachel's English,有一个视频,说她观察她20个月的儿子是如何学会讲话的,发现其中关键就是"重复",重复到你抓狂,所以,跟baby一样不断重复吧,直到形成说英语的肌肉记忆;第二个关键就是,化音标于无形,有时候音标只是参考,更重要的是,是the overall feeling of the sentence.小宝宝虽然唱歌含糊不清,但是不妨碍他哼歌,慢慢等他长得了之后,他才会把歌词跟曲子对上(我家娃儿也这样的,所以厉害的人都会观察总结)。模仿的时候,模仿整个句子的语调跟节奏,要比模仿单个单词甚至音标更有效,跟读一句话,跟着整个句子的节奏走。The feeling of the sentence is more important than the sound.


    所以,音标要学习,但是也不要钻牛角尖,多听native speakers的发音,不停模仿总没错。

    5. 说了不纠结,晚上还是花了一些时间查了been。听了一下been的发音,新概念原音读的是ben,查了一下https://forvo.com/search/been/,读什么的都有,/bin/或者/bɪn/或者/ben/,不过都是老美念成ben的音。youtube上面一个美语视频也是发ben,底下评论也有人说发成/bin/,应该老美喜欢发/ben/或者/bin/。so, 不纠结,都有人发,所以模仿的时候就尽量听原声模仿,自己习惯哪个说哪个好了。



      • David高_3b73:一句话练到顺了之后千万不要停下来,要继续练,20遍,30遍,40遍👍受教了🙏看来我的努力程度还不够,这就是发音还不标准的原因

